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  • 1. (2022高二上·扬州开学考) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    When 29-year-old artist Sophia recalls her mother, Marilyn, she remembers her singing. "She loved karaoke and funny 80s'1," Sophia says. "She sang all the time." In late 2017, before cancer2Sophia's mom of her voice, she3a message in English4it inside a teddy bear: "You make Mommy so proud. No matter where you are, a part of me will always be with you. I love you forever."

    After her mother's death in 2019 at age 53, that teddy bear became Sophia's most priceless 5. Therefore, when the backpack containing it was6in the mess of moving, Sophia was7. She spent that night crazily8through dustbins in downtown Vancouver. When her9proved fruitless, she took her hunt to the Internet,10photos of her lost Mamabear and the security video on Twitter. A local CBC reporter11the story, and the news made it all the way to an actor, who encouraged his 17 million Twitter followers to help Sophia,12a $5,000 reward for the bear's safe return.

    13, Mamabear made it back to Sophia's arms four days later, thanks to some good-hearted people, who14the thief from the security video Sophia had shared on social media. Sophia was excited: I feel like losing that bear and15it was just my mom telling me, "The world is okay, kid. You're going to be fine. I will always be with you."

    A . stories B . songs C . topics D . adventures
    A . cured B . robbed C . reminded D . informed
    A . recorded B . made C . attached D . took
    A . protected B . gathered C . kept D . pressed
    A . option B . award C . facility D . possession
    A . stolen B . destroyed C . hidden D . deserted
    A . alarmed B . upset C . awkward D . concerned
    A . getting B . looking C . combing D . putting
    A . effort B . routine C . performance D . determination
    A . approaching B . promoting C . flashing D . sharing
    A . covered B . noticed C . selected D . interviewed
    A . designing B . offering C . getting D . stressing
    A . Confidently B . Hopefully C . Amazingly D . Anxiously
    A . caught B . battled C . followed D . recognized
    A . recovering B . acquiring C . accomplishing D . skipping
