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更新时间:2018-12-29 浏览次数:460 类型:期中考试
  • 13. 听第一篇独白,回答问题。
    1. (1) The boy played football with his friends    .

      A . yesterday morning B . yesterday afternoon C . this afternoon
    2. (2)     boys played football on the street.

      A . Three B . Four C . Five
    3. (3) Li Lei'    was hurt.

      A . left leg B . right leg C . head
    4. (4) The driver    after the accident.

      A . drove the car away B . shouted to the boys C . took Li Lei to the hospital
    5. (5) Li Lei must ask for leave.

      A . 3 days' B . four days' C . a week'
  • 14. 听第二篇独自,回答问题。
    1. (1)     school held a sports meet.

      A . Last week B . Last month C . Yesterday
    2. (2) Bruce is good at    .

      A . long jump B . high jump C . running
    3. (3)       won the second place in the boys' high jump.

      A . Danny B . Bruce C . Paul
    4. (4) Rose took part in    .

      A . swimming B . high jump C . long jump
    5. (5)     won the first place in the table tennis game.

      A . Linda B . Ann C . Tina
  • 15. 你将听到的是一篇关于孩子们的周末活动的短文。请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。

    Happy Weekend



    What to do

    Fromp.m.to 8:30 p.m. Friday

    Sam's home

    Have aparty

    Saturday morning

    The West Park

    Have agame


    The West Hill

    Have a

  • 31. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

        Bruce's favorite food is chocolate(巧克力). His parents and teachers often say that it's bad for his 1to eat too much chocolate. But he doesn't 2 it. He often puts some chocolate in the milk 3 breakfast, the juice for lunch, even the soup for supper. His mother has to put4chocolate in his bag before he goes to school. Sometimes when she goes5with him. 6doesn't leave the shop until his mother buys some chocolate for him.

        The little boy7back from school with a painful(令人疼痛的)look yesterday afternoon. One of his teeth hurt and he couldn't eat anything for supper. His mother8 some soup for him. He wanted to put some chocolate in it, or he refused(拒绝)to drink it. His father bought some9for him, but it was no use. So this morning his mother took him to see a10. The dentist found that there was a cavity(洞)in his bad tooth. So he had to fill(填充)it with something.

        "Now, kid," said the dentist, "What kind of filling(填充物)would you like for that tooth?"

        "Chocolate, please." answered Bruce.

    A . leg B . mouth C . teeth D . nose
    A . know B . believe C . sure D . feel
    A . on B . of C . with D . for
    A . something B . anything C . some D . any
    A . swimming B . shopping C . fishing D . cleaning
    A . he B . she C . you D . they
    A . brought B . took C . went D . came
    A . gave B . made C . borrowed D . ate
    A . book B . medicine C . toy D . computer
    A . teacher B . farmer C . dentist D . worker
  • 32. 阅读理解

        My friend Joan is a nurse at the People's Hospital. She worked a year ago. She is a short beautiful girl with big eyes. Joan finds the work interesting, and the hours are not very long. Every day she works in a ward(病房)from eight to twelve. She brings the patients medicine, answers their telephones, and tries to be kind to everyone. She likes people even when they are not happy. In the afternoon. Joan has a rest. Then four days a week she goes to classes. She is learning first aid(急救)and Chinese. She is not good at Chinese, but she is good at first aid work. She is a good nurse.

    1. (1) What's Joan like?

      A . She is tall. B . She has small eyes. C . She is a short pretty girl with big eyes. D . She has a big nose.
    2. (2) What does Joan do in the morning?

      A . She has a rest. B . She goes to classes. C . She works in the ward. D . She learns first aid and chemistry.
    3. (3) When does Joan have a rest?

      A . In the morning. B . At night. C . In the afternoon. D . At noon.
    4. (4) How often does Joan go to classes?

      A . Three days a week. B . Four days a week. C . Two days a week. D . Never.
    5. (5) What is Joan good at?

      A . Action. B . Singing. C . Chinese. D . First aid.
  • 33. 阅读理解

        We may feel hungry(饿的) when we hear the words like pizza and French fries. A lot of people think these foods taste good. But I think they are not good for our body. They are junk food, and they will make us fat and unhealthy. We should eat these things in moderation. It means we cannot eat them too much. These foods are OK to eat once in a while, but we need to eat other things, too, because our body needs energy.

