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  • 1. (2022·广汉模拟) 通读短文,理解其大意,然后从短文后面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入各小题空白处的最佳选项。

    Hi, Mom(你好,李焕英) was directed by Jia Ling, a well-known comedian(喜剧演员) in China. It's based on (根据)1of her own mother who is named Li Huanying. Jia made the film as a tribute(致敬) to her mother.

    In the film, Jia Xiaoling finds herself a traveling back to the year 1981 after her mother Li Huanying gets hurt2in a car accident in 2001. There she meets her mother and they become close friends. Jia Xiaoling feels that she has not been a good daughter in the present,3 back in 1981 she does all she can to make Li huanying happy, including trying to get her mother and a factory manager's son together, in the hope of giving her mother a better life.

    The film is humorous and4. Many people love it. Many moviegoers(电影发烧友) used Weibo to 5their mothers. They shared pictures of their moms at a young age to show their love.

    A . relatives B . stories C . expressions D . habits
    A . quietly B . actually C . badly D . normally
    A . unless B . since C . if D . so
    A . scary B . smooth C . fair D . moving
    A . thank B . encourage C . accept D . care
