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  • 1. (2022九上·大东期末) 阅读理解

    German pianist Ludwig van Beethoven is famous for his nine symphonies (交响乐). Before he died in 1827, he began a new symphony, but never finished it. He left behind only a few handwritten notes with his ideas.

    Computer scientists and musicians have now used artificial intelligence(AI 人工智能) to finish his 10th symphony.

    A team of computer scientists at Play form Al taught a computer Beethoven's style. The computer then completed the symphony using the information in his notes.

    First, they gave the computer music by Bach and Mozart. Beethoven grew up listening to them. "We trained our AI as if it was somebody living in the 18th century," said lead researcher Ahmed Elgammal.

    Then they gave the AI Beethoven's nine complete symphonies. The AI could then look for patterns and finish the music in Beethoven's style. Does it sound like Beethoven's work? You can decide for yourself by scanning(扫描) the QR code below and listening to it!

    1. (1) Which of the following words can best explain the sentence "He left behind only a few handwritten notes with his ideas"?
      A . Sad. B . Pity. C . Happy. D . Silent.
    2. (2) Choose the correct order to show how Beethoven's 10th symphony was completed:

      a. Beethoven left behind only a few handwritten notes with his ideas.

      b. Beethoven's 10th symphony was finished by Al using the information in his notes.

      c. The scientists gave the computer music by Bach and Mozart.

      d. The scientists gave the Al Beethoven's nine complete symphonies.

      A . a; c; d; b B . a; b; c; d C . c; d; b; a D . d; c; a; b
    3. (3) Why did the scientists give the computer music by Bach and Mozart?
      A . Beethoven began a new symphony in 1827. B . Beethoven is famous for his nine symphonies. C . Beethoven grew up listening to them. D . Beethoven was trained Al in the 18th century.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "patterns" mean in Chinese?
      A . 规律 B . 资源 C . 参照 D . 素材
