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  • 1. (2023高二下·江西月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I noticed a dad and his son at the park. His son wasn't able to communicate, but he seemed 1 watching the boy playing with sand. The dad 2 to me that his son could only make some sounds. The boy had been in speech therapy (言语治疗) for years. After so much time in therapy, the boy was able to 3 eye contact for a few seconds and the father was delighted by the 4! He told me how expensive the therapies for his son's specific needs were and what a pleasure it was to see all of the years of hard work 5. The father and son connected, and those few 6 of eye contact meant the world to that dad!

    As we talked about therapy, the dad 7 with me that his goal for his boy was to someday be able to go for ice-cream together. He said his father used to take him out for ice-cream and he hoped he could do the same with his child. Suddenly, the son 8 putting his fingers in the sand, looked at his father and said, "Hi." Seconds later the boy went back into his own 9. The dad wanted to say something. But what did come were tears. Those tears

    10 how proud he was of his son.

    I am honored to have shared this 11 celebration of achievement in that boy's young life. I hope someday they will be able to go for 12. This event touched me deeply and made me 13 my relationship with my own father. I am 14 the feelings held by all awe-some fathers—their hard work, their pride and their 15 of love—are all the same.

    A . content B . annoyed C . depressed D . anxious
    A . attended B . explained C . complained D . submitted
    A . access B . boost C . announce D . maintain
    A . liberation B . accomplishment C . recognition D . discipline
    A . turn out B . pay off C . give off D . fall off
    A . hours B . minutes C . days D . seconds
    A . shared B . educated C . struggled D . commented
    A . pointed B . assigned C . ceased D . gestured
    A . world B . house C . car D . school
    A . featured B . predicted C . conveyed D . polished
    A . interesting B . precious C . boring D . grateful
    A . books B . sand C . sculptures D . ice-cream
    A . consider B . reflect C . tolerate D . restrict
    A . frightened B . puzzled C . convinced D . touched
    A . laughter B . tears C . sweat D . words
