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更新时间:2019-01-16 浏览次数:408 类型:月考试卷
一、听小对话,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) How long did the boy spend his holiday on a small hill?
      A . For 25 days. B . For 30 days. C . For 35 days.
    2. (2) How did the boy get his food and water?
      A . From the farmers. B . From his friends. C . By himself.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) When did the speakers' winter holiday begin?
      A . Today. B . Last Sunday. C . Yesterday.
    2. (2) What does the weather report say?
      A . It will be snowy tomorrow. B . It will be colder tomorrow. C . It will be windy tomorrow.
    3. (3) How many people will probably visit the woman's house?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four.
  • 8. 听独白,回答问题
    1. (1) What does the writer think of her boss?
      A . A little unusual. B . Very confident. C . Quite outgoing.
    2. (2) Which place does the boss bring his dog to?
      A . To the office. B . To the movies. C . To the church.
    3. (3) What's the name of the dog?
      A . Jason. B . David. C . Tommy.
    4. (4) What does the dog look like?
      A . Big and white. B . Small and white. C . Big and black.
    5. (5) What does it mean if the writer can't see the dog under the boss' desk?
      A . The boss is angry. B . The boss is sad. C . The boss is out.
  • 9. 阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

        When you meet Esther Okade, she seems really like a 110-year-old child. She loves dressing up as Elsa from Frozen(《冰雪奇缘》),2 Barbie toys and going to the park or shopping. But what makes the British youngster stand out is the3that she's also a university student.

        Esther, from Walsall, a town of the UK, is one of the country's4college student. The talented 10-year-old girl5the Open University in January this year and is already top of the class.

        It's so interesting. she says. It was super easy. My mom taught me6a nice way.

    She adds, I want to finish the7in two years. I want to have my own bank by time I'm fifteen years old8I like numbers and I like people and banking is a great way to help people.

        And when people think her parents have9her into starting university early, Ester disagrees. Esther10wanted to start when she was seven. But her mom thought she was too young. After three years of11, mother Efe agreed to take the idea at last.

    Esther's mother noticed her daughter's natural ability for12shortly after she began homeschooling her when Esther was only three.13, Esther's parents took her into a private school. But after a few short weeks, Esther cried out in tears and she said, I don't want to go back to that school. They14don't let me talk!

        In the UK, you do not have to start school until you are five. Education is not compulsory(义务的)until that age so I thought OK, and15will be doing little things at home until then.

        Maybe by the time she's five she will change her mind. said Esther's mother.

    A . strange B . common C . brave D . helpful
    A . putting on B . waiting for C . laughing at D . playing with
    A . fact B . news C . report D . prize
    A . wildest B . youngest C . funniest D . friendliest
    A . finished B . left C . entered D . owned
    A . in B . by C . with D . on
    A . game B . course C . match D . report
    A . because B . if C . although D . unless
    A . put B . brought C . pushed D . pulled
    A . finally B . properly C . especially D . actually
    A . following B . teaching C . asking D . shopping
    A . toys B . math C . dresses D . music
    A . In fact B . So far C . At first D . As usual
    A . only B . still C . just D . even
    A . I B . we C . you D . they
  • 10. 阅读理解

    1. (1) The passage is probably taken from a _______.
      A . daily newspaper B . sports poster C . fashion magazine D . travel website
    2. (2) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
      A . The programs are designed for children as well as adults. B . Children can take the basketball camp from 30 March to 1 April. C . Those who apply earlier may pay less money for the same program. D . All the coaches will be from top level state or national sports teams.
    3. (3) We can get further information about the sports camps by _______.
      A . sending a message B . visiting their website C . learning new skills D . talking with our coaches
  • 11. 阅读理解

        In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join environment clubs. In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean.

        Here are some things students often do.

        No-garbage lunches. How many lunch bags do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school.

        No-car day. On a no-car day, nobody comes to school in a car including the students and the teachers. Cars give pollution to us, so remember:

        Walk, jump, bike, or run!

        Use your legs! It's lots of fun!

