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更新时间:2024-03-20 浏览次数:7 类型:期末考试
  • 6.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why does Mike call Mary?
      A . To remind her of the trip. B . To invite her parents to the trip. C . To ask her to write a letter tomorrow.
    2. (2) What day is it today?
      A . Wednesday. B . Friday. C . Sunday.
  • 7.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman say about the radio?
      A . It is expensive. B . It won't be loud enough. C . It might be useless under the water.
    2. (2) When can the woman return the radio?
      A . Within 3 days. B . Within 7 days. C . Within 30 days.
  • 8.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman think of the play?
      A . Boring. B . Exciting. C . Confusing.
    2. (2) When did the man read the play?
      A . Last year. B . Last month. C . Last week.
    3. (3) What does the man suggest the woman do?
      A . Read the play out. B . Act out the play. C . Join a study group.
  • 9.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who is the man probably?
      A . A doctor. B . The girl's boss. C . The girl's teacher.
    2. (2) What is wrong with the girl?
      A . She hurt her leg. B . She caught a cold. C . She hurt her back.
    3. (3) What was the weather like yesterday?
      A . Rainy. B . Sunny. C . Snowy.
    4. (4) When will the girl be well?
      A . In two days. B . In a week. C . In a month.
  • 10.  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who is the speaker talking about?
      A . Her mother. B . Her father. C . Her friend.
    2. (2) Why did the speaker consider herself lucky?
      A . She was the only child in her family. B . She had her father around all the time. C . Her parents were wealthy.
    3. (3) Where did the speaker get on the school bus?
      A . At the bus stop two blocks away. B . Near the usual bus stop. C . Beside her house.
    4. (4) What do we know about the speaker?
      A . She was independent in high school. B . She used to do the cooking for her father. C . She often made calls to her father in college.
  • 11.  阅读理解

    Keshwa Chaca Bridge, Peru

    While most bridges are made from wood or steel, the Keshwa Chaca Bridge is made from woven grass, which appears unsafe. You may be worried it won't support your weight, though the bridge has lasted for 500 years. It was the Incas who first built the attractive bridge, showing the talents of the Incas and their unusual architecture methods.

    Carrick-a-Red e Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland

    This 66-foot-long bridge sits 30 meters above the rough rocks and fast-flowing waters. Few people make it there and back. Don't worry, they don't fall in, they just can't stomach the journey twice and come back by boat. It's become a tourist attraction and you actually have to pay to cross. If you don't have a stomach of steel, it's probably best to get a one way ticket in case!

    The Bridge of Immortals, China

    The Bridge of Immortals connects the Huangshan mountain ranges in Anhui province of China. The bridge is frightening to cross but the views are really worthwhile. The drop below is pretty great and if crazy adventurers decide to cross, we only have a suggestion to offer: Don't look down!

    Hanging Bridge Of Ghasa, Nepal

    This breath-taking bridge looks frightening, but it happens to be one of the main sources of transportation for locals to transport people and cattle. The bridge is extremely narrow and it stands high above a river valley. Locals have grown used to the bridge, but many tourists are too afraid to cross because it seems as if it's about to break.

    1. (1) Where can you appreciate the architecture of the Incas?
      A . Keshwa Chaca Bridge. B . Carrick-a-Red e Rope Bridge. C . The Bridge of Immortals. D . Hanging Bridge of Ghasa.
    2. (2) What can we know about Carrick-a-Red e Rope Bridge?
      A . It can be reached only by boat. B . It takes you money to cross it. C . It stands 66 meters above rocks. D . It's made of wood and lasts strong.
    3. (3) Which word can best describe all the bridges above?
      A . Narrow. B . Smooth. C . Dangerous. D . Creative.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    It was December 27th, 2004 in Malaysia. People were in a holiday mood for various reasons. It was the day after Christmas, a Sunday. On Penang Island, hotels were fully-booked by holiday-makers from home and abroad. The Dillon family had come all the way from Europe to shelter from the coldness of winter. They were up early to swim in the sea and eat a late breakfast in the Crystal Restaurant on Fisherman's Pier.

    While enjoying their Asian breakfast in a room facing the water, Mr. and Mrs. Dillon saw a strange sight through the glass windows. People on the beach were pointing at the sea which was crashing quickly into the horizon. Some were excitedly picking up shells and fish that had been exposed(暴露)when a Japanese man at the next table shouting "Tsunami! Tsunami!". He jumped from his seat, waving wildly to everyone else, and rushed for the exit. The couple sensed that they were in danger.

    Suddenly a huge wall of water came crashing through the restaurant windows, knocking over everyone. The couple held their son's hands. However, the boy's little hand slid out of his parents and the waves tossed him forcefully, leaving him in danger. Luckily, when his head was seen rising above the water, he was pulled up in time. Just as forcefully, the waves pulled back, breaking whatever it could. Fortunately, everyone had run onto drier ground. They rushed out to the street, shaken by the tsunami. The shocked boy burst into tears. Everyone shook with fear.

