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  • 1. (2018高一下·潮州期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        One year after Tom was born, his parents had a car accident. They never 1. Tom's 85-year-old grandmother was too 2 to take care of him. As a result, he was put up for adoption (领养). He was adopted by a middle-aged couple who had no 3 of their own. They were not rich and received little education, but they were kind-hearted people.

        As Tom was growing up, he 4 a lot of problems at school. He didn't learn 5 and had trouble in reading. His 6 sometimes laughed at him. What they said made Tom 7.

        As he couldn't 8the other students at school, he dropped out of school and came back home. But he didn't stop learning. He had big dreams. Though he didn't learn fast, he kept teaching himself at home.

        After many years of learning at home, he 9 overcame his difficulties. Today he is a very 10 speaker and author. While he was growing up, his self-esteem (自尊) and 11 were low because of others' making fun of him. It took him many years to realize his dreams.

        When listening to his videos and tapes, he shows confidence. He tells about his 12 and how he overcame the challenges in his life. He has a very 13 sentence: “You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present situations 14 you change.”

        For those who have low self-confidence, I suggest you start reading about Tom's world. Many people have so much potential (潜能) to be discovered. If you have a dream, then start today to move yourself towards it. If someone like Tom who has 15 in learning can make such achievements, why can't you succeed?

    A . returned B . called C . imagined D . planned
    A . busy B . old C . poor D . mean
    A . friends B . students C . kids D . parents
    A . explored B . brought C . faced D . solved
    A . willingly B . proudly C . carefully D . quickly
    A . sisters B . classmates C . brothers D . teachers
    A . sad B . bored C . tired D . confused
    A . compete with B . get familiar with C . agree with D . catch up with
    A . strangely B . immediately C . finally D . luckily
    A . honest B . strong C . smart D . successful
    A . confidence B . mood C . grade D . talent
    A . family B . habit C . story D . hobby
    A . long B . encouraging C . simple D . interesting
    A . unless B . when C . since D . although
    A . gift B . difficulty C . dreams D . fun
