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更新时间:2023-06-05 浏览次数:51 类型:期中考试
一、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How much will the man pay for the class?
      A . $50. B . $100. C . $150.
    2. (2) Why does the man want to take the class?
      A . He enjoys cooking. B . He likes Thai food. C . He needs a recipe book.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the man advise the woman to do?
      A . Go to work together. B . Live near the company. C . Receive further education.
    2. (2) Who will quit the job next month?
      A . Julie. B . Cathy. C . Gale.
    3. (3) What is the relationship between the man and Ms. Gomez?
      A . Neighbors. B . Old classmates. C . Former colleagues.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where does Mark plan to spend the summer?
      A . In San Jose. B . In Mountain View. C . In San Francisco.
    2. (2) Who has an apartment in Paris?
      A . Janet. B . Janet's cousin. C . Janet's grandma.
    3. (3) What will Janet do this summer?
      A . Visit museums. B . Work in Paris. C . Take cooking classes.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How did Vicky make a dress for a student clothes show?
      A . Study film stars' dresses. B . Use her mother's old curtains. C . Copy dresses from different designers.
    2. (2) What did Vicky enjoy doing at big shows?
      A . Interviewing the models. B . Watching the performance. C . Taking photos of the models.
    3. (3) What is Vicky's parents' attitude toward her blog now?
      A . Worried. B . Negative. C . Supportive.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) When does the museum close every day?
      A . At 5:00 pm. B . At 6:00 pm. C . At 9:00 pm.
    2. (2) What will the exhibition focus on this year?
      A . Food. B . People. C . Clothes.
    3. (3) How long will the exhibition last?
      A . One month. B . Two months. C . Three months.
    4. (4) Which is the most convenient way to get to Cornford Museum?
      A . By subway. B . By car. C . By bus.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    4 of the Best Cycling Holiday Destinations in Europe

    European cycling holidays provide some of the best experiences you can have on two wheels. Come and join us!

    Girona, Spain

    Girona is surrounded by wonderful and easily accessible cycle routes that pretty much offer any riding you would ever need or want. The traffic-free roads mean that there is little trouble in getting out of the town and into the hills. Girona's old town itself is a beauty and with plenty of places serving great food and great coffee, there's a certain magic to the place.

    Algarve, Portugal

    Portugal is a cycling destination that has grown very popular thanks to the large variety of roads in the country. Not only are there plenty of climbs but also a lot of rolling roads to test yourself on. The terrain is similar to what you'll find in the most popular cycling regions, but Portugal just feels little bit less mainstream. Away from the bike, there is also plenty of tasty food and local wines to try.

    Northern Scotland, UK

    One of the best places to tour in all of Europe is in fact Scotland. Particularly adventurous cyclists can take advantage of Scotland's rules on wild camping— Scottish law allows members of the public the right to roam, while English law does not. It's a totally free way to explore a place and Scotland might just be one of the best ones to do it because of the beautiful scenery.

    Julian Alps, Slovenia

    Slovenia is quite new when it comes to comparing with other European cycling destinations. A great destination for mountain bikers and road cyclists as well, the country has plenty of off-road routes and roads that take you high up into the Julian Alps. It's no surprise once you've come here you'll find that the country does very well in producing world class bike racers.

    1. (1) What do Girona, Spain and Algarve, Portugal have in common?
      A . They are fit for travelling with families. B . They are suitable for cycling and climbing. C . They both have wonderful off-road routes. D . They both serve delicious food to tourists.
    2. (2) Which cycling holiday destination is your best choice if you love adventure?
      A . Girona, Spain. B . Algarve, Portugal. C . Northern Scotland, UK. D . Julian Alps, Slovenia.
    3. (3) What is special about Julian Alps, Slovenia?
      A . It's completely traffic-free. B . It has many world class cyclists. C . It has a very long history. D . It has plenty of rural landscapes.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Rinzin Phunjok Lama was 16 when he first saw a Himalayan snow leopard(雪豹) wandering in the mountains near his home in northeastern Nepal—an experience that changed his life. In the folklore (传说) of Lama's community, snow leopards reveal themselves only when humans disturb the natural order. At that moment Lama says he recognized that his homeland was in danger.

