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  • 1. (2024高三上·内江月考)  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    The Habits of Recovering Procrastinators(拖延者)

    We all procrastinate (拖延) occasionally. Procrastination can be defined as delaying a project, a task or an intended course of action, despite expecting to feel the guilt or shame of the delay. I have developed some habits that will allow you to live in the present, be much more productive and remove the procrastination that no longer serves you.

    Manage yourself in Time. Becoming a recovering procrastinator requires developing a much greater sense of time — one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year. 

    You then gain a better understanding of how to manage your time effectively and make steady progress towards your goals.

    Set small goals. They desire to have a half-a-million-dollar year in their first year as a business owner or to make a remarkable leap from a high-school actor to winning an Oscar. Instead, what typically happens is that they fall apart emotionally. Those breakdowns lessen the emotional energy necessary to progress toward their goals.

     If you tend to procrastinate, keeping an organized list helps you develop much more focus. By actively committing your tasks to writing, you break free from the aimless spinning and equip yourself to overcome procrastination.

    Rank tasks by importance. Develop the habit of organizing your tasks based on their significance. This way you'll prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed and ensure that essential work gets done.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. Overcoming procrastination is a journey filled with ups and downs. Remember to be kind and patient with yourself along the way. You've got this, and I believe in you.

    A. Document your tasks and thoughts.

    B. It's common for procrastinators to aim high.

    C. You can establish a daily or weekly timetable.

    D. Overcome procrastination with organized focus.

    E. Identify the most critical ones and tackle them first.

    F. This is breaking down tasks into manageable time frames.

    G. You'll encounter roadblocks and experience moments of frustration.
