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更新时间:2022-12-07 浏览次数:55 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Sunflower Gymnastics

    At Sunflower Gymnastics we offer different classes to help participants promote self-confidence, build physical fitness and encourage independence.

    Me & My Grown Up

    This is a great class for the young children and adults to enjoy time together exploring movement and starting to understand their little bodies. The class is directed by instructors, yet parents work directly with their children. In addition to learning gymnastics, the children will also learn valuable social skills, like following directions.

    Saturdays & Sundays 10:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m.      Monthly fees: $55.00

    Hot Shot & Strength Training

    This program is designed to teach basic gymnastics skills and ensure the development of a strong physical and mental foundation for young male athletes. Individual training focuses on strength, flexibility and balance, which can be transferred to any sport.

    Wednesdays & Saturdays 4:30 p.m.—5:20 p.m.      Monthly fees: $65.00

    Ninjia Warrior Program

    This class is for kids from the age of six to eleven. Students will compete in a safe challenging environment while having fun. This is the perfect program for a child who has a ton of energy because we promise they'll leave tired, sweaty and talking about how much fun they have had!

    Mondays 4:25 p.m.—5:05 p.m. Fridays 7:35 p.m.—8:15 p.m.   Monthly fees: $57.00

    Competitive Team

    Competitive team is for adult athletes who wish to reach the next level in their competition. Athletes are invited to team based on their gymnastics skill levels. We attempt to help them promote their confidence and grow as a teammate.

    Tuesdays 6:45 p.m.—8:15 p.m. Sundays 5:00 p.m.—6:30 p.m.   Monthly fees: $73.00

    1. (1) Which class encourages its customers to take their kids with them?
      A . Me & My Grown Up B . Hot Shot & Strength Training C . Ninjia Warrior Program D . Competitive Team
    2. (2) What is special about Ninjia Warrior Program?
      A . It charges the lowest fees. B . It has the longest class period. C . It promises energy conservation. D . It is scheduled for weekdays only.
    3. (3) What type of writing is this text?
      A . A sports schedule. B . A gym advertisement. C . A parenting guide. D . A product catalogue.
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    The world's only captive(圈养) brown giant panda, Qizai, has been taking more exercise in preparation for the upcoming breeding(繁育) season. He is encouraged to stand up by keepers who place food on the end of a stick held just out of his reach. Panda experts believe that strengthening the giant animal's legs will improve his ability to breed successfully.

    The world's first brown panda was discovered in 1985 in the Qinling Mountains. All photographs of wild brown pandas were taken in the area, which they were named after. The Qinling giant panda, first recognized in 2005, is a subspecies of giant panda. As well as its brown and white fur, it has a smaller and rounder skull and a shorter nose than the more familiar Sichuan giant panda.

    Qizai, whose name means the seventh son, was found as a two-month-old cub, weak and alone, by researchers in a nature reserve in the Qinling Mountains. For his safety, the researchers took him to the nearby Shanxi Rare Wildlife Rescue Centre where he was given medical treatment and fed on milk from other pandas.

    There are 1,864 giant pandas in the wild, according to World Wildlife. They live mainly in bamboo forests high in the mountains of south-west China, mostly in Sichuan province, but they can also be found in Shanxi province, where Qizai is from. He was previously thought to be the only living brown panda in the world until a wild panda with the same colour pattern was spotted roaming in a nature reserve in Shanxi in March, 2018.Up to now spotting brown pandas in the wild has taken place no more than ten times, all of which were in the central Qinling Mountains.

    1. (1) Why do keepers put food beyond Qizai's reach?
      A . To prepare him for the return to the wild. B . To train him to amuse zoo visitors. C . To help him exercise his legs. D . To ensure him a balanced diet.
    2. (2) What can we infer about Qizai from the text?
      A . He was first found in 2005. B . He is a Qinling giant panda. C . His seventh son is 2 months old. D . He was the only living brown panda.
    3. (3) What conclusion can be drawn from the last paragraph?
      A . The sighting of wild brown pandas is a rare happening. B . The Qinling Mountains are home to most wild pandas. C . The number of giant pandas is growing rapidly. D . All giant pandas are of the same colour.
    4. (4) What's the text mainly about?
      A . Life of captive pandas. B . Endangered giant pandas. C . The Qinling giant panda. D . Rare wildlife protection.
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Academically, I was an average B+ student, shy and awkward. In my personal life, there was no one to encourage me to pursue my talent, nor acknowledgement that I even had a talent. Luckily, Miss Judge, my English teacher, introduced me to literature that initially inspired me to write. It was she that saw the potential in me that I didn't even know existed.