        Turn off the water! Do you know that some toilets can waste twenty to forty cubic meters of water an hour? In a year, that would fill in a small river. In the environment clubs, students mend those broken toilets.

        We love our environment. Let's work together to make it better.

    1. (1) Environment clubs ask students _______.
      A . to run to school every day B . to take exercise every day C . not to have lunch at school D . To bring their lunches in the used bags
    2. (2) From the passage we know the students usually have lunch _______.
      A . at school B . in shops C . in clubs D . at home
    3. (3) After students mend toilets they save _______.
      A . a small river B . a club C . a lot of water D . a toilet
    4. (4) The writer wrote the passage to ask students to _______.
      A . clean schools B . make less pollution C . join clubs D . help teachers
  • 12. 阅读理解

        Charles sat in the cafeteria with five other students, waiting for Ms. Swanson to interview all of them. Ms. Swanson, the seventh-grade science teacher, was looking for a lab helper. Charles's hands were wet and his face felt hot. He wondered if his face was red—and if anyone would notice.

        As he prepared for his interview, Charles reviewed a set of index(索引)cards with notes that he made earlier. On each card, he had written an answer to a question that Ms. Swanson might ask.

        The eyewash station is not a place to get a drink of water, he quietly read from one card.

        Charles decided to check out the other candidates(候选人). Nearby, a girl with dark red hair was mixing her own set of index cards. He watched as she tore (撕碎)a card into tiny pieces and put the pieces into a pocket. Suddenly she looked up at Charles. Are you nervous? she asked.

        No, I'm not nervous—not at all, Charles stammered(结巴). What about you?

        Uh, no, me neither, the girl answered.

        At that moment, Ms. Swanson appeared. Charles Locke? she called out.

    1. (1) What is the passage mostly about?
      A . Waiting to be interviewed. B . Working as a science teacher.B. Making notes on index cards. D. A demanding science teacher.
    2. (2) What is most likely to happen next in the story?
      A . Charles will talk to Ms. Swanson. B . Charles will tear up his index cards. C . Charles will help the girl prepare for her interview. D . Charles will decide not to try for the job.
    3. (3) You can tell that the girl is nervous because _______ .
      A . her face turned red B . she tears up one of her index cards C . her hands are wet D . she reads her index cards
    4. (4) The student who gets the job will be working _______ .
      A . in the cafeteria B . in the science lab C . at the library D . at the eyewash station
  • 13. 阅读理解

        Sam Geezer is a retired(退休的)doctor and has decided to open a medical clinic(诊所). He put a sign up outside that said: Dr. Geezer's Clinic. Get your treatment for 500 yuan. If you are not cured(治愈的), you will receive a refund(退款)of 1,000 yuan.

        One day, Thomas passed by the clinic and saw the sign. He thought this would be a great chance for him to make some money. So he went to Dr. Geezer's clinic.

        Thomas said: Dr. Geezer, I have lost the sense of taste in my mouth. Can you please help me?

        Dr. Geezer said, Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops (滴)in his mouth.

        After receiving the drops, Thomas shouted: Agh! This is gasoline(汽油)!

        Dr. Geezer said: Congratulations! You've got your sense of taste back. That will be 500 yuan.

        Thomas was annoyed and left the clinic. But he went back after a couple of days to try to get his money back.

        Thomas said: I have lost my memory. I cannot remember anything.

        Dr. Geezer said, Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient's mouth.

        Thomas said, Oh no, you don't... that is gasoline!

        Dr. Geezer said: Congratulations! You've got your memory back. That will be 500 yuan.

        Thomas had lost 1,000 yuan. He left angrily and came back after several more days.

        Thomas said: My eyesight has become weak. I can hardly see anything!

    Dr. Geezer said, Well, I don't have any medicine for that, so here's your 1,000 yuan back. He then gave Thomas 10 yuan.

        Thomas said, But this is only 10 yuan!

        Dr. Geezer said: Congratulations! You got your vision back! That will be 500 yuan.

