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        Want to improve your writing skills? New Writing South is directing the way!

    Towner Writer Squad (班级) for kids aged 13-17

        Led by comedy and TV writer, Marian Kilpatrick, Towner Writer Squad will meet once a month at the contemporary art museum for 11 months, starting 12 October, 2016.

        The FREE squad sessions will include introductions to a wide range of writing styles, from poetry to play writing and lyric (抒情诗) to flash fiction, to support the development of young writers.

        Application & Selection

        If you would like to apply to be part of the Towner Writer Squad, please send a sample piece of your writing (about 500 words), responding to the title "LUNCH", with your name, age, address and email address to: debo@newwritingsouth.com.

        Once all applications are in, you will be invited to an open selection event on 17 September, 4-5pm, at the gallery of Towner. This will be an informal opportunity to meet the Squad Leader, Squad Associate and other young people.

        You will also have a chance to get to know the fantastic gallery space and get a taste of what's to come.

        Deadline for applications: 8 September, 2016

        For further information go to: facebook.com/toner or towner.org.uk or newwritingsouth.com

        Any questions – feel free to send your email to Towner Writer Squad Associate: wharne@towner.gov.uk

        Beginner Writing Project for kids aged 10-13

        Due to popular demand, a writing project will be started for eager beginners.

        Start time: 6 September, 2016

        Meet every other Saturday, 2-4pm, at the Towner Study Centre.

        Study and write at your own pace – you do not have to rush – as you have a year to go through the project. Practice under the guidance of some experienced writers and teachers who can help you with basic writing skills. Most importantly, build confidence and have fun while writing!

        No previous experience or special background is required. Many others have been successful this way. If they can do it, why can't you?

        Fee: £179

        For more information go to: newtowner.org.uk or generate.org.uk

    1. (1) Towner Writer Squad will be started ________.
      A . to train comedy and TV writers B . to explore the fantastic gallery space C . to introduce a contemporary art museum D . to promote the development of young writers
    2. (2) To join the Writer Squad, each applicant should first _________.
      A . provide a piece of their writing B . meet the Writer Squad Leader C . offer their family information D . complete an application form
    3. (3) What is most important for the beginners?
      A . Practising as much as possible. B . Gaining confidence and having fun. C . Studying and writing at their own pace. D . Learning skills from writers and teachers.
