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更新时间:2022-12-05 浏览次数:59 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读理解

    The Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS has characteristics that are excellent for fitness walkers who want to improve their speed and distance. It uses your phone's GPS to measure the distance of your walks and hikes. It includes audio and voice integration(集成) so you can not only be informed of your workout statistics,but you can also listen to replies your friends send about your workout posts from Facebook and Twitter while you walk. Upgrading is less than $10 per year,far less than with some other apps,such as Endomondo.

    Argus packs a lot into one lifestyle app. It functions as an all­day pedometer app. Your daily step count updates from your phone and includes active time,distance,calories,steps,and an hourly graph. It can also measure your heart rate at any time. You can easily take your heart rate during exercise and at rest. Besides,you can use the app's food diary and sleep timer. A wide range of fitness and diet plans are also provided on it.

    Charity Miles gives your walking a purpose,because it turns your exercise into donations to a certain cause. Open up this free app (IOS or Google Play)and choose a charity. Start a workout,choosing walking,running,or cycling. For each completed mile,you'll have earned a donation for your chosen charity. The basic rate is 25 cents for walking and running miles and 10 cents for cycling miles,subject to a periodic cap. When you finish your walking,you must post to Facebook or Twitter to earn money for your charity.

    1. (1) What can users do with the Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS while exercising?
      A . Upgrade the app for $10. B . Check comments of friends. C . Reply to friends' posts online. D . Make personalized fitness plans.
    2. (2) What is special about Charity Miles?
      A . It is free of charge. B . It can earn you money. C . It offers a new way of donating. D . It is connected to social software.
    3. (3) Where is the text probably taken from?
      A . A website on app ratings. B . An online fitness course. C . A medical report. D . An advertisement for phones.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Swiss designer Didier Rudolf Quarroz's love of Chinese tea culture has inspired him to design innovative new items to brew the tea. Quarroz developed an interest in Chinese tea after working at a Shanghai-based design company, where he was by chance engaged in a tea project.

    His research helped him develop a deep understanding of the differences between Chinese and Western tea products. And this made him think about designing items for foreigners to brew Chinese tea. "I hope to design easy-to-use and modem tea-making tools to help foreigners try Chinese traditional tea and give them an interesting experience in brewing tea." Quarroz says.

    In 2017, he moved to Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang province and a major tea-production base, to explore the possibilities of applying Western concepts in designing objects for Chinese tea. "I want to focus on the tea industry, and Hangzhou is a great fit because of the long history and profound culture of tea here," Quarroz says.

    Quarroz began to concentrate on the design of a tea infuser (注射器)to make brewing easier for foreigners. It's a glass container with a silicone (桂胶)lid. All users need to do is to put the leaves inside, place it in a cup and add hot water. The infuser can be taken out from the cup easily without users' fingers being hurt by the hot water," Quarroz says.

    Hangzhou has a booming tea industry, which has offered the Swiss designer many opportunities to cooperate with local plantations and companies. "Driven by the love of Chinese tea, I cooperate with local companies and help them to develop new kinds of tea products. Also, we sometimes organize workshops to introduce different teas to the public," Quarroz says.

    Hangzhou also enables smooth business operations, he adds. "In general, it is easy to start a business in Hangzhou. And the government and agencies are increasing efforts to help and support young entrepreneurs, including us from foreign countries," he adds. Quarroz says he plans to design 10 innovative tea-related products by combining Chinese tea culture with international elements.

    1. (1) Quarroz's new items have the following features EXCEPT _____________.
      A . being designed by hand B . using Western concepts C . making brewing easier for foreigners  D . providing interesting brewing experiences
    2. (2) The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 probably refers to the_____________.
      A . lid B . leaf C . infuser D . container
    3. (3) What makes Hangzhou an ideal place for Quarroz to start a business in China?
      A . Hangzhou features a newly-built tea industry and has abundant tea projects. B . Hangzhou organizes many workshops to introduce different teas to the public. C . Quarroz obtained many chances to cooperate with state-owned companies. D . Quarroz can receive much help and support from the government and agencies.
    4. (4) What type of writing is the passage?
      A . A biography. B . A news story.  C . A travel journal. D . An advertisement.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Chinese astronauts sent back a science lesson from the country's under construction space station. The lesson focused on physics, aiming to illustrate how the weightless environment affects buoyancy, the movement of objects and optics (光学).