    The deadly tsunami of 27th December 2004 killed more than 60 people in Malaysia. Its force was most destructive in northern Sumatra, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and India. There were also deaths in Somalia, the Maldives, and Myanmar. Altogether, about a quarter of a million people were killed, thousands went missing, and more than half a million lost their homes. Never has a natural disaster traumatized so many nations.

    1. (1) Why did the Dillon family come to Malaysia?
      A . To avoid winter coldness in Europe. B . To taste food in the Crystal Restaurant. C . To swim in the sea on Fisherman's Pier. D . To celebrate Christmas with Malaysians.
    2. (2) What made the Dillons realize the coming danger?
      A . The crashing sea waves. B . The exposed shells and fish. C . The sea view through windows. D . The Japanese's unusual behavior.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "tossed" in paragraph 3 mean?
      A . Left alone. B . Threw upward. C . Moved up and down. D . Wetted all over.
    4. (4) What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
      A . Warning signs of the tsunami. B . Terrible effects of the tsunami. C . Great efforts to fight the tsunami. D . Surviving countries after the tsunami.
  • 13.  阅读理解

    The family unit of parents and children is the most important in our life. However, a common complaint(抱怨)nowadays is "my parents have no time for me" or "my children prefer to spend time with their friends". So what is the reason for such complaints?

    One of the basic parenting rules is that parents should spend time with their children. This is the time when parents can show their love and care for their children, physically and emotionally. Similarly, the children can show that they appreciate their parents' love and this brings about a strong parent-child relationship. Both parties get advantage.

    Busy work is one reason why parents don't spend time with their children. They are the bread winners, wanting their children to have the best. Often both parents had to work to support the family. So, the children turn to their friends who are there to offer a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on. They open up to their friends more than their parents. Another choice for parents is the maid(女佣)who is always there.

    When parents get home from the office and the children from school, they are on their own-one parent prepares a meal, the other and children either in front of the computer or their iPhones. They spend time together at a meal but each is more buried in his own thoughts rather than what the others are thinking about.

    What can be done to correct the situation? Both parents and children can reschedule their activities with the purpose of spending more time together. Have common interests like watching a football game. This will help develop a close and healthy relationship. Having quality time together takes effort, but it's worthwhile.

    1. (1) What's the author's purpose of raising a question in the first paragraph?
      A . To make a fact clear. B . To offer an opinion. C . To lead in the topic. D . To start a conversation.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word in paragragh 2 refer to?
      A . Political organizations. B . Social activities. C . Groups of people. D . Rules of family.
    3. (3) Why do children depend more on friends instead of parents?
      A . Parents are busy with work. B . Parents ask them to join friends. C . Parents want them to have the best. D . Parents need to make bread to support family.
    4. (4) What can be done to solve the complaint?
      A . Require maids to step in. B . Turn to iphones for help. C . Develop different interests. D . Have quality time together.
  • 14.  阅读理解

    A moon crystal found by China on the nearside of the moon is giving scientists hope of providing limitless power for the earth forever.

    The moon crystal has a key ingredient(成分)for the nuclear fusion(核聚变)process, a form of power production that controls the same forces that supply energy for the Sun and other stars in space. The crystal was found in the matter collected from the moon in 2020 and makes China the third country to discover new moon matter, behind the US and the former Soviet Union.

    One of the primary ingredients found in this crystal is helium-3, which scientists believe may provide a ever-growing energy source for nuclear fusion reactors. The ingredient is hardly seen on Earth, but it seems to be fairly common on the moon. China's next moon project is to send up Chang'e 6 in 2024, which will attempt to collect the first samples(样品)from the other side of the moon—which never faces the Earth.

    For years, scientists have been attracted byhelium-3 and its possible source of energy for nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion reactions happen naturally, when two light atoms crash into a heavier one, under extreme pressure and heat. They take place inside stars, but humans have yet to create a fusion reactor with enough energy to start the process.

    Helium-3 is promising as it produces less radiation(辐射)and nuclear waste than other ingredients, according to the European Space Agency. The present nuclear fission(核裂变)process used in nuclear power plants, delivers not only energy but radioactivity, and the used nuclear energy must be reprocessed into harmful chemicals and other waste. It's a process that has raised serious safety concerns, and as a result, scientists have been searching for a way to create nuclear power from nuclear fusion, rather than fission. During the fusion process, radioactive waste is not produced, possibly making a safer energy source.

    Many countries hope to mine the moon for helium-3, and this latest discovery could start the race.

    1. (1) Which part of a website is the text probably taken from?
      A . Travel. B . Space. C . Geography. D . Education.
    2. (2) What will the Chang'e 6 project in 2024 focus on?
      A . Energy sources for other stars. B . Ingredients of the crystal founded. C . Pictures of the backside of the moon. D . Samples from the far side of the moon.
    3. (3) Scientists prefer nuclear fusion to nuclear fission due to its ____.
      A . value B . safety C . quick process D . little waste
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . China Discovers Moon Crystal B . China Joins in Space Exploration C . China's Efforts to Mine the Moon D . China's Projects to Explore the Moon
  • 15.  阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    A growing number of Chinese young generations are looking for new methods to relieve(缓解)stress, which include raising unusual "pets", hugging(拥抱)trees, watching stress relief videos and playing other stress-relieving toys.

