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  • 1. (2022·广东模拟) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Have an Attractive Personality

    Being attractive comes more from your personality than your appearance, and demonstrating an attractive personality is key to having lasting relationships. The following tips help foster your ability to fascinate others.

    ●Laugh at yourself. If you make a fool of yourself, laugh at yourself instead of feeling embarrassed. It shows that you're comfortable in your skin. A sense of humor makes someone more engaging and delightful to be with.  It is a great ice-breaker or stress reliever, but don't ruin a serious conversation with inappropriate jokes.

    ●Speak sincerely. Tell people the truth. If you can't commit to something, it's better to be honest about it than to have to tell them last minute that you can't make it. When people ask for your opinion, you should be honest.  For instance, if you don't like your friend's shirt, respond with, "I really like you in blue instead," rather than, "I hate it, it's ugly." 

    If you see value in making others laugh and keep yourself positive, you'll be a happier person, making others drawn to you as a result. A great way to remind you to laugh more is to have daily jokes on your phone or email. Set them for a time of day when you notice yourself start to feel drained.

    ●Have confidence in your body. You don't have to have the "perfect body" to be confident in it. People will be more attracted to you if you dress well and carry yourself well. If you need a little boost, place post-its around your mirror that remind you of the charming parts of your body.

    A. Speak in a positive way.

    B. Make laughing a priority.

    C. Remember, there is a time and place for humor.

    D. There is difference between being frank and rude, though.

    E. Focus on these rather than what you're self-conscious about.

    F. Actually, developing engaging personalities is not that far out of reach.

    G. But having charming appearance is only skin-deep and far from enough.
