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  • 1. (2022八上·富裕期末) 从选项中选出最佳选项补全对话

    A. We have to take a taxi because it's quite a long way away.

    B. What's the talk about?

    C. May I invite Paul to go with us?

    D. You know, I'm interested in music.

    E. Why not go there together?

    A: Henry, would you like to go to see a movie with me this evening?

    B: I'd love to, but I hear there will be a talk at 7: 00 in City Hall.

    A: Really?

    B: The history of music.

    A: I also like music.

    B: Good idea! But we must be quick. We have only half an hour before it starts.

    A: How will we get there?


    A: He likes music, too.

    B: Sure. Call him at once. Please tell him to meet us outside City Hall.

    A: OK.