    Lama, now 30, has since devoted his life to wildlife conservation. Unlike thousands of young Nepalese who leave rural areas in search of work, Lama returned to his home in Humla after graduating from college with a forestry degree. Even in this remote corner of Nepal, the effects of climate change are clear, with ancient water sources drying up and once snow-capped mountains left bare.

    Lama leads a team of trained conservationists who work to engage the community. They document and track threatened and endangered wildlife, facilitate workshops where local people share their knowledge of the landscape and run clubs for children to learn about conservation from an early age.

    What makes Lamas project unique is that it's driven entirely by the people it serves. Outsiders have previously brought sustainability efforts to the region and failed to make a lasting impact because they often did not understand the local culture, Lama says. "Gaining community trust should be the first step," he says.

    One challenge to that has been high levels of food insecurity and poverty (贫困) in the area, which makes it harder to convince people that conservation should be a priority. To show that it's possible to obtain benefits from the land without harming it, Lama's team has launched programs teaching beekeeping or helping locals to sell handmade artworks. "The people leading this project are from here," he says. "There can be no prouder moment than this for us."

    1. (1) What does the appearance of snow leopards show traditionally?
      A . Their increasing number. B . People acting against nature. C . Their natural enemies becoming more. D . People's lives being disturbed by wildlife.
    2. (2) Why do Lama's team members start the clubs?
      A . To find jobs for young Nepalese. B . To know more about the local landscape. C . To equip kids with conservation knowledge. D . To track threatened and endangered wildlife.
    3. (3) What distinguishes Lama's project from others?
      A . Its initial intention. B . Its funding sources. C . The commitment of its team. D . The support from the community.
    4. (4) How does Lama's team respond to the challenge?
      A . By selling their handmade artworks. B . By bringing back beekeeping traditions. C . By choosing project leaders from among the locals. D . By providing locals with various money-making methods.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Studies have been done on the connection between humor and genes. The most common ones involved researchers observing the same twins and looking at how genes affect their sense of humor. There was a study with 390 adult twins who were asked to rate 48 cartoons of different humor varieties based on how funny they found them. The conclusion was that environmental influences played a more important role in what the twins found funny than genetics.

    However, there is more to be said about this topic. A recent study proved a clear connection between genetics and emotions like laughter. This study tested 336 adults by showing them funny clips from movies and humorous comics. Researchers then examined the gene and positive emotional expressions, which they referred to as laughing and smiling. And even though the research has collected evidence on how there can be a connection between laughing and smiling behaviors and genes, we still need more similar studies before considering the results as a fact.

    While genetics play an important role in the formation of many character traits, our sense of humor is too complex to be attributed to one factor. Moreover, your sense of humor can change throughout your whole life, which is why simplifying humor and basing it only on genetics isn't reliable.

    When we're young, we learn to talk and do regular activities by observing people and things around us. While growing up, you are exposed to jokes that people around you make and find funny. You will pick up behavioral signs and develop your sense of humor based on all of that. It's not a surprise that your sense of humor is based on the sense of humor of the people you grew up with, rather than on the genes of your ancestors.

    Our sense of humor is a subjective field that depends on social factors, such as the influence of your family and friends, social circle, upbringing in a particular country and culture, etc. For that reason, it doesn't mean that you will be humorous just because your parents or grandparents are funny.

    1. (1) What was found in the study about twins?
      A . Humor wasn't related to genes. B . Environment mattered more than genes in humor. C . The twins' humor was mainly affected by genes. D . The twins rated similarly about cartoons.
    2. (2) What can we learn from the second paragraph?
      A . More research is needed to confirm the recent study result. B . There is no connection between genes and positive emotions. C . The recent study tested 336 adult twins by showing them funny clips. D . The research proved the connection between laughing behaviors and smiling behaviors.
    3. (3) Which of the following may the author probably agree with?
      A . The sense of humor is just decided by one factor. B . The sense of humor can't change once developed. C . The sense of humor can be obtained by observing and following others. D . The sense of humor is a relatively simple one of people's all character traits.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . Can you be born humorous? B . Is humor a necessity? C . Can you develop your humor? D . Is being humorous beneficial?
  • 14. 阅读理解

    The scholars at Yale University have been carrying out a study of more than 10,000 cadets (学员)at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point to determine the relative success of those who were motivated by internal rewards versus (与…相对) those driven by "instrumental", or external rewards.

