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  • 1. (2019七上·西湖期末) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

    Today is Lan's first day to a new school. He is not happy that morning 1he doesn't know anyone at his new school.

    "I really want you to go to school with2" lan looks at Timmy, his lovely dog.

    "Time to go." Dad calls from the front door.

    "Coming!" Lan 3his schoolbag and goes to school. Timmy is after him.

    "4 is that dog going?" Dad asks.

    "To school!" Lan laughs.

    A boy comes to him and says, "Your dog is so 5 Lan is happy He and the boy talk on the way to 6.

    A girl runs up to Timmy. "Look at the little dog! He is so lovely!"

    When they get to school, Lan's 7says. "Sorry. No 8 at school."

    Lan tells Timmy "You can go home now. Thanks for 9 me to make so many friends before I get to school!"

    Lan and his new friends say "10" to Timmy.

    A . or B . but C . because D . so
    A . me B . you C . him D . her
    A . colors B . takes C . sells D . draws
    A . When B . Why C . How D . Where
    A . big B . old C . nice D . fat
    A . the bedroom B . the library C . the store D . school
    A . teacher B . father C . mother D . brother
    A . bags B . dogs C . books D . boys
    A . helping B . teaching C . telling D . asking
    A . Thanks B . Welcome C . Goodbye D . OK