    Miss Judge was a kind and lovely person. She first recommended me some classic works, like To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men and Greek Mythology. Then came The Horror, the one sparking my love of fantasy and magic and everything supernatural, which will always remain on my bookshelf.

    Once in class, we were assigned to write a scene inspired by Hamlet, the play we were reading. Excited about the chance to write, I worked extra hard on it. After I handed it in, Miss Judge was really impressed and asked if she could read it to the whole class. I refused. Even today, I still regret that decision. At the time, I felt like everyone would think I was deliberately trying to impress them by rubbing my great story in their face.

    In my senior year, Miss Judge asked us to write journal entries, which she would read. I was still nervous about others reading my writing. To break from that fear, I decided to just be funny. My journal was filled with my humorous observations, kind of like what you see on the blog today. And she loved them, saying I had a natural talent as a writer. Nothing was more fulfilling. So, I kept writing. She wrote me many encouraging notes, pushing me to pursue a career as a writer. I still have those notes, hoping that next time she hears my name, it's because I'd have won the Pulitzer Prize.

    1. (1) Which book may be the author's favorite?
      A . To Kill a Mockingbird. B . The Horror. C . Greek Mythology. D . Hamlet.
    2. (2) Why was the author unwilling to have her writing read publicly?
      A . She was afraid to lose face. B . She didn't think it good enough. C . She didn't want to be considered a show-off. D . She hated to read aloud before the whole class.
    3. (3) Which of the following best describes Miss Judge?
      A . Inspiring. B . Learned. C . Creative. D . Humorous.
    4. (4) What message does the author mainly want to convey in the text?
      A . Hard work will pay off in no time. B . Writing opens up the door of success. C . Students should read as much as possible. D . Recognition and encouragement make a difference.
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    The confidence people place in science is frequently based not on what it really is, but on what people would like it to be. When I asked my students how they would define science, many of them replied that it's an objective way of discovering certainties about the world. But science cannot provide certainties.

    Actually, doubt and science often go hand in hand. Science, when properly functioning, questions accepted understandings and brings both new knowledge and new questions — not certainty. Doubt does not create trust, nor does it help public understanding. So why should people trust a process that seems to require a troublesome state of uncertainty without always providing solid solutions?

    As a historian of science, I would argue that it's the responsibility of scientists and historians of science to show that the real power of science lies precisely in what is often regarded as its weakness: its drive to question and challenge accepted understandings. Indeed, the scientific approach requires changing our understanding of the natural world whenever new evidence arises from either experimentation or observation. Scientific findings are temporary understandings that involve the state of knowledge at a given moment. In the long run, many of them are challenged and even overturned. Doubt might be troubling, but it pushes us towards a better understanding. Certainties, reassuring as they may seem, prevent the scientific process.

    Scientists understand this, but in the dynamic between the public and science, there are two opposite misconceptions(误解). The first is a form of blind scientism — a belief that science is unquestionable and has the capacity to solve all problems. Such an idealized representation actually ignores the universal existence of controversy, conflict and error at the very heart of the scientific world.

    1. (1) What's the real power of science according to the author?
      A . It provides solid solutions. B . It defends accepted understandings. C . It discovers certainties about the world. D . It keeps bringing questions and challenges.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word “reassuring" probably mean?
      A . Disappointing. B . Surprising. C . Comforting. D . Challenging.
    3. (3) What may be the belief of the second misconception?
      A . Science is unchallengeable and a cure-all. B . Science is unreliable and of little use. C . Science is objective but impractical. D . Science is doubtful but useful.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . Why Is Doubt Vital to Science? B . Why Should We Trust Scientists? C . What Is the Weakness of Science? D . What ls Scientists' Responsibility?
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Earth Day, marked on April 22nd, is the perfect opportunity to think about how we can make the world a better place.  — like these small changes you can make to move towards a happier, healthier life that's also kinder to the planet.

    Get outdoors.

    Did you know that the average person only spends four hours a week playing outdoors? . Why not visit a local park, forest or beach? If none of the above is easily accessible to you explore the woods of your own neighborhood. Just trying an eco-friendly project in gardens like zero-waste-bird-feeding is also a good choice.


