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  • 1. (2023高一下·永定开学考) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Sports day! These two words can inspire both joy and fear in the hearts of students everywhere.And it's also the chance to bag a prize or two. For others, it might feel like having to take part in something they aren't good at.

    Today, more and more schools have recognized the importance of exercise. Many of them have non-competitive sports days. They hope that by making sports days less competitive, children of all abilities will be encouraged to take part without fear of losing. Exercise and fitness is important for everyone, no matter how good at sport you are.

    However, some people feel that it's important that sport has winners and that learning to lose is just as important as learning how to win.Particularly, on a sports day which is your chance to really prove yourself!

    According to a 2017 survey by Families Online, 82% of parents say they prefer "traditional" competitive sports days. Many adults feel that children can learn valuable lessons in both winning and losing. It's also an opportunity for some children to show off their physical and sporting skills.

    People have different ideas about whether it is the winning or the taking part that counts when it comes to school sports daysWe want to know your ideas.

    A. What's the point if no one wins?

    B. Should sport just be about winning?

    C. For many, sports day can be a great day of fun.

    D. So, should School Sports Day be competitive or not?

    E. Everyone should be celebrated for trying and playing their part.

    F. There are lots of people who agree with the idea—parents in particular!

    G. Many parents are worried that their kids can get injured when doing sports.
