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  • 1. (2023高一下·广州期中) 阅读理解

    The first time I heard about my classmates engaging with social media was in the fourth grade. A few of my friends and some of my classmates had excitedly jumped onto platforms like Instagram at such a young age. On the other hand, I hesitated. I only I knew the basics, but was foreign to some words on social media.

    All throughout middle school, I stuck with the same thinking. And now, as a freshman in college, I am looking back and wondering why I have never been naturally interested in social media.

    Scanning Instagram, you ought to find dozens of pictures of people in beautiful countries, taking part in exciting activities, and spending time with friends and family, among many other things. The thought of doing this never resonated with me. I respect and understand those who do believe using social media allows them to express themselves and share aspects of their lives with others. However, I have never had any interest in doing the same. In my eyes, family gatherings and friend get-togethers are just as if not more meaningful when not shared with others.

    Most people have experienced feeling insecure and unconfident on social media. Images that are changed represent unrealistic beauty standards that can only be obtained through dangerous ways. Even without using social media, I knew that using apps like Instagram and Facebook would make me embarrassed of all the aspects that make me a unique individual. I never wanted to look at a post on social media and immediately compare myself and my life.

    I constantly observe my classmates getting easily distracted(使分心) by social media. While trying to complete their homework, they have a powerful urge to open up Instagram or Facebook to see if there are any new messages. With homework and after-class activities consuming the majority of my day, I cannot wait to finish every task on my to-do list, so I can finally spend time with my family or have some time for myself to relax from my busy day.

    1. (1) What can we know from the first two paragraphs?
      A . Social media are popular with students. B . Young pupils suffer from social media. C . The author has no access to social media. D . Social media contribute to students' study.
    2. (2) The underlined part in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to "______".
      A . warned off B . let down C . hid from D . appealed to
    3. (3) Why do people using social media might feel insecure?
      A . They follow other people's beauty standards totally. B . Social media change the way they look at themselves. C . Social media encourage them to be a unique individual. D . They spend more time posting their images on social media.
    4. (4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
      A . A to-do list can stop people using social media. B . Social media can waste people's valuable time. C . Spending time with family always enjoys first priority. D . Students pay more attention to social media than to study.