    They assumed that some combination of internal and external motives would lead to the most success, as measured by the officers' willingness to stay beyond the five-year commitment to the Army and to graduate and become commissioned officers. In fact, they found that cadets who expressed the most internal motivation were more successful than those who showed mixed motives to serve.

    The same subtle(微妙的)interplay between motivation and rewards is also at work when it comes to education and learning. Rewarding students for getting their schoolwork done with prizes, snacks and even grades, as most schools do, can have the unintended effect of dismantling a child's drive to learn for its own good.

    "When you hold a burger in front of kids' noses, you are telling them what kind of consequence matters, and what motive to pay attention to, "says psychology professor Barry Schwartz." And education will suffer."

    Randy Wallock, a seventh-grade language arts teacher in New Jersey, encourages learning for its own good among his students: They're given choice and autonomy and the freedom to work at their own pace. He also tries to build what he calls "little cultures within the classroom to encourage learning"; teenagers are responsive  to  social  expectations,  and  creating  environments  where  curiosity  is  cool  invites  more self-directed learning.

    "As a teacher, you have a choice of what you respond to," says Amy Wrzesniewski, an associate professor at Yale University. "Do you pay attention to students who have their laptops out, or do you pay attention to students who are asking intelligent questions?" she asks. Making those kids who ask intelligent questions feel "valued, responded to and celebrated," she says, brings more of that out in others.

    Schwartz agrees, but warns that sending out these kinds of signals must be done slowly and subtly. He adds, "You have to be careful you're not making this another instrumental reward."

    1. (1) Who turned out to be the most successful?
      A . Those driven by external rewards. B . Those motivated by internal forces. C . Those expressing mixed motives. D . Those providing more external motivation.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "dismantling" in paragraph 3 mean?
      A . Understanding. B . Wasting. C . Including. D . Ruining
    3. (3) What does Randy Wallock stress in paragraph 5?
      A . Approaches to motivating students to learn. B . How to adapt to classroom environments. C . The importance of awakening teenagers' curiosity. D . How to make lessons attractive to students.
    4. (4) How does Schwartz react to Wrzesniewski's words?
      A . He regards them as abstract. B . He thinks they lack evidence. C . He voices some concern for them. D . He considers them unfair to some kids.
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。选 项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to become a creative person

    Anthony Burrill has been exhibiting his work in galleries across the world for over 15 years, finding inspiration in the most unlikely places. I read his book Make It Now! to discover how I too could develop my creativity..

    ●Look at the world through fresh eyes

    In order to think up new and exciting projects, Burrill lets his mind and his body wander in the world. A walk in a new neighbourhood can give you a different view on your surroundings.. "Seeing new things helps generate new ideas," says Burrill.

    ●Build your creative network

    Working alone can be both difficult and boring. Burrill values his creative network as a source of inspiration.. "These people will form the core of your creative community, from which a rich ecosystem of creativity will develop," says Burrill.

    When Burrill began his career as an artist, he couldn't afford expensive materials, so he had to find new and inventive ways to make things. "It's much better to use what you have around you to produce something," says Burrill. "It's about being clever with what you have and seeing the benefits in the restrictions you have."

    ●Remember that conformity(随大流)is the enemy of creativity

    . Burrill always keeps in mind that "as soon as you start doing as you are told and following the rules you stop being truly creative". He knows that unconventional people are clever and inventive, and always try hard to be the "oddball" amongst the crowd.

    A. Be resourceful

    B. A weekend trip works as well.

    C. Follow these top tips to do the same

    D. Allow yourself to create useless things

    E. It is essential to maintain your individuality as a creator

    F. It is important to be familiar with what's going on around you

    G. His fellow artists teach him new styles and push him to take risks

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Planning a wedding takes time and hard work, but Kelsey thought of the perfect touch to add to her wedding vows(誓言).

    Because both of Michael's parents are 1, they communicate using sign language. Kelsey doesn't speak sign language herself, but she decided to 2 some so she could 3 her vows for them. To pull it off, Kelsey got 4 from her aunt, who is married to a deaf man. "I asked her if she could record herself signing my vows 5 I could practice and know that I was doing the 6 signs," Kelsey said. "I used that and 7   on my own for several weeks."

