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  • 1. (2020高二上·太原期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        I was late for my flight. Sweating and out of breath, I quickly made my way to the1. After boarding, I greeted my2: a middle-aged woman sitting at the window, and a little girl sitting on the aisle (过道)seat. I took my place3them. I began a(n)4with the little girl who was busy5her book. I asked her a few6questions, such as her age, hobbies, as well as her favorite animal. I found it7that such a young girl would be traveling alone, and I decided to8her to make sure she was okay.

        Suddenly, the plane began extreme turbulence ((颠簸).The pilot told everyone to remain calm, because we met9weather.

        Several times the plane made sharp downs and turns. Some people began10, and many sitting restlessly (烦燥地)and praying. I was sweating with each increasingly11shake of the plane. Meanwhile, the little girl was sitting12beside me in her seat. Her coloring book and crayons were put away neatly, and her hands were calmly resting on her legs. To my surprise, she didn't seem13at all.

        Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the turbulence14soon. The pilot came on a few minutes later to15for the uncomfortable ride and to announce that we would be16soon. As the plane began its descent (下降),I said to the little girl, “My girl, I have never met a17person in my life! Tell me, dear, how can you remain so calm while all of us adults were so18?" Looking me in the eye, she said, "My Father is the19, and He's Taking Me Home.”

        Yes. If we recognise the power of20, we will fear nothing.

    A . taxi B . plane C . station D . crowd
    A . friends B . passengers C . neighbors D . colleagues
    A . in front of B . across C . behind D . between
    A . conversation B . game C . lesson D . action
    A . showing B . picking C . coloring D . touching
    A . special B . general C . serious D . complex
    A . strange B . regular C . ordinary D . lovely
    A . believe in B . pay a visit to C . keep up with D . keep an eye on
    A . warm B . fine C . rough D . cool
    A . laughing B . fighting C . running D . crying
    A . slight B . comfortable C . violent D . normal
    A . sincerely B . quietly C . curiously D . nervously
    A . worried B . sleepy C . interested D . excited
    A . ended B . raised C . crashed D . lifted
    A . apply B . apologize C . prepare D . wait
    A . landing B . sinking C . boarding D . flying
    A . prettier B . younger C . kinder D . braver
    A . optimistic B . angry C . strong D . afraid
    A . Winner B . Pilot C . Robot D . Volunteer
    A . standard B . communication C . belief D . judgement