        We need some vegetables and fresh fruits every day. These foods give our body vitamins and nutrients(营养物质). Protein(蛋白质)is important, too. We can get protein by eating beans, meat and fish. Eggs and milk give you protein, too!

        Milk gives our body calcium(钙). Our body needs these to keep it working. Calcium is good for our bones and teeth.

        We only have one body. We must take care of it. Fruits, dairy(乳制品)and grains(谷物)are the part of it. We should often eat them. We must eat the right food to keep us healthy.

    1. (1) Which of the following is NOT mentioned(谈到)?

      A . Bread. B . French flies. C . Vegetables. D . Pizza.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word “moderation” mean in Chinese?

      A . 适量 B . 大量 C . 过量 D . 杜绝
    3. (3) Which of the following food can give our body protein?

      A . Beans and meat. B . Fish and eggs. C . Milk. D . All of the above.
    4. (4) We may get calcium by having      .

      A . pizza and French fries B . vegetables C . milk D . fresh fruits
    5. (5) How to keep a balanced diet?

      A . We should only eat fruits every day. B . We should only eat diary every day. C . We should only eat grains every day. D . We should eat fruits, dairy and grains every day.
  • 34. 任务型阅读

    ⑴Anne needs to find a job to make money.

    ⑵Amy likes collecting all kinds of stamps.

    ⑶Tony likes reading story  books before he goes to bed.

    ⑷Mrs. Chen needs a Chinese teacher to teach her son.

    ⑸The Greens need a swimming teacher.

    A. A teacher wanted

    We need an English teacher. If you hope to get the job,please call 8226-1133.

    B. A man is good at swimming. He wants to be a teacher.

    C. Advice on children's health, behavior and growth.

    D. Welcome. There are many kinds of story books here. You can read them at home.

    E. You can book the ticket at home.

    F. Chinese teachers teach your children to learn Chinese.

    G. Looking to buy or sell stamps? Visit stamp store, org.

  • 35. 请用适当的词完成下面这篇短文,每个空格只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

        Can children get AIDS(艾滋病)?Yes, but it is not very likely(可能的). A child could the HIV virus(病毒)in two ways.

        The first way is that a baby is born with the virus if the mother had the virus  carrying the baby. The baby doesn't have AIDS now,  the virus is in its system(系统).

        The secondis that the child has a disease called Hemophilia(血友病). The patients alwaysto get blood transfusions(输血). Through a transfusion, the child could get good blood to be. Before the discovery(发现)of AIDS, the HIV virus could be in transfused bloodnobody knows it. If the child's weak system already gets close to the virus, it may into AIDS quickly. Now, doctors will  blood before they use it for transfusions for the virus.

        We know it is safe to talk with or have dinner with. We should be friendly to them.

  • 36. 请阅读一篇有关上周星期五学校举办运动会的文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。

        Last Friday, we had a school sports meet. The weather wash t fine in the morning but in the afternoon it was sunny. It was an exciting sports meet. We all had a good time.

        I'm Wang Ting. I'm from Class 1. Grade 7. Wang Lin is my classmate. He won the boys'400-meter race. Li Tang won the high jump. Liu Gang won the first in the long jump. Class 1, Grade 9 won the boys' relay race. Class 6. Grade 8 won the girls' relay race. I also took part in the sports meet. But I was only the last one to pass the finish line in the girls' 100-race. I will practice running every day. I'm sure I can do better next time.

    Information Card


    The weather was  in the afternoon last Friday.


    Wang Lin was a boy from Class 1, Grade  .


    Liu Gang won the jump.


    Wang Ting only was the place.

    What to do

    Wang Ting will practice  every day.

  • 37. 随着人们生活节奏的加快,很多人忽视了强身健体的重要性,亚健康导致人们缺乏活力。请结合表格的信息,谈谈人们在生活中应该如何保持健康。

    Having healthy living habits

    Food, sports…

    Being happy every day

    Making friends…

    Staying away from…

    Smoking, drinking

