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  • 1. (2022高一上·黑龙江月考)  阅读理解

    In senior high school, I went on a school trip to New York. The school had us wear name tags(牌)with our school name on it. Since all the attractions we visited were popular with school groups, the tags let the teachers know we should be with our group. If any of us separated from the group, teachers would quickly call us back.

    Some students had tried to hide or throw away their name tags to avoid this, so our head teacher — a very strict lady — announced that anyone found without the name tag would have to spend the rest of the trip within six feet of her at all times and then have a month's worth of lockdown when we got back.

    While we were all on a ferry(渡船), we were allowed to go around. I was playing with friends when I noticed something white flying down to the water below. I didn't realize it was my name tag until it was way too far to reach. I started to freak out at once. I had never gotten into trouble at school before or had even a single punishment, and I would possibly face a month's worth of them! After thinking for a moment, I finally decided to just tell the head teacher what had happened.

    I went to the head teacher and explained very nervously to her. Instead of shouting at me, she took out another name tag and handed it to me. She said, "I have prepared several more name tags in case something unexpected happens." Then she smiled at me, "Did you think you would get lockdown? Don't worry; that's just for the trouble-makers in order to stop them losing it on purpose. I believe you're a good kid. Don't be worried about this. But be careful later."

    When I heard these words, tears came to my eyes. What a kind teacher she is! While staying with her we really respect her willingly.

    1. (1) What would happen to the kids if they lost their name tags according to the head teacher?
      A . They would get another tag at once. B . They wouldn't be allowed to continue to visit attractions. C . They must stay close to the head teacher while visiting and get punished later. D . They would be punished by the teacher for over a month.
    2. (2) What does the underlined phrase "freak out" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
      A . Become very excited. B . Become very interested. C . Become disappointed. D . Become very afraid.
    3. (3) What is the reason why the head teacher didn't punish the writer?
      A . The head teacher was unfair in fact. B . The head teacher liked the writer very much. C . The head teacher knew she didn't lose her name tag on purpose. D . She was always the best kid in the head teacher's eyes.
    4. (4) Which words can describe the head teacher correctly?
      A . Strict, fair, careful, but impatient. B . Strict, kind, thoughtful, and responsible. C . Thoughtful, kind, careful, but unfriendly. D . Brave, careful, knowledgeable, and honest.
