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  • 1. (2019·中山模拟) 配对阅读,左栏是对五个人的描述。右栏是七个网站的简介。请根据每个人的情况,选出适合他们的网站。

    Mr. Gang: A good teacher. He always catches up with the latest developments (动态) in teaching.

    Deng Qi: A 14 years old girl. She is learning English, but she is bad at listening.

    Tom: He is 13 years old and interested in English news. But he can't hear.

    Jane: A 17 years old student. Love English stories and enjoy listening to it, too.

    Mrs. Gen: She travels a lot from one country to another. Her hobby is collecting pictures of flags.

    A. //www.theenglishprofessor.com/

    Junior students are welcome. Give you all kinds of writing exercises on English.

    B. //www.imagesof.net/flags/search,htm/

     National flags of all over the world.

    C. //www.nytimes.com/learning/

     Read and learn New York Times.

    D. //joy.luohuedu.net/special/subject/CZYY/TL/

     Listening materials for junior students can be found here.

    E. //www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/listening/index.htm/

     Listen to English stories, famous lectures and special English programs by Voice of America.

    F. //dailynews.yahoo.com/pr

     Watch and listen to the news with video frequency (视频), just like watching a TV set.

    G. //www.eichk.sheisnet.sh.cn/english/default.asp

     Education resources (资源), teaching and research resources.
