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  • 1. (2021·兰陵模拟) 根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。

    Twenty years ago, recycling was something you only did if you were really interested in being “green”. Today, recycling is a normal activity for families all around the UK. Local governments  (make) it easier for families to recycle by collecting materials from their houses. They even give them two different bins, so families  (separate) their recycling from their rubbish.

    Recently, some local governments (decide) to do even more. They are putting computer chips (芯片) inside the rubbish bins. Then they'll give the rubbish bins to families in their area. The chips  (use) to give information about the kind of materials in the bin: paper, glass, metal, etc. In other words, if these materials are thrown away instead of being recycled, the government finds out. And when this  (happen), they write a letter to the family asking them  (be) much more careful about recycling.

    The governments say their main aim is education. “If you often have problems  (put) the wrong things in your bins, we will simply provide guidance (指导) and possibly come out to visit you,” they say. But many people think that putting computer chips in bins is like having bin police, and they are not happy about it!
