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  • 1. (2020·上城模拟) 阅读理解

        We use elevators all the time, but try and imagine life without them. Tall buildings wouldn't be possible without the invention of the elevator. It's convenient and safe, but did you know that long ago people were afraid of using elevators?

        People had been using ropes to move things for thousands of years before the invention of the modern elevator. The ancient Romans moved heavy things attached (系) to ropes pulled by people or animals. Then in 1743, the French king had a "flying chair". His men lifted the king up to the second floor by using ropes. Although elevators had been improving over time, people were afraid to use them.

    People liked the idea of an elevator, but they believed it might suddenly fall.

        I n 1853, Elisha Otis invented the modern elevator. He made safety brakes (刹车) to stop the elevator from falling. Otis had been thinking about people's fear of elevators. He decided to do an elevator act at a show in 1854. Otis stood on his elevator and cut the rope that was holding it. The elevator fell, but the safety brakes suddenly stopped it. Otis amazed the audience! Three years later, customers at a department store in New York could travel to the fifth floor by using an Otis elevator.

        The next step was to improve the elevator ride. People had been feeling nervous about using elevators because they were small and noisy. In the 1920s, elevators started playing relaxing music to cover up other sounds. Then there was a great idea to put mirrors in elevators. The mirrors made the elevator seem bigger and quicker. People could check their hair instead of fearing the elevator!

        These days, elevators aren't scary. Elevators are getting faster, and office buildings, apartments and hotels are getting higher. You can find Otis elevators in most cities around the world. Remember to enjoy your ride in the elevator when you're going up to the thirty-fifth floor!

    1. (1) What is the correct order in which these happened?

      ①An Otis elevator was first put into use in New York.

      ②People used to move heavy things by pulling ropes.

      ③Otis elevators can be found in most parts of the world.

      ④Flying chair was once used to lift a king to the second floor.

      A . ②④③① B . ②④①③ C . ③①②④ D . ①②④③
    2. (2) Why did Otis do an elevator show in 1854?
      A . To tell why it takes a lot of time to develop a new thing. B . To show how safe his elevators are with the safety brakes. C . To explain why safety brakes can be well used in any show. D . To check how hard it is for people to accept something new.
    3. (3) What can we learn from Paragraph 4?
      A . Relaxing music makes the ride in the elevator seem quicker. B . The elevators are made small enough to let people feel safe. C . Mirrors are fixed inside to make the elevators look brighter. D . The noise in the elevator used to make people feel anxious.
    4. (4) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . Elevators have been developing over time. B . People used to be afraid of using elevators. C . Modern elevators were invented by accident. D . Elevators are very popular all over the world.
