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更新时间:2024-05-20 浏览次数:17 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Here're the best music festivals of 2024 you need tickets to.


    When: June 13-16

    Where: Great Stage Park in Manchester, Tenn. Bonnaroo has been a king in the festival world since 2002. This year's headliners include Pretty Lights, Fisher and so on. The main venue(场地), "Centeroo," stays open 24/7, so you can jamout until the sun comes up if that's your style. When taking a break from the music, there're tons of activities to keep you occupied, cool off, or relax.


    When: April 12-14

    Where: Empire Polo Field in Indio, Calif.

    The first Coachella was actually held on October 9-10, 1999. Like most festivals, fashion is a big part of the event. Headliners for Coachella 2024 include Lana Del Ray and Doja Cat. That's just the tip of the iceberg.


    When: March 22-24

    Where: Bayfront Park in Miami, Florida It was first held in Miami in March, 1999. Unlike many festivals, you don't camp on Ultra grounds and instead can book a stay at one of the nearby hotels. Who are the talented artists making an appearance? Headliners include Calvin Harris, and Afrojack, to name a few.

    Hangout Fest

    When: May 17-19

    Where: The beaches of Gulf Shores, Alabama

    This three-day party came to be in 2010 and has been popular since. What's better than your feet in the sand and live music? This year's top performers to look out for are Odesza, and Zach Bryan. But that's just a few names out of the long list of acts to see.

    1. (1) What is special about Bonnaroo?
      A . People can hang out all night at Centeroo. B . It's sponsored by the local government. C . It's the most popular of the four festivals. D . There's not much going on except music.
    2. (2)  Which music festival has the longest history?
      A . Hangout Fest. B . Coachella. C . Bonnaroo. D . Ultra.
    3. (3)  What do the four festivals have in common?
      A . They each last 3 days. B . They attract famous artists. C . They are held on the beach. D . They are mainly for the young.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Plenty of audiences have warned: don't see the new French movie The Taste of Things on an empty stomach. Juliette Binoche plays a longtime personal cook to a man who's a gourmand(美食家). They share a passion for food. Filled with delicious meals, the film celebrates food, and all the work and love that go into making it.

    When you see a delicious meal in a movie or an ad, chances are that it's not fit to eat. Food stylists have been known to substitute glue for milk, and coat meat with motor oil. All this was a big "No" for Vietnamese French director Tran Anh Hung.

    Tran says he wanted everything in The Taste of Things "to be real," from the raw ingredients(食材)to the menu to the way the cooks move in the kitchen. Real food can't always handle multiple takes. Plus, Tran needed to show dishes at different stages of preparation. So he needed a lot of everything. For a classic French dish, "we needed 40 kilos of meat for the shooting." He also had to find vegetables that looked like they were harvested in the 19th century. "They're not as beautiful as today," he says, "They're not straight, and they have many spots on the skin."

    After doing extensive research into the history of French cuisine and working with a historian, Tran enlisted three-star chef Pierre Gagnaire to make sure the menu he'd come up with worked in real life.

    Gagnaire also cooked for Tran for five days, so the director could study his movements in preparation for filming. Tran says watching Gagnaire move around the kitchen taught him that "simplicity is important and you don't need to have the perfect gesture for this or that. You need only to be very free." Gagnaire says the movie feels like a gift. "For my creativity, it's an honor," he says. The famous chef agreed to take a small part in the film.

    "When you leave this film, you feel calm because instead of violence, there's tenderness," Gagnaire says.

    1. (1)  What can we say about The Taste of Things?
      A . It shows that food represents love. B . It gives audience a good appetite. C . Its characters only focus on cooking. D . Its story is based on a food stylist.
    2. (2)  Which of the following best describes Tran as a film director?
      A . Romantic. B . Caring. C . Demanding. D . Humorous.
    3. (3)  Why did Gagnaire cook for Tran for five days?
      A . To get a role in Tran's movie. B . To give Tran some inspiration. C . To test Tran's menu for the film. D . To show Tran his food creativity.
    4. (4) What's the author's purpose in writing the text?
      A . To show a film shooting style. B . To recommend a film. C . To call on people to save food. D . To promote food culture.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    A team in Norway recently conducted in-depth research on writing by hand and typing on a keyboard.

    The team invited 36 university students who had to either write or type words displayed on a screen. The study participants used a digital pen to write in cursive(草书)on a touchscreen, and they used one finger on a keyboard to type. The researchers used a special cap with 256 sensors. This cap was worn by the students, and their brain activity was recorded for five seconds each time they were asked to write or type.

    "We show that when writing by hand, brain connectivity patterns are far more complex than when typewriting on a keyboard," says Professor Audrey van der Meer, the team leader. "Such widespread brain connectivity is known to be important for memory formation and for encoding(编码)new information and, therefore, is beneficial for learning." The researchers also note that even though the participants used digital pens for writing in the study, they believe the findings would be similar if the participants used an ink pen and paper.

