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  • 1. (2023高一上·孟津期末) 阅读七选五

    The comfort zone is a safe space where we don't risk, but neither do we grow. Change and growth occur. We can not become what we want to be, remaining in what we are today. There are many good reasons to be encouraged to leave the comfort zone.

    Prepare yourself for difficult times. Safe as we feel in our comfort zone, that space will not protect us from the problems, which usually appear in life in an unexpected way producing great changes. These problems can produce psychological disorders. But learning to live outside the comfort zone, dealing with novelty and uncertainty will make us people emotionally stronger.

    The comfort zone represents everything we know. Outside is another world to discover. In the comfort zone there are no great ideas or new discoveries. It's necessary to leave the known to find the inspiration to creativity. In fact, a study conducted at the University of Florida found that students who spent just one term outside their country scored better on creativity tests than those who had been studying at the same university.

    Feel more alive. Leaving the comfort zone, we meet new people and live new experiences. Some of these experiences will not be positive but others will become a driving force that gives us new energy. Thus we're learning to enjoy more life.

    Exercises to get out of your comfort zone will allow you to expand your growth zone without experiencing too much anxiety. That's in the growth zone, and you can reach the best of ourselves, learn new things.

    A. Become more productive.

    B. Increase your creativity.

    C. Generally, we are not used to them.

    D. Yet magical things happen outside the comfort zone.

    E. It might become the perfect excuse not to do, not risk.

    F. Face new challenges with an acceptable level of anxiety.

    G. The feeling of being empty will be discovered to disappear.