    Students from five cities asked the astronauts about living conditions in space and were treated to a virtual tour of the station. Wang Yaping, the only woman aboard the station, served as the main instructor, while Ye Guangfu assisted and commander-in-chief Zhai Zhigang worked the camera.

    The three arrived at the station in October, 2021 for about a six-month stay, mainly aimed to prepare the main Tianhe module(舱) for the arrival of two additional modules named Mengtian and Wentian ahead of completion by the end of 2022. The crew is appraising living conditions in the Tianhe module and conducting experiments in space medicine and other areas.

    Wang became the first Chinese woman to conduct a spacewalk when she and Zhai spent six hours outside the module fixing equipment and carrying out tests alongside the station's robotic service arm.

    The mission of Shenzhou-13 is China's longest one since it first put a human in space in 2003, becoming only the third county to do so after Russia and the US. China has also pushed ahead with unmanned missions, and is lunar exploration program generated media buzz when its Yutu 2 rover sent back pictures of what was described by some as a "mystery hut", but most likely only was a rock of some sort. The rover is the first to be placed on the little-explored far side of the moon, while China's Chang'e 5 probe returned lunar rocks to Earth for the first time since the 1970s. A Chinese rover, meanwhile, is searching for evidence of life on Mars.

    1. (1) What is the main task of the three crew in China's space station?
      A . To give lessons about physical principles. B . To prepare for the station's expansion. C . To test the station's robotic service arm. D . To do a spacewalk outside the module.
    2. (2) Which of the following can best replace the underlined word "appraising" in Paragraph 3?
      A . judging B . updating C . adjusting D . repairing
    3. (3) What can be implied in the last paragraph?
      A . China has found some strange huts on the moon. B . China has found evidence of life on Mars. C . China is preparing to find a living place on Mars. D . China has made great achievements in space exploration.
    4. (4) What might be the best title for the text?
      A . Chinese astronauts test new technology to explore space B . Chinese female astronauts prepares for walking outside in space C . Chinese astronauts give a science lesson from the space station D . Chinese astronauts expand the module into a big station
  • 4. 阅读理解

    From linguists' point of view, grammar is a set of patterns for how words are put together to form phrases or clauses, whether in spoken or written. Different languages have different patterns. Some scholars have tried to identify patterns common to all languages. But apart from some basic features, few of these so called linguistic universals have been found.

    The study of these patterns opens up "an ongoing debate" between two positions, known as prescriptivism and descriptivism. Prescriptivism thinks a given language should follow consistent rules, while descriptivism sees variation and adaptation as a natural and necessary part of language.

    Language purists(纯化论者) worked to establish and promote this standard by detailing a set of rules that reflected the established grammar of their times. And rules for written grammar were applied to spoken language as well. Speech patterns that deviated from the written rules were considered signs of low social status. And many people who are grown­ups speaking in these ways were forced to adopt the standardized form.

    More recently, however, linguists have understood that speech is a separate phenomenon from writing with its own regularities and patterns. We form our spoken skills through unconscious habits, not memorized rules. And because speech also uses mood and intonation for meaning, its structure is often more flexible, adapting to the needs of speakers and listeners. This could mean avoiding complex clauses that are hard to understand in real time, making changes to avoid awkward pronunciation or removing sounds to make speech faster.

    But while the debate between prescriptivism and descriptivism continues, the two are not mutually exclusive. Like language itself, it's a wonderful and complex fabric woven through the contributions of speakers and listeners, writers and readers, prescriptivists and descriptivists from both near and far.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "deviated" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
      A . copied B . updated C . differed D . originated
    2. (2) According to the passage, prescriptivism        .
      A . focuses on established language patterns B . accepts the differences between languages C . follows the innovations in language patterns D . attaches more importance to written language
    3. (3) What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
      A . The beliefs held by prescriptivists. B . A new understanding of language. C . The impact of grammar on language. D . The ongoing debate between linguists.
    4. (4) Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
      A . The History of Grammar B . The Importance of Grammar C . Grammar: Writing Rules D . Grammar: Rules or Habits
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    As the proverb goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.A paper published two years ago in Nature found a connection between people's sense of well-being and the scenicness (美景) of where they lived. The paper's authors measured scenicness by conducting a survey among volunteers.

    The connection, the paper's authors found, held true whether a neighborhood was urban or rural.Nor did levels of air pollution have any influence on it. The authors also discovered that differences in volunteers' health were better explained by the scenicness of where they lived than by the amount of green space around them.