    "We've shown that the differences in brain activity are related to the careful forming of the letters when writing by hand while making more use of the senses. Since it's the movement of the fingers carried out when forming letters that promotes brain connectivity, writing in print also has similar benefits for learning as cursive writing," Audrey adds. "This also explains why children who have learned to write and read on a tablet can have difficulty differentiating between letters that are mirror images of each other, such as ‘b' and ‘d'. They haven't felt with their bodies what it feels like to produce those letters."

    Considering handwritten note-taking is becoming less common in educational settings, the researchers advocate for more opportunities for students to write by hand. "There's some evidence that students learn more and remember better when taking handwritten lecture notes, while using a computer with a keyboard may be more pragmatic when writing a long text or essay," Audrey concludes.

    1. (1) What was the special cap used to do?
      A . Measure the participants' brain activity. B . Evaluate the participants' writing styles. C . Tell the participants when to write or type. D . Record the time the participants used to write.
    2. (2)  What does paragraph 3 focus on about the study?
      A . Its backgrounds. B . Its equipment. C . Its outcomes. D . Its process.
    3. (3)  What plays the key role in strengthening brain connectivity?
      A . Recognizing letters' mirror images. B . Learning to practice cursive writing. C . Forming the habit of taking notes. D . Writing letters carefully by hand.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "pragmatic" in the last paragraph mean?
      A . Difficult. B . Traditional. C . Special. D . Practical.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Researchers in Washington found that propaganda(宣传)written by artificial intelligence(AI)can be just as convincing to the average American as real propaganda created by human propagandists.

    The study, conducted by scientists at Stanford University and Georgetown University, used a powerful AI system called GPT-3 to generate(生成)false propaganda articles on some hot topics. The researchers then conducted an online survey of over 8,000 Americans. Participants were shown real propaganda articles as well as the AI-generated disinformation. Afterward, they were asked whether they agreed with the main argument being made in each article.

    Actually, the AI-generated propaganda was able to affect people's opinions nearly as often as the real deal. On average, agreement with the AI-written articles was only around four percentage points lower than agreement with human-written propaganda. "This suggests that propagandists could use GPT-3 to generate persuasive articles with minimum human effort, by using existing articles on unrelated topics to guide GPT-3 about the style and length of new articles," the study authors write in the journal PNAS Nexus.

    By feeding GPT-3 just a few examples of propaganda, it was able to produce new articles in a similar style. The researchers found that with just a little bit of human input, the AI's propaganda could actually become more convincing than what humans are able to alone.

    By automating propaganda creation, Al enables bad actors to flood online platforms with misleading content. The study authors recommend that while AI propaganda represents a serious threat, we should focus on better detection methods to counter disinformation campaigns as soon as possible. For example, people should identify false accounts and front groups spreading AI-generated content.

    "If generative AI tools can expand propaganda generation, research that improves the detection of infrastructure(基础设施)needed to deliver content to a target(such as inauthentic social media accounts)will become more important," the researchers conclude.

    1. (1)  How did the researchers carry out their study?
      A . By presenting concrete data. B . By making comparisons. C . By analyzing causes and effects. D . By proving what the experts say.
    2. (2)  What do the researchers suggest doing to deal with AI propaganda?
      A . Creating more authentic media accounts. B . Making minimum effort for maximum effect. C . Researching on identifying disinformation. D . Studying its side effects on real propaganda.
    3. (3) What is the author's attitude to AI propaganda?
      A . Dismissive. B . Doubtful. C . Objective. D . Favorable.
    4. (4)  What is the suitable title for the text?
      A . AI creates persuasive propaganda B . AI is replacing human propaganda C . AI may make propaganda in a mess D . AI and propaganda go hand in hand
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    If you're considering changing careers, here are some steps to guide you through a change in your career path.

    Take a personal inventory(清单). Consider your reactions to your current job and how they impact your job satisfaction. when you have time. Ask yourself tough questions like, "What is it about my job that I do or don't like?" Answer them, then read your answers. From your own notes, you'll begin to see a picture of what job satisfaction looks like for you.

    Decide if you want to change industries. though you are discovering more about yourself and what satisfactory work means to you. For some, switching careers might mean starting over in a completely new industry, while others may seek a new occupation within the same one.

    . With your career shift narrowed down to a few job types you may take, you're able to begin more extensive exploration. One way to learn more about a field of interest is to conduct informational interviews with people in that field. .

    Make an action plan. Creating your action plan means defining a clear goal and milestones(里程碑)to complete it. By this point, you've done all the research and should be able to narrow your career change to a specific occupation. . Think about things like education and certification, skill development, attending networking events and seizing opportunities to practice within the specific industry or field. Write down what steps you plan to take and a timeline to completion.

