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  • 1. (2023九上·长沙开学考) 阅读选择                                                                                                                                         

    Traditional Greetings of Welcome

    New Zealand

    People touch their noses together when they meet. It's called the "hongi".


    People receive a visitor by pressing the visitor's nose before breathing deeply. It's called the "kunik".


    People press their hands together and say "Sawaddee" before bowing their head to welcome visitors.


    People dance the "adamu" and often try to make the highest jump to welcome visitors. Sometimes they also offer a mixture of cow's blood and milk to drink.

    1. (1) What is the traditional greeting of Greenland called?
      A . The hongi. B . The kunik. C . The adamu.
    2. (2) Where would you possibly get a glass of milk with cow's blood?
      A . In Kenya. B . In Thailand. C . In New Zealand.
