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  • 1. (2021高二上·浙江期中) 阅读理解

    Carmakers. including BMW, Fiat. Chrysler and Peugeot, warmed that the worldwide semiconductor processor(半导体处理器) shortage will continue in 2021 and beyond. The shortage has affected both production and sales of automobiles.

    Automobiles have become increasingly dependent on processors. also known as chips. They are needed for computers to help engines with better fuel economy and assist drivers in emergency braking(刹车). Without a good supply of chips, carmakers have centered production on higher-profit models. The higher prices keep their businesses going even though they are selling fewer cars.

    Richard Palmer is the chief financial officer of Stellantis. The company sells cars under 14 brands including Fiat, Chrysler and Peugeot, He said the company did not expect chip supply to improve before the last three months of the year. That would mean a production loss of around 1.4 million vehicles for 2021.

    The German carmaker warned that there will be more problems during the second half of this year. “The longer the supply bottlenecks last, the more tense the situation is likely to become,” BMW chief financial officer Nicolas Peter said in a statement. “We expect production restrictions(限制) to continue in the second half of the year. Those restrictions will cause a lower number of sales,” he added.

    German chipmaker Infineon Technologies confirmed the shortage. The company said the latest wave of COVID-19 cases slows the production of materials in Asia. And the amounts of goods available have now hit all-time lows. Reinhard Ploss is the Chief Executive Officer of Infineon. He told economists that a sharp limit of supplies is hurting the recovery of worldwide car markets. He observed that “it will take time to get back” to a balance between supply and demand. “In our view, this will take until well into 2022,” he added.

    1. (1) How do carmakers deal with reduced sales?
      A . By improving production technology. B . By selling curs with lower fuel consumption. C . By offering better emergency braking systems. D . By producing high-priced cars,
    2. (2) Why does the author mention Richard Palmer and Nicolas Peter?
      A . To stress the seriousness of the present situation. B . To provide a solution to the reduced sales. C . To convey their expectation of the car production. D . To highlight the importance of chips for carmakers.
    3. (3) What's Reinhard Ploss' attitude towards car production and sales?
      A . Hopeful. B . Indifferent. C . Worried. D . Doubtful.
    4. (4) What is the best title of the passage?
      A . The Decline of Car Sales. B . Chip Shortage and its Influence. C . The Restrictions of Production. D . The Balance between Supply and Demand.
