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  • 1. (2020高一下·新余期末) 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

        A little girl, named Starry, was playing outside her grandmother's apartment building. Her mom, Marina, kept an eye on the 1 from a window. At about 4 pm, Starry walked around the corner of the building to get her bike and 2.

        “I took my eyes 3 her for five minutes, and she was gone,” says Marina. “I knew something was 4,” she adds, 5 when she saw that Starry's bike was 6 here and found an old credit card her daughter had been playing with 7 near the bike. Marina called 911.

        Policemen came soon, blocking off streets and 8 the neighborhood. Officers handed out a photo of the blond (金发) girl. Many people joined in.

        Temar Boggs, 15, was with some friends helping his elderly neighbor when one searcher 9 them and asked if they'd seen the girl. 10 the boys, none of them had seen her. Temar was approached with a photo of Starry. “I 11 that I was going to find her,” he says. He borrowed a bike from a friend and sped away. The boy searched without a plan, 12 keeping a sharp eye out as he rode on.

        Then Temar 13 a car driving down a side street and turning back, 14 the driver was unfamiliar with the neighborhood. He followed it. The car pulled an 15 U-turn at the top of a hill—a group of policemen had gathered there.

        The car passed the boy as it circled back 16 the hill. Temar made eye contact (接触) with the man behind the wheel, and spied a tiny blond girl in the passenger seat. Temar 17 knew “it was her, for sure.” The boy 18 fast after the car, but the driver kept moving, slowly winding his way through the neighborhood. 19, the driver pulled the car to the street side a few hundred feet ahead of him and pushed open the passenger-side door. Starry 20 out of the car. The kidnapper (绑架者) sped away but was caught by the police the next day.

    A . building B . girl C . bike D . policeman
    A . hid B . escaped C . disappeared D . left
    A . off B . for C . to D . above
    A . wrong B . difficult C . special D . dangerous
    A . unfortunately B . formally C . especially D . probably
    A . yet B . even C . also D . still
    A . enveloped B . abandoned C . brought D . presented
    A . disturbing B . entering C . searching D . exploring
    A . annoyed B . invited C . inspired D . approached
    A . According to B . As a result of C . In spite of D . Depending on
    A . learned B . agreed C . felt D . proved
    A . hurriedly B . carefully C . properly D . simply
    A . passed B . spotted C . missed D . followed
    A . so that B . even though C . as if D . in case
    A . sharp B . major C . awful D . vast
    A . along B . around C . down D . toward
    A . certainly B . absolutely C . immediately D . nearly
    A . circled B . drove C . ran D . rode
    A . Cautiously B . Finally C . Gradually D . Wildly
    A . slipped B . ran C . cycled D . walked
