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  • 1. (2023高一下·重庆月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Last August my family was holidaying at Diana's Baths, where water falls off a series of giant rocks. I was1as I saw my kids jump between the wet rocks. "Stay away from all those edges," I said. But I soon2and we were all having fun, my kids laughing under the cold running water. Then, seconds later, every3I'd previously had came flooding back to me.

    I turned and saw my son Wyatt disappear over the edge. I4, "Somebody help my son!" My husband was already5down the rocks. Wyatt had fallen on his back, straight onto the rocks. While everyone else6from a distance, a lady with a mask didn't7. She called 911. I couldn't see her face. But she looked at me so deeply,8she was trying to push out every bit of energy, love, and strength in her body. I held on to that energy like a rope that could pull us to9. She gave Wyatt a towel to put under his head and said to me, "I'm not10you."

    A11team took us to the local hospital. After some12and scans, we got the all-clear. As soon as I knew that Wyatt was going to be OK, I found myself constantly thinking about the kind lady who came to our13. Instead of14, she went toward the unthinkable. Words are not strong enough to express my15to her because her kindness shone a light on a dark moment in my life.

    A . amazed B . worried C . fascinated D . confused
    A . returned B . objected C . relaxed D . apologized
    A . determination B . need C . joy D . fear 
    A . responded B . added C . smiled D . screamed
    A . surfing B . rowing C . rushing D . wandering
    A . turned up B . showed off C . worked out D . looked on
    A . forget B . reject C . hesitate D . argue
    A . in case B . after C . as if D . unless
    A . safety B . reality C . success D . agreement
    A . blaming B . questioning C . disturbing D . leaving
    A . firefighting B . rescue C . hiking D . construction
    A . tests B . preparation C . explanation D . experiments
    A . holiday B . aid C . charity D . memory
    A . calming down B . turning away C . breaking away D . giving up
    A . respect B . satisfaction C . congratulation D . gratitude
