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  • 1. (2022高一下·大同期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Gerald Swindle was waiting to check out in a store when he noticed the elderly woman checking out in front of him was talking endlessly about herself to her cashier(收银员), who just stayed attentive all the time.

    Gerald Swindle was a bit annoyed with how long their conversation was going. But as Gerald waited for his turn, his attitude began to change. Not only did he conclude that their conversation was very important, but found himself captivated by what the elderly woman said once he stopped to listen.

    "You were patient with this lady," Gerald later said in a video recalling what had happened. "You did nothing but followed her conversation, listening to every word she said, and never rushing her."

    He added, "You showed me what people ought to be. Sometimes it might be the only person they talk to this week. Sometimes I need that, so I appreciate it."

    "I never expected this to come about because it was just a regular day for me. I was just doing my job," Emily, the cashier, said.

    But since posted online, the video has become popular with nearly 2 million views! The comment section was quickly filled with others sharing how inspired they felt by Emily's kindness.

    Best of all, that elderly woman has since come back to the store several times, and the two of them are becoming quite close. "What I've learned is so amazing—you can have an effect on people just by being yourself working at the store," Emily said.

    1. (1) How did Gerald act at the talk between Emily and the customer at first?
      A . He listened with full attention. B . He focused on his own shopping cart. C . He felt lucky to be not talkative. D . He felt a little angry at the long talk.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "captivated" mean in Paragraph 2?
      A . Stuck. B . Angered. C . Inspired. D . Attracted.
    3. (3) What was the post about?
      A . What patience Emily showed to the customer. B . What led a store to become popular online. C . How Gerald dealt with the customer attentively. D . How Emily was praised by an elderly woman.
    4. (4) What did Emily learn from the story?
      A . Caring for the old can bring benefit to us. B . Listening to people is a skill to master. C . It's sometimes easy to influence other people. D . Being a cashier is a good way for connection.
