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  • 1. (2023九上·防城期中) 阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Tom was good-looking, but he got angry easily. He often shouted at his family. He liked laughing at others' looks. And he never used 1 words like "please", "thank you" or "sorry".

    One day, Tom was playing outside. An old woman 2 to ask him the way to the park. Tom shouted at her, "Go and ask someone else! Don't you see I'm3 ? "Feeling unhappy, the old woman decided to teach Tom a lesson. She said, "From now on, scars(疤痕)will appear on your4 whenever you say bad words. "Tom laughed, "It's no use saying scary words. I'm not a little baby. "

    That evening, Tom shouted at his mother because he didn't like the food for dinner. 5 , a scar appeared beside his nose. Then he ordered his brother to pass him a fork. Another scar appeared next to his mouth. "What's wrong with your face, Tom? " his sister asked6

    Thinking of the7  woman, Tom lost control(失控)and said many bad words. Then he rushed to his room and looked at himself in the mirror. His face was full of scars. He felt sad and started 8 . He knew his mistakes. 

    Then his parents came to his room. "Could you please leave me alone for some time? " said Tom. 9 he said the word "please", one of his scars disappeared. That made Tom10 . He started being polite to others the next day. Slowly, all his scars disappeared. 

    A .  long B .  polite C .  simple 
    A .  agreed B .  expected C .  stopped 
    A .  playing B .  running C .  studying 
    A .  head B .  mouth C .  face 
    A .  Slowly B .  Suddenly C .  Luckily 
    A .  in person B .  in scilence C .  in surprise 
    A .  old B .  young C .  friendly 
    A .  smiling B .  crying C .  laughing 
    A .  As soon as B .  So that C .  no matter 
    A .  sad B .  nervous C .  happy
