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  • 1. (2020七下·杭州期中) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

    Dear parents,

        How are you? I'm happy here,1I miss you very much. It's Sunday today. I don't have any classes. I2an e-mail to you in the computer room now. The3isn't nice. It's raining.

        There are lots of students in the computer room. They are very4. Some students are5with their friends6WeChat. Some students are playing computer games. Some students7movies on the Internet. My new friends, Peter and Bill, are here with me. Peter is buying a8on the Internet. He wants to wear it for the football game. And9is Bill doing? Oh, he is reading a book on the computer. They're10and they often help me11my study and life. When you12Hangzhou, I want you to meet13. I14want to show you around the West Lake.

        I'm OK in Hangzhou. I hope you are happy and well. Please15me soon.



    A . because B . so C . or D . but
    A . write B . writes C . am writing D . writing
    A . weather B . computer C . e-mail D . class
    A . sorry B . busy C . shy D . smart
    A . speaking B . telling C . saying D . talking
    A . about B . on C . with D . to
    A . are watching B . watch C . are looking D . look
    A . book B . T-shirt C . football D . sports shoes
    A . what B . where C . how D . when
    A . funny B . strict C . friendly D . lazy
    A . on B . at C . with D . in
    A . get B . come to C . arrive D . leave
    A . they B . their C . theirs D . them
    A . either B . sometimes C . still D . also
    A . listen to B . play with C . write to D . look after
