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  • 1. (2020高一下·运城期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D),选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        An evening in October, I landed in Kuching, the capital city of Sarawak in Malaysia. I was an 18-year-old Dubai-raised kid away from home for the first time to start my undergraduate studies.

        I had never travelled alone before. I pushed my 1 and headed to the airport 2 to find a grey car with the name of my university on it. As we left the airport, the 3 began talking to me. As I am a driving 4 myself, we started talking about cars and driving.

        “Never make a Sarawakian 5,” he warned. “No road rage(路怒). Very dangerous!” Not long into our 6, the driver of the car behind flashed his lights at us. This became more aggressively then and my driver started to 7. We pulled over to the roadside. My heart was pounding but I tried to put on a(n) 8 face as the man from the car came up and made his way to my side of the car. As he reached my window, I 9 it down and tried to 10 a smile.

        I looked down at his hands to see that he was 11 my travel bag. It 12 my passport, return tickets, as well as cash and letters from the university. I had left it behind on the trolley at the 13 and this man had been trying to 14 it to me ever since we had left the airport.

        Breathing a huge sigh of 15, I took my bag and showed 16 to this stranger. The man welcomed me to Kuching, wished me luck with my university studies and drove away.

        This act of kindness 17 cheered me up and thanks to this honest 18, the initial self-doubt I had about my decision to 19 so far away from home 20 with hope and excitement.

    A . presents B . baggage C . books D . bike
    A . entrance B . building C . exit D . hotel
    A . driver B . teacher C . tourist D . classmate
    A . expert B . athlete C . enthusiast D . coach
    A . nervous B . curious C . angry D . excited
    A . journey B . category C . adventure D . practice
    A . shout B . cry C . laugh D . panic
    A . serious B . brave C . honest D . kind
    A . rolled B . broke C . closed D . knocked
    A . draw B . hide C . imagine D . force
    A . unfastening B . holding C . searching D . emptying
    A . protected B . displayed C . collected D . contained
    A . airport B . station C . supermarket D . harbor
    A . pass B . deliver C . offer D . return
    A . doubt B . regret C . relief D . sadness
    A . appreciation B . satisfaction C . praise D . excitement
    A . regularly B . normally C . immediately D . occasionally
    A . stranger B . student C . policeman D . attendant
    A . live B . work C . play D . study
    A . filled B . replaced C . covered D . crowded
