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  • 1. (2022九上·大东期末) 阅读短文,根据内容从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Early one morning, I saw romance(浪漫) in a place where I least expected to find it- a nursing home.

    A few days earlier, an elderly couple came to the home. 1there wasn't a double room available, they separated the couple. The gentleman, Mr West, was placed in a bed beside my father. His wife, Mrs West,2a room with other women.

    When I went to see my3that morning, I met Mr West. Three employees (员工) were working with him. He hadn't4for several days. While one nurse was trying to get him to open his mouth,5nurse was trying to ask him to drink something. The third nurse was standing nearby with a cup of6Mr West refused to open his mouth.

    7, he said something about his wife. "Go get Mrs West," the nurse said. "Maybe Mr West will eat for her."

    A few minutes later, a8lady was wheeled into the room. Mr West9 brightly. I couldn't take my eyes off the couple. The love10them was obvious (明显的), as Mrs West patted Mr West's hand.

    With a soft11Mrs West encouraged Mr West to eat. To everyone's 12 , Mr West opened his mouth and began to enjoy the food. While the nurses fed him, he stared at his wife with a smile on his face. Mrs west began humming a tune(哼调子) to him.

    Tears filled my eyes. I discovered that romance doesn't13exist when we're young and in love. Romance lasts a14and grows stronger with age.

    Today, Mr and Mrs West live together in a place where there are no nursing homes or wheelchairs. There are no tears in their eyes or rooms dividing15.

    A . When B . Since C . Unless D . Though
    A . cleaned B . built C . painted D . shared
    A . dad B . doctor C . mum D . nurse
    A . slept B . moved C . eaten D . spoken
    A . other B . others C . another D . the other
    A . wine B . coffee C . water D . tea
    A . Finally B . Quickly C . Luckily D . Firstly
    A . kind-looking B . healthy C . peaceful D . wealthy
    A . danced B . smiled C . jumped D . walked
    A . of B . among C . to D . between
    A . voice B . memory C . reason D . promise
    A . interest B . surprise C . desire D . shock
    A . still B . yet C . only D . also
    A . moment B . lifetime C . beginning D . vacation
    A . us B . him C . you D . them
