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  • 1. (2018高二上·诸暨期中) 阅读理解

        Edward Hibberd Johnson was an American inventor. He lived in New York City in the 1800s. In 1882, Johnson had an idea. It would change the look of Christmas forever.

        Johnson worked as a boss at a technology company. In 1871, he hired a young man to work for him. The man's name was Thomas Edison. Edison was a great worker. He came up with many new ideas. Later, Edison left to start his own company. Johnson followed him. Johnson started turning Edison's ideas into money. In 1880, Edison invented the light bulb. No one knew how much it was worth. At the time, most homes did not have the electricity to power it. However, Johnson helped start a company to sell the bulbs.

        Before long, Mr. Johnson had a bright idea. Christmas trees were very popular. They were so beautiful because of their candles. Flickering (闪烁的) flames were perfect for Christmas. But they were also dangerous. They could easily start a fire.

        Mr. Johnson thought of a way to fix this. He set up a Christmas tree by one of his windows. Then he took 80 colored light bulbs and hung them around it. The lights were red, white and blue. People on the street stopped to look. They admired the shining Christmas tree. It was so popular that Johnson made it a tradition. Each year he added more lights. In 1884, there were 120 light bulbs on his tree. The lights were not cheap. In 1900, a string of 16 bulbs cost $12. That was a lot of money back then, because people made less. In today's money, that is about $350. But over time, they started to cost less. By the 1930s, colored light bulbs were everywhere.

        Today millions of light sets are sold in America each year. They light 80 million homes. Some of them are now used for other holidays too. They are used on Halloween and Valentine's Day. But it all started with Johnson's Christmas tree.

    1. (1) What do we know about Edward Hibberd Johnson?
      A . he came up with the idea for Christmas tree lights B . he employed Thomas Edison to invent the light bulb. C . he adovacated setting up a Christmas tree in America. D . he built up a company to provide electricity for many homes.
    2. (2) Johnson used colored light bulbs to replace tree candles mainly to_______.
      A . develop a new tradition B . make a Christmas tree safer C . to make Christmas popular D . to attract people to his company
    3. (3) Why didn't people decorate their Christmas trees with lights in the early 1900s?
      A . The light bulbs were not available on the market. B . They preferred candles to colored light bulbs. C . People didn't know much about electricity. D . They couldn't afford to pay for the light bulbs 
