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  • 1. (2022高一下·沧县期末) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Make a Window Box Garden

    For may people, warm weather means growing things in the ground. Gardening is a popular activity all around the word. But what about people who do not have the space to garden? Don't worry! Today, we will give you information about growing beautiful window boxes.

    Place and safety

     They can also sit on other surfaces such as walls, or front steps. Make sure your window boxes are safe so they will not come down in a storm. Because of these possible dangers, window boxes are sometimes not allowed by house owners. If that is the case where you live or if you feel your window box could be unsafe, you can have an indoor window box.

    Light and water

    Before choosing plants, check your window box place for light and rain.  So, they need more water. And if a window box is close to a wall or other buildings, it may not get enough rainwater. Even if all your windows get little sun, do not give up. Browne, a famous gardener, says one of her greatest successes is a beautiful window box in a full-shade area.

    Try to be different

    So, what makes some window boxes different while others are just so-so? Create a topic!  For example, you may have a window box that is filled with all cactuses (仙人掌) or all plants fit for eating. Or you could have a color-topic window box with only purple flowers and plants.  People who have really nice window boxes cut off anything dead. They also water their window boxes often and change things a lot.

    A. This is a main idea for the plants.

    B. Besides having a topic, caring is important.

    C. Window boxes dry out faster than in-ground plants.

    D. You should not let quick-growing plants get out of control.

    E. She suggests knowing which plants look best during each season.

    F. Window boxes are not just for the outside edge (边缘) of the window.

    G. She gets a great look by using plants and flowers that don't need much sun.
