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  • 1. (2022·光明模拟) 阅读理解

    When Mexican scientist of the evolution of animal behavior, Laura Cuaya, moved to Hungary(匈牙利) for her postdoctoral studies in Budapest, she brought her pet dog, Kun-kun, along for the ride. Cuaya couldn't help noticing how locals warmed to dogs. This prompted her naturally curious scientific mind to start asking questions. “Here people are talking all the time to Kun-kun, but I always wonder if Kun-kun can recognize that people in Budapest speak Hungarian, not Spanish?” So she set out to find an answer through a scientific study.

    Cuaya and her colleagues decided to use brain images from MRI scanning to shed light on her hunch. They worked with dogs of various ages that had, until the experiment, only heard their owners speak just one of the two languages, Spanish or Hungarian. Not surprisingly, getting the dogs to happily take part in the experiment took some creative coaxing and animal training! The researchers first needed to teach Kun-kun and her 17 fellow participating dogs including a labradoodle, a golden retriever and Australian shepherds, to lie still in a brain scanner. Their pet parents were always present, and they could leave the scanner at any point.

    The research team played children's book classic The Little Prince in both Spanish and Hungarian while scanning the dogs' brains with an MRI machine. They were looking for evidence that their brains reacted differently to a familiar and unfamiliar language. The researchers also played scrambled versions of the story to find out if dogs could distinguish between speech and non-speech.

    The images reveal that dogs' brains show different patterns of activity for an unfamiliar language than for a familiar one - the first time anyone has proved, researchers say, that a non-human brain can distinguish between two languages. This means that the sounds and rhythms of a familiar language are accessible to non-humans.

    Interestingly, the team also found that the brains of older dogs were more skilled at detecting speech “suggesting a role for the amount of language exposure”. They suggest that dogs have refined their ability to distinguish between human languages over the long process of domestication.

    1. (1) What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?
      A . The background of the study. B . The significance of the study. C . The concern of the researcher. D . The introduction to the researcher.
    2. (2) What did Cuaya consider when choosing dogs for study?
      A . Age limits. B . Brain patterns.  C . Language exposure. D . Owners' commands.
    3. (3) The results of the study are ________.
      A . practical B . contradictory    C . compromising D . groundbreaking
    4. (4) Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
      A . Dogs Can Tell Foreign Languages  B . Dog Brains Have Different Patterns C . Old Dogs Know More About Human Speech  D . Dogs Can Differ Speech From Non-Speech
