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更新时间:2023-12-11 浏览次数:15 类型:期中考试
一、第一部分 阅读理解,第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
  • 1. 阅读理解

    The Young Scholars Program

    The University of Maryland's Young Scholars Program is a perfect summer camp for academically talented teenagers who want to earn college credits, pursue academic interests or discover college life at the University of Maryland. The program is challenging and meaningful. Students have the opportunity to show that they can be successful in a university environment.

    The Activities

    During three weeks of exploration, teens preview the university experience, study with students who share similar interests and communicate with the best teachers of the University of Maryland in a dynamic and challenging classroom environment. Students can have trips to nearby Washington, D.C. and enjoy movie nights and activities at the student union. Workshops and seminars featuring speakers in academic fields further enrich the learning experience.

    The Courses

    The Young Scholars Program offers college courses that are at the cutting edge of theory, thought and technology. Classes generally meet every day from Monday to Friday. The program is a great introduction to the University of Maryland. Participants can benefit from the University of Maryland's vast resources, including libraries, computers and instructional labs.

    The Rewards

    Upon program completion, teens will go home with better preparations for the college experience — both academically and socially. In addition, students earn three college credits that post to the University of Maryland transcript (成绩单).

    The Application

    The application process includes submission of the application, high school transcript and a letter of recommendation.

    Ages: 14-18

    Mailing address: The University of Maryland College Park

    For more information, call 3014057762.

    1. (1) Which is NOT true about the program according to paragraph 1?
      A . It is intended for college students. B . It can offer college credits for teens. C . It's worth participating. D . It can let teens experience college life in advance.
    2. (2) What can teens do during three weeks of the program?
      A . They can learn from the best students of the University of Maryland B . They can join the student union of the University of Maryland. C . They can attend a meeting for academic discussion. D . They can attend classes every day.
    3. (3)  If you want to apply for the program, you need ____.
      A . preview the university environment ahead of time B . take a part time job in the university's library C . submit high school transcript D . call 3014057762 to contact the university first.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    A British woman, Dr. Mantri, growing up in India started to notice his son, Dhruv, was struggling with simple arithmetic when he was in fifth-grade. After noticing this, she started employing an abacus(算盘)to help her son visually comprehend mathematics.

    "I would ask him something like 35 minus 13 and he couldn't do it." said Dhruv's mom Dr. Mantri. "I decided to change the way he looked at numbers," she said. "An abacus is a tried and tested method, and the Egyptians used them for building the pyramid." In just six days he started to show progress with the abacus and would go on to become a whizz kid with numbers, with even his classmates' parents reaching out for help.

    She never thought she would teach her son using an abacus, which she used as a child in India and it was always helpful. Within six days she started to notice a difference and see results. So dramatic was the turn around that school staff asked him to perform with the abacus at an assembly, where some parents even came to ask for advice on using it for their kids.

    IT specialist Dr. Mantri said the humble abacus can be used for calculations into the trillions and kids enjoy learning on it because it's like a game. "It becomes a playing tool for younger children, for it feels like a game. I think the success comes because children can touch and feel an abacus and visualize them." She added.

    By the age of 12, Dhruv was giving online cyber security seminars and is now pursuing a career in data science and analytics. Dhruv has now landed an apprenticeship(实习)at an international firm. During the four-year apprenticeship, he will spend one day a week studying Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Glasgow Caledonian University. "He is so confident now and I am so proud," she said, with Dhruv adding "I don't think my teachers would have guessed that I would be following a career in data science at that time."

    1. (1) Why did Dhruv have difficulty in learning mathematics?
      A . He was faced with language barrier. B . He didn't find a proper way. C . He suffered from eyesight problems. D . He lacked academic support from the family.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "whizz" in paragraph 2 mean?
      A . Careful. B . Diligent. C . Outstanding. D . Struggling.
    3. (3) Why do kids like learning on abacus according to the text? 
      A . They find it appealing. B . They can calculate faster. C . They enjoy playing games. D . They are eager for success.
    4. (4) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
      A . Dhruv was addicted to the Internet at 12. B . Dhruv is teaching data science and analytics now. C . Dhruv is a full-time student at Glasgow Caledonian University, D . Dhruv's career choice was beyond his teacher's expectation.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    In May 2012, Australia's Macquarie Dictionary and the McCann Advertising Agency gathered a group of language experts to name a phenomenon common in the age of the smartphone. They called the phenomenon "phubbing", and defined it as "the act of snubbing (无视) someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention." It's not the usual way words begin to exist.

    A month later, the first example of phubbing in a major newspaper appeared in a letter to the editor of The Age, published in Melbourne. Since then, the word has appeared in various media the world over. Phubbing has yet to be fully adopted in the U. S., but we have collected some evidence of it in use. 

    On 29 September 2015, James A. Roberts wrote in the Huffinington Post, "In the present case, phubbing is a combination of the words phone and snubbing. To be phubbed is to be snubbed by someone using their cell phone while in your company. The ‘phubb' could be an interruption of your conversation with someone when he or she uses their cell phone or is distracted by it (steal glances when they think you're not looking) instead of paying attention to you. Maybe worse, you've been phubbed if someone used their cell phone instead of communicating with you while staying close to you. Oh, the shame."