    Many people find that connecting to the natural environment makes them happy for a much longer time, compared with crazy shopping, which only brings temporary excitement but, more likely, lasting harm to the planet.

    It's no accident that meditation(冥思) apps and videos are often themed with rain, forests and calming ocean sounds. , what's the point of paying to do it online? Why not challenge yourself to connect with the earth by simply noticing what's around you?

    Save the planet by “plogging"!

    Plogging simply means collecting litter as you jog, or walk around your community. Why not host a plogging event of your own? . You can also get some great exercise at the same time. Plus, you become more mindful of the trash we throw away every day, and the difference we can make to the earth.

    A. Purchase less and connect more

    B. Leave your happiness in the wild

    C. The following are three good chances

    D. You can help clean up your community

    E. There are so many ways to get involved

    F. We challenge you to get outside on April 22nd

    G. Since we can experience them easily outside in nature

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Extremely tired from work, I finally made it back home at 1 a.m, to find my husband drinking whiskey with a stranger in our lounge. What an unusual1!

    Out of2, I had to stay up and3them. “Hello!" I said, waiting for some kind of introduction or4. They said nothing, just smiling at me.

    “So? What's going on then?" I asked. My husband replied, “I5a new friend at the pub. It's Andre Agassi, the world No. 1 tennis player."

    I was now6. It was late and this was no time for childish7.

    “Agassi"8into his back pocket and9in it for something. Then he pulled out a photo.

    “I'm not Andre Agassi, but you do10me. The last time you saw me, I looked like this." He 11a passport photo of my cousin, Ali, at age 5. I had not12him since my childhood.

    At the age of 12, I was brought to America, leaving all my family behind. It was13and I missed them all terribly at first. But14, they all became a distant memory.

    Ali, a child then, once had a passport photo taken. He looked so15in it! This photo became a favorite within our entire family. Everyone got a16.

    And now, here was this17man, sitting on my sofa. I buried my face in my hands and just 18. Ali and that little photo19my childhood life, my entire family, my history! Suddenly they were all20again, no longer a vague memory.

    A . husband B . family C . lounge D . scene
    A . pleasure B . respect C . pity D . concern
    A . join B . watch C . stop D . invite
    A . permission B . suggestion C . explanation D . celebration
    A . treated B . chose C . introduced D . made
    A . annoyed B . worried C . disappointed D . pleased
    A . habits B . tricks C . friends D . ideas
    A . looked B . broke C . reached D . stole
    A . fished B . ducked C . snaked D . wolfed
    A . like B . trust C . need D . know
    A . came across B . held up C . put away D . sent for
    A . missed B . left C . seen D . forgot
    A . special B . disgusting C . hard D . funny
    A . suddenly B . gradually C . actually D . obviously
    A . lovely B . serious C . friendly D . nervous
    A . chance B . photo C . share D . copy
    A . drunk B . worn C . lost D . grown
    A . prayed B . clapped C . sobbed D . wandered
    A . destroyed B . represented C . changed D . formed
    A . real B . normal C . important D . kind
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Square dancing is a well-known recreational group activity in China. It  (start) to gain popularity in the mid-1990s when groups gathered at squares, parks, and other open spaces  (dance) in the mornings and evenings. Most of these  (individual) are senior citizens in search of new friends and activities to keep themselves  (occupy). It's about more than just dancing; it's a way about meeting new friends and sharing their life stories,  benefits them both mentally and physically.

    Ahead of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, when authorities launched the  (promote) of national fitness activities, square dancing became  (popular)than before. According to official statistics, there are presently over 120 million Chinese who regularly take part  this activity across the nation's squares. And most participants are happy with their current living conditions.

    , loud music played during square dancing was considered as terrible noises. In recent years, national standards and regulations  (introduce) to make the exercising more public-friendly and further ensure its sound development.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。







    My mother is always my role model. Last Sunday, I find that she put some food into the bag and went out with it. I followed her and saw her gave the food to the street children. One of my neighbor told me that my mother was very kind to these children, but they even regarded her as their own mother. When we returned to home, I talked to my mother about it. She shared me some sad stories about those poor children. For much years, she helped those children by giving their food and care. I was deep moved and was proud of my mother.

  • 9. 假设你是李华。你校下期将开设中国传统艺术选修课,请用英文给交换生Mike写封信,内容包括:







