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  • 1. (2024高一上·深圳期末)  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

     It was nearly dinner time when my 5-year-old daughter rushed into the house. Tears rolled down as she 1  her two hurt arms. I tried to persuade her to 2 , as that was the fourth time she had crashed that day. I told her that children of her3  usually rode with training wheels (辅助轮). But she 4  my advice and as soon as the bandages (绷带) were stuck on her 5 , she headed back out the door.

    I watched from the kitchen window as she 6 time after time. I wanted to run out there and make her stop, 7 I couldn't. I would have to let go. 8 , she had agreed to wear her brother's helmet and knee pads (护膝).

    Later that very evening, as I was washing the remaining dishes, I heard my daughter shout 9 to me. I rushed outside and sighed with 10 to see that she was riding down the driveway with both her 11 held high in the air. "Look, Mom, no hands!" she said, 12 as she rode by.

    I suppose there will be many times to 13 when my daughter will need me to simply 14 . Although it won't be 15 , I'll always remember how she taught me sometimes "no hands" is best.

    A .  turn out B .  held out C .  picked up D .  set up
    A .  continue B .  begin C .  stop D .  leave
    A .  size B .  class C .  age D .  area
    A .  doubted B .  followed C .  asked D .  ignored
    A .  feet B .  arms C .  fingers D .  head
    A .  fell B .  ran C .  appeared D .  rested
    A .  but B .  and C .  so D .  for
    A .  In fact B .  After all C .  So far D .  At once
    A .  helplessly B .  loudly C .  angrily D .  gently
    A .  relief B .  disappointment C .  shock D .  peace
    A .  legs B .  eyes C .  hands D .  ears
    A .  jumping B .  dancing C .  moving D .  laughing
    A .  come B .  lose C .  offer D .  happen
    A .  watch out B .  turn around C .  let go D .  pass by
    A .  different B .  perfect C .  necessary D .  easy