    A. Research potential job matches

    B. Ask others in your professional network

    C. It's time to consider what it will take to get there

    D. Write down notable events and how they make you feel

    E. This will help you decide if the industry or field is a good fit

    F. You should also define in what way you want to change career paths

    G. For example, if you're into IT industry, talk to those who are experts in this area

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    18-year-old Lilly Baker was driving when an elderly woman in a wheelchair caught her eye. The woman was 1  to cross a train track but got stuck. Without 2 , Lilly stopped to rescue her. Little did she 3 , however, that doing so would 4  a narrow escape for them both.

    With all of her 5 , Lilly tried to pull the elderly woman to safety, but she faced difficulties. 6 , in their attempt for freedom, they ended up 7  twice. Still, Lilly remained 8 . She got an added rush of this determination when she saw a train coming right at them.

    "He was honking(按喇叭)wildly and the lights started 9 ," Lilly recalled. Soon after, Lilly managed to pull her and the woman out of the 10 way. Had they been much closer to the train, neither of them would have 11 it. "It's a near-death 12 ," Lilly said. "The railroad company told me that I was 18 inches away from getting 13 ."

    Ardmore Police Chief Jereme Robison was sent to the 14 to help. Despite his experience, he was 15 by the risky rescue. He took this moment to stress the fact that anyone can be a hero, no matter who they are. "16 comes in all shapes and sizes," Jereme said. "You don't have to be a 6'5 guy that's 17 to get out and do something."

    The elderly woman has major leg injuries but, 18 , she's in the hospital and is expected to be okay 19 . As for Lilly, she said she couldn't be more grateful for the 20 to help someone.

    A .  pausing B .  choosing C .  attempting D .  promising
    A .  hesitating B .  doubting C .  agreeing D .  hurrying
    A .  admit B .  know C .  show D .  approve
    A .  cheer for B .  learn from C .  lead to D .  look into
    A .  weight B .  attention C .  height D .  strength
    A .  In brief B .  In return C .  In turn D .  In fact
    A .  backing B .  jumping C .  falling D .  escaping
    A .  insistent B .  concerned C .  energetic D .  satisfied
    A .  trembling B .  flashing C .  moving D .  withdrawing
    A .  dangerous B .  wide C .  winding D .  strange
    A .  confirmed B .  made C .  received D .  missed
    A .  permission B .  example C .  independence D .  experience
    A .  stuck B .  delayed C .  hit D .  lost
    A .  scene B .  border C .  harbor D .  station
    A .  puzzled B .  inspired C .  amused D .  shocked
    A .  happiness B .  bravery C .  relief D .  pride
    A .  well-organized B .  strong-built C .  ever-changing D .  self-centred
    A .  thankfully B .  curiously C .  hopefully D .  carefully
    A .  again B .  too C .  soon D .  only
    A .  guidance B .  trust C .  option l D .  chance
  • 7. 语法填空(短文)


    Six international couples from China, the United States, India, Greece and Lebanon participated a themed event in Chongqing's Rongchang district on the traditional Lantern Festival, which falls on Saturday this year.

    The group took part in many activities (joyful), such as making yuanxiao, solving riddles, and making lanterns (dress)in hanfu that is traditional Chinese-style clothing.

    "It is my(two)visit here," said 44-year-old Georgios Marketakis from Greece. "I like everything I see here."

    "There are so many glorious folk cultures in China need to be promoted," said Marketakis's wife, Chen Linxia, 38, a local resident. The couple said they had enjoyed another(impress)traditional festival in Rongchang. In another folk experience, Marketakis made a wall hanging by plant dyeing(染色)and(draw)on a piece of Rongchangxiabu, a traditional handmade textile(纺织品). The weaving techniques (list)as a national cultural intangible heritage(非物质文化遗产)in 2008.

    Their handwork was coached by 32-year-old local Tang Yi  her husband, Ivan Andrew Chen, 35, who is from India. To spread the xiabuculture, the couple are now settling in Rongchang.

    Rongchang, one of historical (city)in Southwest China, claims three national cultural intangible heritages, including Rongchang xiabu, Rongchang pottery and Rongchang folding fan products.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





    1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Sit in my classroom, I was observing my teacher. She was handing out our report cards one by one. I watched my classmates smiling faces and remembered my poor result last year. Though I worked hardly, I was still afraid. When it was her turn, I walked towards the table in great difficulty. My hands were shaking when I receive my result card. My teacher was saying something, but I felt such nervous that I couldn't hear her. But, soon, a round of applause brought me back, and I heard my teacher say, "What splendid job." I opened my result card, only to discovering an A + grade. I was glad that what my hard work paid off.

  • 9. 假定你校英语社团准备以"我的强大抗挫能力(ability of anti-frustration)"为主题举办演讲比赛,请就此写一篇英语演讲稿,内容包括:

    1. 你对挫折的认识;2. 举例说明你的抗挫能力。


    1. 词数100左右;开头和结尾已写出;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    Good morning, everybody! I'm happy to share with you my understanding of frustration.

    Thank you very much.