    1. (1) Why did Thomas go to the clinic for the first time?
      A . Because he was really ill. B . Because he knew the doctor. C . Because he couldn't see very well. D . Because he wanted to get some money.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word annoyed mean?
      A . It means angry. B . It means disappointed. C . It means excited. D . It means lucky.
    3. (3) Which of the following statements is true?
      A . Thomas paid 500 yuan in total. B . Dr. Geezer gave all the money back to Thomas. C . There was nothing wrong with Thomas. D . Thomas had some physical problems, so he went to the clinic.
    4. (4) Which do you think is the best title of the passage?
      A . A Foolish Patient B . A Clever Doctor C . A Medical Clinic. D . A Good Way to Make Money
  • 14. 任务型阅读

        I've got some information for everyone going to Britain next month. As you know, you'll be staying with a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about £30 in cash(现金)and about £200 in traveler's cheques(支票). Then when you arrive at the airport you'll be met by our host(主人)family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. I've told them to look out for the red shirts. You'll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, it's very important that you take the school letter. While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our agent(代理人). I'll give you her office phone number now: It's 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher, that's B-E-L-C-H-E-R.

        She's in the office from 9-5 every day. OK! That's everything. Have a good trip.



    Money-cash: £30

    Traveler's cheques:



    Office phone number:

    Ask for:

  • 15. 用方框中所给的词完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确。每词限用一次。

    A. warn        B. aloud        C. convenient        D. connect        E. east        F. beside

    1. (1) I practice my spoken English by reading every day.
    2. (2) Alice lives just next to the market, and it's very for her to go shopping.
    3. (3) The sun rises in the every morning.
    4. (4) —Where is the post office?

      —Well, it's on your right, the library.

    5. (5) Good learners often what they need to learn with something interesting.
    6. (6) Parents Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn't want to end up with nothing.
  • 16. 单词拼写

        Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in Canada, and it is held on the second Monday in October. On Thanksgiving Day, all schools and post offices are closed. Many stores are not open for (生意). Many people have a day off on the (第二)Monday of October.

        They often use the three-day Thanksgiving weekend to visit their (亲戚)and friends.

        Many people also prepare a special meal to eat in the dining room or in the (花园). If someone invites you to his or her home during the Thanksgiving festival, they will (招待) you well. And you had better bring the host a (礼物)to thank him or her.

        The Thanksgiving weekend is also a popular time to take a (短期的)autumn vacation. The most popular Thanksgiving activities include: going outside to (欣赏)the beautiful colors of the Canadian autumn, hiking, and fishing. On weekends, football fans may (躺)on the sofa and watch the Thanksgiving Day Classic matches.

  • 17. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或者用括号中词语的正确形式填空。每空不超过两词。

        A boy was sent by his parents to a boarding school(寄宿学校). Before he was sent, this boy was very excellent student in his class. the boy changed a lot when he went to the boarding school. His grades started dropping. And sometimes he even felt like killing (he). All of this was because he felt no one loved him. His parents worried about the boy so much his dad decided to go to his school and talk with him. The father began asking him some questions his classes, teachers and sports.

        After some time, his dad said, Do you know I am here today, son?

        The boy answered back, To check my grades?

        No, no his dad replied, I am here to tell you that you are the (important) person in my life. I want to see you happy. I don't care about grades. I care about you. I care about your (happy). YOU ARE MY LIFE!

        These words caused the boys eyes to fill with tears and he hugged his dad for a long time without (say) a word.

        Now the boy had everything he wanted. He knew there was someone on this earth who cared for him (deep). And today this young man is in college at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him sad!

  • 18. 随着生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的人外出旅游,为倡导安全、文明、快乐旅行,校刊“Happy Teens”正在进行关于“Tips for a Safe and Nice Trip”的征文活动,请根据以下提示写一篇英语文章,谈谈你的想法和建议。

    Tips for a Safe and Nice Trip


    decide where to go, how to go, when to leave

    learn something about the place

    take your licenses (ID cards ,students cards)…


    watch out for the traffic…

    Good manners

    not talk loudly in public






    Tips a Safe and Nice Trip

