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  • 1. (2022高二上·海门月考)  阅读理解

    After a 141-day adventure, Brendon Prince is in a position to become the first person to complete a circumnavigation(环线航行)of mainland Britain on a standup paddleboard____(桨叶式冲浪板), covering nearly 2,500 miles.

    Prince, a father of three, paddled up to 16 hours a day, with the last leg (一段行程) on Tuesday a 25-mile trip along the Devon coast to his home in Torquay in relatively good conditions. "It feels great," he told The Guardian as he paddled to his final destination on his board.

    Prince began his trip at the end of April when, in his words, he turned right out of Torquay ― and then headed clockwise(按顺时针方向)around Britain. He estimates that he has put his paddle into the water 8 million times. It was all done in the spirit of adventure but also to raise awareness of water safety. Prince was an off-duty lifeguard when he took part in an attempt to save a group of holidaymakers who got into trouble in the water at Mawgan Porth, in north Cornwall, in 2014. Three of the visitors drowned.

    From that day, he has made it his life's mission to teach drowning prevention, founding the charity Above Water. Money raised during his circumnavigation will be used to develop a water safety app for schools. He said, "If just one child stayed safe when near water having heard about this achievement, it would have been worthwhile."

    Prince said the north was the coldest, the east the windiest, the south the most "gnarly" (which he defines as a state that leaves you feeling somewhere between feeling uncomfortable and feeling in danger), while the west was the wildest. Prince paddled without a support boat and the longest distance covered in a single day was 47 miles. The shortest, when the weather was particularly poor, was just over a mile. Prince said paddling in human-made environments proved trickier than in natural ones. "Nature is easier to predict than humans," he said.

    1. (1) What did Prince do in 2014?
      A . He received lifeguard training. B . He took a holiday in Cornwall. C . He saved some people from drowning. D . He got into trouble with some holidaymakers.
    2. (2) What will the money raised during Prince's circumnavigation be used for?
      A . Creating an app for schools. B . Promoting the use of a new app. C . Improving school buildings in Torquay. D . Providing swimming lessons for children in Torquay.
    3. (3) Which words can best describe Prince's trip?
      A . Long but fruitless. B . Short but meaningful. C . Difficult and dangerous. D . Unpredictable and little-known.
    4. (4) Where is the text probably from?
      A . A guidebook. B . An official document. C . A news report. D . A science journal.
