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  • 1. (2020七下·西乡期末) 阅读理解

        Speaking English is cool. Like many of you, I was shy about speaking it in the past. But now I like saying things in English. Why?

        A few days ago, I met two Americans. I tried to speak with them. But I couldn't say a word!

        But yesterday, I met another foreigner. This time I was confident. I said "hello" to him, and began to ask questions. He told me about himself. His name is Mark and he comes from the U. S. We became friends. Sometimes I can't find the right word to show my feeling. But he can guess and we go on talking.

        At first, everyone feels a bit shy. But it doesn't matter. As time passes, you'll learn more and more English! Just open your mouth and speak. No one can laugh at you except yourself!

    1. (1) When he began to learn English, the writer ________.
      A . felt very excited B . felt scared C . felt shy D . felt very sad
    2. (2) The underlined phrase "show my feeling" in the passage means ________.
      A . 看看我的表情 B . 表达我的想法 C . 展示我的才能 D . 显示我的天赋
    3. (3) The writer wrote the passage in order to (为了) encourage (鼓励) us ________.
      A . not to be afraid to speak English B . to meet more English speakers C . to work hard at English D . to make more close friends
    4. (4) From the passage we can know the writer must be a ________.
      A . foreigner B . teacher C . doctor D . learner of English
