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更新时间:2023-11-28 浏览次数:29 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Some of the Best Children's Books in 2023

    Books are great for helping kids feel less alone when they see others have, similar experiences to them, and also for learning about the experiences of others—in that way, books can be both mirrors and windows, and are important for kids' social and psychological development. There are some best children's books in 2023 for kids to enjoy!


    Not all storybooks are fictional. Little scientists will be especially interested in this nonfiction book that explains how vaccines work, and that they help protect your body from diseases you've never had before.


    Fifth grade can be tough, and that's certainly what Penny is finding out the hard way. Her best friend suddenly wants nothing to do with her, and her anxiety means she always had dozens of questions firing in her brain. A great new series to help new middle graders figure out and process their new world.


    This book is a choose-your-own-path take on the world of Hollywood, for girls who might be interested in making a career in producing, acting, set design, and more. It offers some practical ways to learn about the world of movie making.


    This time travel middle grade novel sees McKinley O'Dair find herself back in 1993, and with a decision to make before she can go back to the present. It's full of imagination and creation. One for Millennial (千禧年) and Gen X parents to enjoy alongside their middle grader!

    If you need more inspiration for kids' reading, below is our website! Happy reading, kuddos!

    1. (1) Who is the target reader of PENNY DRAWS A BEST FRIEND?
      A . A budding scientist. B . A young student. C . A movie fan. D . A poetry lover.
    2. (2) Which book is a fiction book among the list?
      A . A VACCINE IS LIKE A MEMORY.             B . PENNY DRAWS A BEST FRIEND. C . GIRLS MAKE MOVIES.                     D . REWIND.
    3. (3) Where is this text probably taken from?
      A . An academic report. B . A storybook. C . An Internet website. D . An album.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    In 1931, Americans were suffering through the Great Depression. It was The Good Earth by Pearl Buck that brought comfort, the top-selling book that year.

    Born into a religious workers' family in 1892, Pearl Buck left the United States and moved to China with her parents. Her education began at home with her mother teaching her American school things while a Chinese tutor taught her other subjects, including writings of Confucius. In 1910, she went back to America to study philosophy. After graduation, she returned to China and married John Lossing Buck, an agriculture expert, eventually settling down in a small village in the north of China.

    Had it not been for their first child Carol, who had an unusual disease causing her to have trouble learning, Pearl Buck might never have become a famous writer. The reason was money. She needed it to pay for her daughter's care. She recalled why she chose China and its people as the subjects, "If none of you want to write these wonderful farmers. I will write about them. So, I wrote The Good Earth."

    The Good Earth tells the story of a poor Chinese man named Wang Lung and his wife O-Lan. It recounts how they work hard and finally make enough money to purchase some land for a farm. They stick to the land even in times of starvation, themselves begging on the streets. Experiencing ups and downs, Wang finds happiness in owning land and raising crops. He even forbids his sons to sell the land after his death.

    Pearl Buck told her China stories with honesty and Americans were impressed by the new images of the Chinese totally different from those in Hollywood movies. The book earned Pearl Buck the Pulitzer Prize and was later adapted into an Oscar-winning movie. In 1938, she became the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

    1. (1) How did Pearl Buck benefit from her education?
      A . She thought the best education lay in home. B . She highly appreciated education in the countryside. C . She preferred Chinese education to Western education. D . She gained a lot from a combination of different styles of education.
    2. (2) Why did Pearl Buck decide to write books?
      A . Some Chinese advised her to do it. B . She was in desperate need of money. C . She couldn't bear the boring rural life. D . She desired a good education for her kid.
    3. (3) What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
      A . Good fortune always favors the characters. B . Owning land is the lifeline for Chinese farmers. C . Chinese farmers lead a terribly miserable life. D . The characters make a fortune by buying and selling land.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The moral values of The Good Earth. B . The fighting spirit of Chinese farmers. C . A woman writer's sacrifice to save her ill child. D . A woman's great China-themed literary achievements.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Taking an "eco-break" was once almost the same as a weekend's hedge-laying or a summer spent conserving wildlife. Here is how things have changed: being a green traveler today is no longer restricted to one-off gestures but, rather, it's a state of mind. Influences include, but are not limited to what we pack, how we reach our destination, where we stay and what activities we take part in.

    Such change has come about thanks to both a growing understanding of climate change and the pioneering efforts of some travel operators to show the joy of going green. Luxury camping specialists Feather Down Farms and Forest, for example, led the glamping (豪华野营) revolution. Digital platforms such as Under the Thatch and Canopy & Stars have made booking low-impact rural accommodations easier. Adventure operators such as TYF, Intrepid and Much Better Adventures set the agenda for sustainable outdoor relaxation.10000

    But the increased appetite for travel and the trend for replacing annual trips with multiple shorter breaks has seen a rise in carbon-intensive air travel. Meanwhile, key overland routes have been discontinued (such as ferry services to Scandinavia and overnight "train hotels" through France and Spain), and cuts in local transport services have severely impacted car-free access to rural areas. Dishonest and immoral businesses have also jumped on the "eco" travel wave, muddying the waters.

