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  • 1. (2020·宝山模拟) 阅读理解

        With so many investments required of us to succeed - time, resources, talents, responsibilities, even finances for our retirement - it's easy to lose sight of the most difficult investment of all to commit to : ourselves.

        Getting to the point where you're ready to start upgrading to you 2.0 isn't easy. But it doesn't mean dropping the ball everywhere else. It's not about omissions, but admissions. Come clean with yourself to kick-start your personal growth.

        Unstuck starts with "u"

        No one purposely chooses to stop learning and growing again, it just kind of happens in a lot of daily responsibilities and life. And if it were easy to just kick it into gear(档位)again, you would have already done it. But the truth is inescapable. If you want to get off that place to higher ground, it's up to you and only you. No one will just hand you a steady stream of opportunities for growth.

    You've been working in your life, not on it

        Activity is often confused with acceleration(忙碌). I was guilty of this for years in working place - staying always busy but not admitting I was bored. I was lost in activity and not steeping back to take time to question what I wanted my life to be. Once I began working on my life - quitting corporate, becoming an entrepreneur, restructuring to my life - I started growing once again. And I've never been happier.

        Things aren't happening to you, they're happening for you

    A victim mentality(心态)is the enemy of personal growth. Lamenting over everything that has gone wrong in your life only wastes energy from working to make more things go right. If you want to kick-start growth, you must view setbacks as having a purpose, and then put them in their place. The past shouldn't run or define you - only fuel you.

        The perfect time to start doesn't exist

        I had so many things that had to be just right before I could make my long-planned leap from corporate. I'd tell myself, "I'd love to go for it right now, but practically speaking." Well, guess what? Practicality is poison. It's the convenient excuse stopping you from what you're meant to become.

        It's time to unplug others' opinions

        Grow where you want to grow. Learn what you want to learn. Wherever you are on the scale of hat you want to learn next - be it beginner or near - expert own it, be proud of it. Pretenses are for pretenders. You're just trying to become a better version of your genuine self.

    1. (1) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . If you want to succeed, you have to invest yourself first. B . Upgrading yourself is hard, but you still need to continue. C . Giving up upgrading yourself is just like dropping the ball. D . It's a kind of responsibility to go on learning though it's hard.
    2. (2) The word lament in the last but 4 paragraphs most probably means ________.
      A . to express sadness and feeling sorry about something B . to repeat what happens to you in the past of your life C . to show some regretful feeling or thought for our past D . to recognize something that has gone wrong in the past
    3. (3) According to the passage, we can infer that ________.
      A . the busier you are, the happier and better you will be B . what happened shouldn't prevent you, but protect you C . whoever you are, just grow where you want to grow D . how well you grow is actually decided by yourself
    4. (4) How many aspects does the writer illustrate his idea on personal growth?
      A . 3 B . 7 C . 5 D . 6
