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  • 1. (2019七上·拱墅期末) 请阅读材料,然后从A一F六个选项中选出相匹配的最佳选项,并在题号前填写相应的字母,选项中有一项为多余。


    What about Chocolate?But she can't eat much. That's bad for her health.


    How about having a trip to Dalian?You'll be really happy for that. You can also take many beautiful photos by the sea.


    Our art festival is coming. It's on October 16th. If you can draw well,please come to it.


    Welcome to Mrs. Green Store! We have all kinds of things,like toys,books and clothes.

    I'm sure you'll find what you really want here.


    Just come to our English club! We have many great teachers here. They can help you lean English well


    Don't do that. You can have a book sale or give them to the other students.

    1. (1) My good friend Betty's twelfth birthday is on April 1st. Where can I buy her a nice birthday gift?
    2. (2) July is my favorite month because summer vacation is coming. I'll spend it with my good friends.
    3. (3) Jim has an English test on April 17th, but he doesn't study it well. What can he do?
    4. (4) I'm Rose. I have many books in my bookcase. I don't use some of them anymore, so I want to throw(扔)them away.
    5. (5) Kate is nine years old. She's a student at Green School. She's good at drawing. And her pictures are very great.
