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  • 1. (2023高一上·孟津期末) 阅读短文,回答问题

    Absolutely Unputdownable Books You Have to Read

    Flowers for Algernon

    Daniel Keyes

    If you're seeking a pleasant read, try this short story by Daniel Keyes. He'll show you how a person feels going from a simple cleaner at a bakery, whose IQ is less than 60, to a genius and the most intelligent person on the planet. In a situation like this, is it possible to overcome your fears and cope with loneliness? Keyes offers his answer to this question.

    Orphans of the Sky

    Robert A. Heinlein

    A giant generation ship is sailing without guidance through the depths of the universe. Its passengers have long forgotten the outside world and believed in a pre-technological culture marked by superstition (迷信). This novel has brought Heinlein wide recognition, and will grasp you tight and won't let you go for months (or even years) afterward. Are we, the digital generation, different from the passengers of that imaginary spaceship?

    95 Pounds of Hope

    Anna Gavalda

    Adapted from the author's own experience, this story is about the main things in life: choices we make, the power of love and devotion. The story of a thirteen-year-old boy who one day has to gather all his strength and courage and take a step towards adulthood proves once again that dreams do come true. After all, no matter how many pounds we have, we're all trying not to lose hope.

    A Certain Smile

    Francoise Sagan

    If you don't enjoy thrillers or sci-fi and stories about dragon-riding detectives, if you're longing for something emotional, slow and gentle, this beautiful little book by Francoise Sagan is just what you need. Strongly recommended by psychological doctors, it's a pleasant exception among traditional romance novels: you'll find all of the advantages of high-quality literature here. And yes, it's a real page-turner.

    1. (1) What kind of book is Orphans of the Sky?
      A . A science fiction. B . A historical novel. C . A detective story. D . A fairy tale.
    2. (2) What is special about 95 Pounds of Hope?
      A . It is not suitable for adult readers. B . It is about a boy serving in army. C . It is based loosely on a true story. D . It brought its author great fame.
    3. (3) Which is the best choice for someone suffering from mental illness?
      A . Flowers for Algernon. B . Orphans of the Sky. C . 95 Pounds of Hope. D . A Certain Smile.