    There are, however, signs we're entering a golden age of green travel. Richard Hammond, founder of the Green Traveler website, shares over 20 years' worth of expertise in his new guidebook outlying methods to explore the world sustainably. Many travel companies are also starting to provide tools to help travelers tell the genuinely green from greenwashing operations (Booking. com and Google, for instance, are working with not-for-profit Travalyst to flag up

    officially-approved and eco-certified hotels in their search results) while the upcoming national rollout (推广) of electric car charging, the modernization of cross-channel ferry services and the return of rail means choosing lower-carbon overland travel is becoming practical and more appealing.

    1. (1) How have things changed for being green now?
      A . Each stop on a route is planned with care. B . Many aspects of our travels are influenced. C . Wildlife preservation is not as essential as before. D . The health conditions of tourists are considered.
    2. (2) What is the author's purpose in mentioning some travel operators?
      A . To compare their jobs in different fields. B . To offer the readers select recommendations. C . To impress the readers with outdoor activities. D . To show their joint contributions to green travel.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "greenwashing" in Paragraph 4 mean?
      A . Eco-unfriendly. B . Illegal. C . Disorderly. D . Evergreen.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . Going Green B . Costing the Earth Less C . Experiencing Rural Lifestyles D . Adventuring Into the Golden Age
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Artificial intelligence, a key technology for driving digital transformation, is playing an increasingly vital role in accelerating China's push for industrial upgrading and promoting the in-depth integration (融合) of the digital economy and real economy. Significant progress has been made in developing China's Al industry, with technological innovation capabilities in some areas ranking among the best in the world, business leaders and experts said.

    A Stanford University report showed that China filed more than half of the world's AI patent applications last year and the nation continued to lead the world in the number of AI journals, conference papers and related publications. The report said Chinese researchers have been the most productive in recent years, publishing 27.5% of all AI journal articles worldwide, while researchers from the United States accounted for 12%. Articles in Chinese journals also exceeded those of other nations for citations, an indicator of their scientific importance.100000

    Chinese technology companies have invested heavily in research and development based on AI. In 2017, Baidu was chosen to lead the establishment of the Al national laboratory in deep learning. Self-driving technologies are important for this national research project.

    Robin Li, co-founder and CEO of Baidu, said the application of AI technology is reshaping the industry landscape and will be a transformative force revolutionizing development over the next 40 years.

    Tech heavyweight Tencent Holdings launched its AI Lab in April 2016. It emphasizes basic research in computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing and machine learning. The tech firm works to put fundamental research to practical use, applying AI to its key businesses, including medicine, social interaction, online games and cloud computing. It also operates Youtu Lab, which has developed advanced technologies in facial and image recognition and voice identification.

    Xiang Ligang, director-general of a telecom industry association, spoke highly of the nation's intensified efforts to develop digital technologies represented by AI, which will further reinforce China's advantages in global supply chains, he said.

    1. (1) What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?
      A . It conveys China's determination in AI study. B . It introduces the necessity of digital transformation. C . It reveals China's ambition in promoting tech firms. D . It shows the critical role of AI in China's development.
    2. (2) In which aspect does China top other nations?
      A . Industrial upgradation. B . Investment ratio. C . AI journal article publication. D . Technological management capability.
    3. (3) What does Xiang Ligang's words suggest?
      A . China should stress more on AI patent applications. B . Emphasis on basic research in cloud computing is vital. C . It is important to accelerate the in-depth integration. D . China will benefit from developing digital technologies.
    4. (4) What is the business leaders' attitude towards AI?
      A . Supportive. B . Negative. C . Neutral. D . Indifferent.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Criticism is part and parcel of living in the world. And doing anything truly innovative will guarantee it. Here are 5 ways to deal with different kinds of criticism.

    Be noble.

    . Well, maybe not kill them (I know it might be tempting when they're coming at you), but express kindness and resist defensive reactions. You'll likely see them soften.

    If you're just the messenger, agree with the critic.

    If you're getting panned for something beyond your control, align (使一致) yourself with the critic—you could agree," It's a shame that we didn't win the tournament. I wish it had worked out better, too." This will get you out of the line of fire.


    Reacting defensively shows insecurity, plus you'll just come across as aggressive and difficult. And blaming is even worse. Resist throwing someone under the bus.

    It's not what they say, it's what you hear.

    This is the big one. If a critical comment has truly shaken your confidence, or thrown you into a multi-day crying, ask yourself "What does this comment mean about me?" Notice that there are two completely different statements. Avoid over-interpretation and speculation—they'll just make you feel bad.

    Consider that the critic might be wrong.

    You can always reject criticism that does not match what your core beliefs tell you is correct. When it's your turn to hear criticism, remember: just because someone says it, doesn't mean it's true.

    A final note: let's be honest, the only way to avoid criticism is to collect those critical comments, stick them on the wall, and just keep swimming.