    The meaning and various forms of the word have yet to settle out. Is it phubbing if you're staring at your tablet instead of your phone? Is the singular noun (and the base form of the verb) spelled phubb, as in the example above, or phub, as in some other sources? These are the sorts of questions we'll need answers to before we're ready to consider phubbing and its relations for entry. In the meanwhile, you can of course use phubbing if you feel the need. It seems we all do these days.

    1. (1) What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about phubbing?
      A . Its usage. B . Its birth. C . Its influence. D . Its definition.
    2. (2) What may phubbing probably lead to according to James A. Roberts? 
      A . Obvious embarrassment in life. B . Heavy reliance on cellphones. C . Complete ignorance by your friends. D . Permanent breakup of relationship.
    3. (3) What can we learn from the last paragraph about the word phubb?
      A . It arouses heated arguments. B . It proves to be settled. C . It's not included in a dictionary. D . It's not difficult to understand.
    4. (4) Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
      A . Where Phubbing Leads Us? B . Why Phubbing Ruins Our Life? C . What Makes Phubbing Commonly Seen? D . How Phone Snubbing Becomes Phubbing?
  • 4. 阅读理解

    What makes people so special? Tool use, self-consciousness, language, and culture are high on the list, but in fact all of these characteristics can be found elsewhere in the animal kingdom. Humans and apes are close relatives, so it is perhaps not surprising that chimpanzees use tools or that gorillas have a sense of fair play, even rejecting carrots (which they normally accept) when they see their neighbors getting grapes. But the qualities that we often think of as uniquely human exist not just on land, but in the ocean as well.

    Among the invertebrates(无脊椎动物), octopuses (八爪鱼) are known for their intelligence, even exhibiting evidence of playfulness, tool use, and personality. But these skilled predators live alone and consequently lack culture. Dolphins, on the other hand, are large-brained, long-living, social-group-based predators, and it is here that we find the greatest similarity to human-like culture and awareness.

    Culture depends on the ability of animals to pass on things they have learned to others. Many animals have culture in this sense, but what sets dolphins apart is what they pass on. Some bottlenose dolphins hold sponges in their mouths that they use as tools to sweep for fish hiding on the ocean floor. This ability is handed down through generations (especially in females), with some families — grandmother, mother, and daughter — all feeding in this highly specialized way.

    Another characteristic that dolphins share with humans is their ability to recognize themselves in a mirror. When facing a mirror, most animals behave as though they are interacting with another individual. Even in humans, the ability to recognize that the image in a mirror is oneself does not occur before the age of 18 months. Dolphins not only recognize themselves, but if a black mark is put on the body of a dolphin, it will spend extra time at the mirror to look at the mark.

    1. (1) The example of gorillas rejecting carrots shows they ____.
      A . are not easy to fool B . prefer fruit to vegetables C . have a special taste for food D . have an awareness of equality
    2. (2) What do octopuses lack compared with dolphins?
      A . Social interaction. B . Intelligence. C . Tool using ability. D . Fun-loving spirits.
    3. (3) What makes dolphin culture special?
      A . They tend to hunt in groups. B . Their hunting skills are passed down. C . Their learning environment is favourable. D . Their families are typically female-controlled.
    4. (4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
      A . Dolphins enjoy looking at their own reflection in the mirror. B . Dolphins are as intelligent as a typical 18-month-old human baby. C . Dolphins are generally regarded as the most advanced non-human species. D . Dolphins' ability to recognize their own reflection is a higher-order mental skill.
二、第一部分 阅读理解,第二节任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    In 2013, digital media consultant Baratunde Thurston launched an experiment. He decided to disconnect from his online life for twenty-five days: no Facebook, no Twitter, not even e-mail. He needed the break. 

    It didn't take him long to adjust to a disconnected life. By the end of that first week, he was less stressed about not knowing new things. He enjoyed food without Twittering the experience. But the end came too soon. After the twenty-five days. he had to restore his online presence.

    His experiment summarizes two important points about our relationship with social networks like Facebook and Twitter. The first point is that we increasingly recognize that these tools fragment (碎裂) our time and reduce our ability to concentrate. But the problem is especially serious if you're attempting to improve your ability to work deeply.

    To fight back against these distractions, Thurston felt his only option was to quit the Internet altogether. But the problem is that no one is meant to actually follow Thurston's lead. That is to accept our current distracted state as unavoidable. This brings me to the second point summarized by Thurston's story: it didn't take him long once the experiment ended to slide back into the fragmented state where he began.

    This rule proposes a third option: accepting that these tools might be vital to your success and happiness, but meanwhile accepting that most people should be using fewer such tools. I won't ask you, in other words, to quit the Internet altogether like Thurston did. There is a middle ground, and if you're to develop a deep work habit, you must fight to get there.