    When the big moment finally arrived, it took Michael a second to really realize that Kelsey was 8 signing her vows and he just couldn't 9  himself. Michael thought it was probably the  most 10 moment of the wedding. Michael's parents were deeply 11 .

    Since sharing their special moment online, the wedding videographer Chandler has got over 7000, 000 likes! The reason why Kelsey did this wasn't about getting 12  online,but rather, it was about 13 Michael's family. She wanted the family to be able to communicate without any 14 . Looking into the future, Kelsey 15 to be fluent in sign language and also teach her kids about it.

    A . blind B . deaf C . kind D . old
    A . teach B . share C . learn D . adopt
    A . sign B . write C . speak D . repeat
    A . refusal B . praise C . assistance D . information
    A . in case B . so that C . even if D . as if
    A . grateful B . beautiful C . odd D . right
    A . lived B . explored C . practiced D . calculated
    A . actually B . desperately C . merely D . fortunately
    A . enjoy B . contain C . amuse D . defend
    A . anxious B . useful C . decisive D . special
    A . embarrassed B . inspired C . moved D . concerned
    A . money B . honor C . attention D . advice
    A . establishing B . reshaping C . protecting D . respecting
    A . sounds B . barriers C . consequences D . purposes
    A . manages B . desires C . pretends D . hesitates
  • 17. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Hunters used dogs to help track and kill pandas in China until the country   (declare) the species protected. But dogs are still threatening the  (safe) of this species, according to a new study.

    Researchers started their investigation when two captive-born (圈养出生的) pandas, which had been released into Liziping Nature Reserve,   (attack) by dogs.

    There are dogs in panda reserves because there are villages near the reserves and people have dogs. An adult panda is quite able to defend  (it) against one dog. However, it has a hard time  (beat) a pack of dogs.

    In the study,  was published in Scientific Reports, the researchers found that dogs can wander more than 10 kilometers a night. Some dogs even live in the reserves. Earlier research found that pandas need a habitat of least 114 square kilometers to thrive (茁壮成长). Although most of the nature

    reserves created for the pandas are large enough (sustain) their populations, the panda's territory could become smaller if dogs become part of it.

    "The Chinese government has instituted a broad program to vaccinate (给……接种疫苗) the dogs and to help the villagers either remove the dogs  control them all the time. So things are getting much(good)," study co-author James Spotila said.

  • 18. 假定你是李华,上周末在爬山过程中摔伤,得到了美国游客 Anne 的帮助。请给她写一封英文电 子邮件,内容包括:
    1.词数 80 左右;
  • 19. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    "Good morning, everybody," Mrs. Harris greeted the students as she entered the music room. The 65-year-old music teacher had a reputation for being strict in class, despite music seeming like a light subject. But Mrs. Harris took her job seriously, and teaching music was a massive passion for her.

    She walked to the piano and started leading the students into a song to get them warmed up. This semester, she was going to teach them about composition and songwriting. Suddenly, one student raised her hand.

    "Mrs. Harris, what do you like to listen to in your leisure time?" she asked curiously. "I bet she listens to Beethoven and Tchaikovsky at home," another student said.

    "But I actually like a lot of pop music, and even some of the things you, young people, listen to nowadays. But I must admit that I listen to a lot of old songs, especially Paul McCartney," Mrs. Harris answered, smiling at the kids.

    Soon enough, the students got used to her, and some started taking her lessons more seriously. Others still liked to be playful, but she wasn't truly mad at them.

    However, the worst was yet to happen. Her husband suddenly died in the middle of the school year, and she didn't have the heart to go to work. Fortunately, the school was accommodating. They gave her some well-deserved time off.

    At first, she was like a zombie (迟钝无生气的人) at home, lying in bed all day. She didn't even listen to music anymore. But when her daughter encouraged her to start playing tunes once again, she began to play again until she decided to return to school.

    She called the headmaster, letting him know she was ready to get back to normal, even if the love of her life was gone.

    "Good  morning,  everyone," she  began  upon  entering  the  classroom  for  the  first  time  since  her husband's death. She placed her things on her desk and started to speak again. "Before we begin, I want to apologize ..."

    1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


    But before she could go on, the sound of notes being played cut her off.


    Her students approached her one by one.