    A. I know you're right

    B. Kill them with kindness

    C. Interpretation is everything

    D. Seize the criticism as an opportunity

    E This can strengthen your ability

    F. Don't get defensive or blame others

    G Say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    When introducing the rules of the class, the first words my math teacher, Ms. Whitney, began with were "kindness" and "homework". You must be feeling what I felt then: Why would homework, such a(n) 1 and difficult existence for students, be 2 with anything good?

    As if 3 my confusion, Ms. Whitney began to explain in her 4 but authoritative voice: "Homework is the 5 you have for your teacher, your classmates, and yourself. It provides you the precious opportunity to grow and learn. When others can't solve a problem, and you get a(n) 6 , you can do them a favor. There's a positive relationship between them."

    It was at that moment that I heard a pop in my head, a feeling as if the mist of 7  around the two words had faded away. Homework promotes kindness, and kindness 8  creates an atmosphere that 9  everyone to practice their skills. It is a 10  of positivity.

    Ms. Whitney 11 the truth behind those words during the following days. Every day, we were 12 into groups and made to stand next to each other, working on problems that came like a 13 rapids. In a classroom 14 filled with friendly discussion and Ms. Whitney's cheerful voice 15 , "Kindness and Homework!" whenever she spied on one of us standing alone or helplessly, math class didn't feel as boring or tiring as it was before.

    A .  appealing B .  astonishing C .  embarrassing D .  exhausting
    A .  occupied B .  connected C .  equipped D .  faced
    A .  perceiving B .  demonstrating C .  inquiring D .  emphasizing
    A .  distant B .  gentle C .  incredible D .  sorrowful
    A .  inference B .  passion C .  respect D .  prediction
    A .  solution B .  innovation C .  warning D .  instance
    A .  confusion B .  fantasy C .  assumption D .  prospect
    A .  in return B .  by comparison C .  in turn D .  by accident
    A .  employs B .  commands C .  encourages D .  implies
    A .  trial B .  cycle C .  component D .  theme
    A .  detected B .  evaluated C .  distinguished D .  proved
    A .  assigned B .  devoted C .  opposed D .  exposed
    A .  well-known B .  newly-formed C .  slowly-fading D .  never-ending
    A .  barely B .  merely C .  mostly D .  slightly
    A .  breaking in B .  calling out C .  dying away D .  settling down
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The hat is familiar. But under it, you might expect to see the bearded face of Vincent van Gogh, you'll find a furry yellow face with large eyes and iconic red cheeks. Pikachu has taken place of van Gogh in this portrait, one of the six (painting) now on display in "Pokémon × Van Gogh Museum," a new (exhibit) at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

    The show is billed as a way to get children (interest) in the works of the 19th-century Dutch master. "This cooperation will allow the next generation to get to know Vincent van Gogh's art and life story in a (refresh) way," says Emilie Gordenker, the museum's general director. But when it opened last week, it was adults stormed the museum's gift shop, purchasing merchandise to resell to make a profit.

    The Van Gogh Museum might seem like an unlikely partner for the Pokémon Company, but museum-officials emphasize how (wide) Japanese art influenced van Gogh's style. As he (write) in a letter to his brother, Theo, in 1888, "We wouldn't be able to study Japanese art without becoming much (happy) and more cheerful."

  • 8. 假如你是高中生李华,你的美国笔友Jack在上封邮件中和你分享了一场他最近参加的主题为"Future"的画展,请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:
    2.简要描述一幅名为"Future School"的画作所激发起的你对未来学校的设想;


  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I'm a head nurse, and it's my job to evaluate workers' performances at the hospital.

    Kenny was a new employee, and he seemed fine. After a few weeks, I had to admit that he was clean, responsible and reasonably efficient.

    But he had this self-confident and energetic presence. He was a large man, both physically and socially—he was strong and independent. I worried that a place like our hospital, which demanded teamwork, was not right for such a personality.

    We had a patient named Mary. At 94 years old, Mary was as weak as a spiderweb. Her husband and sisters were all dead many years ago. We really didn't know if she had any children, but if she did, they had long since abandoned her.

    Mary had a stubborn belief that someone had taken her purse. She searched for it all hours of the day and night. Unless tied to her bed or wheelchair, she would go through the door onto the street, through the laundry room and into the kitchen, mindlessly searching and never giving up. When she had to stay in bed or in her wheelchair, she would stop almost everyone who came near

    "Can you lend me a comb?" she would ask. "I've lost mine. It was in my red purse. My money is gone, too. Where is my purse? Where is my purse? Have you seen my purse?

    Every day it was the same. We all knew Mary didn't have a purse, but we wouldn't say it. Instead we usually answered, "Sure, Mary, if I see your purse I'll bring it back."

    One afternoon, just before supper, I saw Kenny walking down the hall with a plastic grocery bag. He walked toward Mary in her wheelchair. Then he pulled out a red purse.


    Mary's thin old hands flew up to her face in a gesture of wonder and joy.

    Kenny leaned over, opened the purse and showed Mary a red comb inside. 

