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  • 1. (2023高三上·长沙开学考)  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Organize Your Digital Files

    Searching for a file on your computer is a whole lot easier than digging through a pile of papers, yet it'sfar from being a perfect system. Lately, it's been hit-or-miss for me.I hope some of these tipswill help you.

    Use "resources", "in progress", "final", and "scrap" folders for projects.

    There are plenty of ways to title your subfolders for projects,but one of the most intuitive(使用简便的)is to have folders for stages of your project.

    The "resources" folder is for things like images, documents, and other items that are needed to completeyour project. "Final," as you might imagine, is for the project files once the project has beenapproved and is done. "Scrap" is for anything you want to save from the project that doesn't belong in the"final" folder.

    It's near impossible to find a photo quickly when you have thousands of photos all named somethinglike "20211108_0978234.jpg." So for photos, I like to have a date structure and folders for key events orcategories, such as: 2021 >01 (for the month)>2021-01 Mom and Dad 50 Anniversary LA. This way, youcan either browse your photos by year and month or search for folders that include "Mom", "Dad","Anniversary", or "LA. "

    Use tags.

    In addition to creating a folder structure that works for you, consider tagging files. Say,for example, you want to see all of your photos for all of your holiday celebrations. You can set up a tag for"holidays." And then to narrow down the results, you can search using the tag.


    A.With tags, you can connect multiple files across folders.

    B.For photos, use a date structure and keywords for your folders.

    C.This way,you can always know which is the final project file to grab.

    D.The standards will keep files organized and make them easier on the eye.

    E."In progress" is for the current working version or versions of the project.

    F.To find files more efficiently, I've been rearranging my digital filing system.

    G.Move your photos to a more specific folder or back them up on an external storage device.
