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  • 1. (2019·临沂模拟) 阅读理解

        The Spanish sculptor Isaac Cordal sees the city as his playground. He specializes in miniature, a street art often representing a social commentary as a critical observation on capitalism, power and so on.

        Cordal first models the sculptures in clay then reproduces them in cement(水泥)about 15cm in height.

        “As a material, cement seems very symbolic because it is one of our most recognizable footprints against nature.” he says. “Today we have been too used to cement city habitat.”

        For several years he's been working on the project, Cement Eclipses, referring to the state when a building covers the sun: “It's a critical reflection on the idea of progress.”

        These tiny cement figures have appeared in cities across Europe, found sitting on top of bus shelters or drowning in the grass land of the big city. “The street became a perfect setting in which I could find enough landscapes for them. Due to their small size and color, they go really well into the urban environment. They even normally go unseen by passersby. I'm very interested in that moment of surprise when someone accidentally discovers them.” he says.

        “Nowadays there is a fear of not being seen in the public area, so everything is always big and bold. We become a product of this and do not focus in as much. I think it is good to pay attention to small details. My work is a reward for those who do and it allows us to understand and change the world we have created in a different angle.”Cordal says.

    1. (1) Which of the following best explains “miniature” Underlined in paragraph 1 ?
      A . Tiny sculpture. B . Small playground. C . Social comments. D . Critical observation.
    2. (2) What's Cordal's attitude toward cement city habitat?
      A . Indifferent. B . Critical. C . Neutral. D . Supportive.
    3. (3) What does Cordal intend to tell us in the last paragraph?
      A . Everything big in public is attractive. B . Being small may be a fear in public. C . We need to focus on the details of the products. D . His work helps us to see the world differently.
    4. (4) What does the text mainly talk about?
      A . Cordal and his street art. B . Ways to be a sculptor. C . Materials used for sculptures. D . Reflections on city progress.
