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  • 1. (2020高二上·汉中期中) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项。

    Weeks ago, I was traveling by train. After several stations, the delivery man from the cafeteria came along to1 the pre-booked hot meals and drinks. Just behind him rushed in a 9-year-old girl, who put out her hand, 2some food. The food supplier was3and pushed her out of the coach (旅客车厢). Something in me made me4. I stepped outside and saw the child still standing there and crying. I asked her if she was hungry and she5. So I grabbed her hand and said I'd buy her food.

    When I took her to the coach with the cafeteria, the people standing there had a(an)6expression on their face, seeing the little girl with me. 7their reaction, I asked her to8whatever she wanted. As I pointed to each item, she9nodding.

    10, we collected so much food. When I turned to the cashier to pay the bill, the little girl11hurrying down the train. The cashier shook his head in disbelief and said the girl must be laughing for having fooled me into12her unhappiness.

    As I returned to my coach, the cashier's13made me doubt whether she'd really fooled me. So I14and went down the train, following the 15the little girl had taken. After several coaches, I walked to a relatively-deserted coach. Here I saw a16which left me surprised. This little girl was sitting in a 17with two other miserable-looking young boys. She had put all the food in the center and was18 putting food into the hand of a young blind boy. Seeing all this, I couldn't help19. The little girl taught us that one can be20even when poor.

    A . take away B . hand out C . throw away D . find out
    A . begging for B . picking up C . pointing to D . looking at
    A . frightened B . disappointed C . annoyed D . worried
    A . doubt B . stop C . watch D . react
    A . agreed B . signed C . nodded D . refused
    A . sad B . puzzled C . happy D . excited
    A . Admiring B . Noticing C . Ignoring D . Analyzing
    A . list B . slide C . think D . choose
    A . tried B . kept C . began D . practiced
    A . Finally B . Nervously C . Immediately D . Suddenly
    A . finished B . forgot C . started D . risked
    A . remembering B . believing C . realizing D . missing
    A . words B . opinions C . thoughts D . attitudes
    A . turned back B . turned over C . turned up D . turned out
    A . advice B . food C . train D . direction
    A . coach B . station C . face D . sight
    A . group B . team C . circle D . crossroads
    A . instead B . only C . also D . again
    A . weeping B . smiling C . shouting D . regretting
    A . friendly B . generous C . polite D . greedy