    A new toy called "mango dog" recently is becoming popular among young people. . The process of making "mango dogs" allows them to free themselves from the anxieties of work and study. This is not the first time that young people have raised unusual "pets". For example, college students have shared online their experiences of raising stones and paper box "dogs". These "pets" share similar characteristics—they don't cry, make noise or get sick.

    . "You may think you are hugging the tree, but in fact, the tree is hugging you," says a young man. The same feeling is shared by those who have experienced tree hugging. They say that their anxiety has been relieved. . In some big cities, some people have even organized tree hugging interest groups and regularly plan tree hugging activities.

    At the same time, a young media worker finds the joy in watching fun videos before sleeping. "I especially enjoy watching stress relief videos, like washing blankets and cutting soap. . It helps me fall asleep more easily."

    The popularity of these stress relief methods reflects young people's need to relieve emotional pressure. According to public data, there are more than 800 companies in China with names, businesses, products, or services with the term "stress relief". .

    A. Tree hugging is another choice

    B. Other toys have also become popular

    C. Playing with Chinese puzzles is comfortable

    D. For the youth, the "mango dog" has special meaning

    E. They also feel a connection with nature by hugging trees

    F. After watching them, I feel the stress of the day is relieved

    G. And the number is expected to grow even higher in the future

  • 16.  阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I had always felt like I didn't fit in the school. My true friends weren't in the crowd of 1 kids in school, either.

    Parading before me was "the fun group"—the popular kids—always laughing and whispering(窃窃私语). I wanted to be just like them and wished to be 2 .

    Later, my dream came true when I joined a cheer leading team. Immediately, I3  a lot—new hair color, new dressing style and a new group of 4 . Everything I had wanted to be, I was. I was 5  one of the popular kids.

    However, the more I was included with the "in crowd", the more confused I became. 6 , these people were far from 7 . They talked behind each other's backs while they 8 to be best friends. They 9 what I was wearing, but they weren't concerned about what my dreams were. I began to feel a sense of loss and 10

    Worst of all, I 11  that I was becoming just like them. I decided I had to get my life back in 12  . I concentrated on finding out who my real friends were—the ones who really mattered. I stayed with cheer leading, but I 13  playing with only the popular kids. I found out that my real friends had n ever14  me. They were simply waiting for me. I finally learned that my 15  friends were all I would ever need.

    A .  busy B .  clever C .  popular D .  serious
    A .  accepted B .  praised C .  challenged D .  helped
    A .  thought B .  learned C .  requested D .  changed
    A .  teachers B .  classmates C .  neighbors D .  friends
    A .  finally B .  responsibly C .  strangely D .  privately
    A .  In shock B .  On hand C .  In fact D .  On earth
    A .  alone B .  certain C .  perfect D .  unique
    A .  dreamed B .  pretended C .  demanded D .  chose
    A .  searched for B .  cared about C .  watched over D .  looked after
    A .  excitement B .  curiosity C .  peace D .  disappointment
    A .  begged B .  wondered C .  explained D .  realized
    A .  order B .  need C .  advance D .  common
    A .  stopped B .  began C .  continued D .  enjoyed
    A .  cheated B .  left C .  helped D .  supported
    A .  lucky B .  popular C .  former D .  confident
  • 27.  阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Want to have fun with characters like Harry Potter or Kung Fu Panda? You will get the chance to do so by (visit)the Universal Beijing Resort(UBR).

    Located in Beijing, the UBR is the (five)Universal Studios theme park(global), and the first in China . As planned, it's expected to speed the establishment of Beijing as international business center and build up the (confident)of China's culture and tourism industry.

    The UBR is fully aware  cultural preferences of Chinese friends. For example, the Kung Fu Panda Land of Awesomeness has pavilions, small bridges and flowing water. Lanterns are hung in many places. Accompanied with Chinese music, visitors can eat (variety)of Chinese snacks in restaurants look like ancient buildings.

    Apart from Chinese cultural factors, "made-in-China" also shines in the UBR. For example, there is a huge rock in the theme land of Jurassic World, which (make)up of more than 10,000 steel parts built by Chinese engineers. Visitors can see a rock standing tall and spring water falling from a height of 50 meters. It took an amount of wisdom and power (build)such a fantastic park.

  • 33.  假如你是李华,你校国际交换生Peter打算成立一个观鸟俱乐部(Bird watching Club),邀请你参加,同时希望你对如何开展活动提出建议。请你给他写一封E-mail,内容包括:1.感谢邀请;2.提出建议。


    Dear Peter,



    Li Hua