    A. He struck up conversations with strangers.

    B. It is a real problem for many different people.

    C. "I was burnt out, fried, and done," he explained.

    D. This reality accounts for the remaining alternative.

    E. He had to return to the online world with books to market.

    F. But I'll ask you to reject the state of highly distracted connectedness.

    G. Fortunately, you will break the habit of surfing the Internet gradually.

三、第二部分 语言应用,第一节完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I was never very neat. Yet, when I arrived at college, my roommate didn't seem to appreciate my 1 . I am not sure why they 2 us together. Kim was extremely organized. She 3 everything and each item she owned had its place. We were always having a hard time with each other. She would be mad at my dirty clothes and I would 4 washing powder headaches. She would push my clothing over to one side and I would lay one of my books on her 5 desk.

    However, it all came to an end one late evening and I didn't even know why we had both returned to each other's 6 . When the phone rang, she picked it up and I could tell from her end of the conversation that her father was 7 ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled under her covers and I could hear her quiet 8 . Though I didn't mean for it to happen, 1 could feel the warm feelings of 9 rising up in my heart. It was something no girl should 10 alone. What to do? I smiled as I got the idea.

    Slowly, 1 began to clear up my side of the room. I took back the 11 I had set on her desk. I got so 12 in my work that I didn't even notice Kim had come out from under the covers. She was watching my every move, her tears dried and her expression one of 13 . When I was finally done, I went and sat at the end of her bed. Her hand was warm as it 14 over to grasp mine. I looked up into Kim's eyes and she smiled at me.

    Kim and I stayed roommates for the rest of that year. We didn't always see eye to eye, but we learned the 15 to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.

    A .  untidiness B .  dignity C .  privilege D .  capability
    A .  persuaded B .  stuck C .  limited D .  recorded
    A .  recognized B .  acquired C .  simplified D .  labeled
    A .  puzzle about B .  inquire about C .  complain about D .  joke about
    A .  newly-furnished B .  neatly-arranged C .  fully-occupied D .  well-designed
    A .  annoyance B .  company C .  responsibility D .  absence
    A .  deadly B .  slightly C .  moderately D .  gradually
    A .  breathing B .  murmuring C .  warning D .  sobbing
    A .  forgiveness B, anxiety B .  understanding C .  comfort
    A .  sort out B .  come across C .  switch off D .  go through
    A .  book B .  sock C .  clothing D .  pencil
    A .  absorbed B .  relieved C .  overwhelmed D .  deserted
    A .  disappointment B .  nervousness C .  disbelief D .  frustration
    A .  knocked B .  reached C .  swept D .  got
    A .  aim B .  agreement C .  objection D .  key
四、第二部分 语言应用,第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The combination of music and study has long been  source of disagreement between adults and children. Parents and teachers alike maintain that  (silent) is important when learning, whereas youngsters insist that (they) favourite sounds help them concentrate.

    Now a study shows that the (grown-up) have been right all along. Psychologists in Florida tested how fast students wrote essays and without music in the background. They (find) that the sounds slowed progress down by about sixty words per hour. "This demonstrates (clear) that it is difficult to cope with listening and writing at the same time," said Dr. Sarah. She also came to the conclusion it is a myth that instrumental music is less disturbing than songs. "All types of music had the same effect," she said in her report. "One's ability to pay attention and write fluently is likely (disturb) by both songs and instrumental music." she added.

    Dr. Sarah claimed the research demonstrated that the idea that music could improve performance was wrong. "Writing an essay is a complex task. You (recall) information and putting it in order. But what is particularly worrying is that more and more teenagers are studying in front of the television."

五、第三部分 基础知识,第一节 用所给词汇的正确形式填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
六、第三部分 基础知识,第二节选词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  • 23.  根据句意,从所给词组中挑选合适的一项并用其正确形式完成句子,其中有两个选项为多余选项

    carry on; provide for; on the basis of; in this sense

     result in; live off; appeal to; come to power 

     run out; keep in touch with; wear and tear; to some extent

    1. (1) Milk tea has become a popular drink,  a lot of young people.
    2. (2) One can never deny the fact that we all suffer from such human weaknesses as idleness, moodiness, jealousy and vanity 
    3. (3) , evolution just means change, and no one can deny that these changes are happening. 
    4. (4) Instead my father taught me what he knew: that being a man was about sacrifice and doing whatever you can to take care of and  your family.
    5. (5) Emperor Kang Xi took a series of measures to develop the nation's economy after .
    6. (6) It is dangerous to judge  first impressions. 
    7. (7) When you have difficulties in your life, remember to keep calm and , and you will succeed in the end. 
    8. (8) Researchers find that diets high in fiber and low in refined grains, meat and sugars  less weight gain.
    9. (9) Social media has made it much easier to  old friends and acquaintances. 
    10. (10) Though he is thirty, he is still  his parents. He should become more self-reliant.
七、第四部分 应用文写作(满分15分)
  • 24. 在学校刚举办的科技创新设计大赛中,你设计的一款老人智能陪护机器人荣获一等奖。请以"My Intelligent Robot for the Elderly"为题写一篇英语课堂前的一分钟汇报,内容包括:1.设计目的;2.功能介绍;3.你的期望。