    The team behind that Nature paper have nevertheless decided to have a go. They have adapted a computer program to recognize beautiful landscapes, whether natural or artificial, using the criteria that a human beholder would employ. The pro gram's task was to work out, by analyzing each photograph's features in the context of its Scenic-or-Not ratings, what it is that makes a landscape scenic.

    Most of the results are not surprising. Lakes and horizons scored well. So did valleys and snowy mountains. In artificial landscapes, castles, churches and cottages were seen as scenic.The analysis did, however, confirm one important finding from the team's previous study, which is also a message for town planners. Green spaces alone are not scenic. To be so they need to involve contours(高低起伏的轮廓)and trees.

    A. Determining what scenicness is, though, has always been frustrating for scientists.

    B. Natural landscapes are rated as scenicness as opposed to artificial landscapes.

    C. Therefore, less grass and more trees and bushes would be welcome.

    D. It bore no relation to volunteers' social and economic status.

    E. So people have a deep affection for where they live.

    F. Hospitals, garages and motels were not so much

    G. But surroundings matter.

  • 6. 完形填空

    Teenagers are more likely to cause conflict with their parents than any other age child. Teens often think what they are saying is 1. They believe that if they keep arguing, they can 2 their parents.

    Teenagers argue with their parents because two things are still 3 during the adolescent period: the limbic system (边缘系统) and the frontal lobe (额叶). The former 4 emotions, and the latter helps with people's decision making.

    With not everything fully developed in teenager bodies, it 5 how they react to discipline and the word "no". Teenagers want to have freedom and the 6 to do what they want. Being teenagers is very 7. There are too many things happening in a teen's 8 all at once and their bodies are not quite ready to 9 everything that's happening. They are still in the 10 of growing and making all these life decisions.

    With teens having little free time, it's an unhappy thing to hear "no" coming from 11. Teens want to do something interesting with friends or just simply 12 without worrying about anything. They trust themselves to be 13. Some teens don't understand why they're told they can't do something. Without reasoning behind the "no", there is often a spark of 14 leading into an argument. If parents gave a(an) 15 reason for their decision, it could 16 many arguments and keep a healthy 17. Even if they disagree, when knowing their parents' reason 18, teenagers are less likely to respond in a negative way.

    Parents should not 19 intervene with(干预) their kids' choices. It is a part of growing up, and making 20 and suffering the consequence is an important lesson to learn.

    A . right B . strange C . interesting D . acceptable
    A . meet B . switch C . change D . understand
    A . occurring B . falling C . appearing D . developing
    A . calculates B . regulates C . transports D . stimulates
    A . introduces B . influences C . explains D . forces
    A . preferences B . desires C . options D . ambition
    A . stressful B . essential C . relaxed D . annoying
    A . home B . life C . room D . study
    A . help B . receive C . handle D . stop
    A . shape B . form C . project D . process
    A . doctors B . parents C . friends D . teachers
    A . hang out B . come over C . stay up D . break down
    A . honest B . clever C . responsible D . dependent
    A . complaint B . competition C . commitment D . disagreement
    A . funny B . polite C . original D . good
    A . end B . stand C . complete D . hold
    A . connection B . relationship C . community D . society
    A . quietly B . detailedly C . easily D . clearly
    A . always B . occasionally C . seldom D . hardly
    A . models B . choices C . decisions D . promises
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    There are certain things on the Earth that we must not lose. The great animal migration across the Serengeti Plains or the towering pyramids of Egypt are such examples. Every country is proud of  (it) cultural or natural heritage sites,  must be protected. We are lucky to have UNESCO to oversee such an important task. It sees heritage as our legacy from  past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations as well as irreplaceable sources  inspiration.

    The incredible splendour of heritage sites is a  (remind) of the power of nature and the genius of man. As a nature reserve, Jiuzhaigou Valley is home to snow-capped mountains, thick forests, impressive waterfalls and lakes. This dream-like scenery makes us realize that nature has  (true) created a masterpiece. Similarly, standing in the shadow of the Borobudur Temple, as the sun rises over this grand historic building, we  (impress) with the effort and determination of the people who  (build) it with only primitive tools.

    It is in heritage sites like this  we cannot help but be humbled, come to understand our limitations as human beings, and know what we should bear in mind is to protect them for generations  (come).

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Dear Tony,

    I am glad that you are keen on Chinese idioms. Chinese idioms, mainly consist of four or more Chinese characters, have been appealing to those absorbed in Chinese. As matter of fact, they were an indispensable part of Chinese culture. The benefits of learning it can be listed as following.

    First, with a great many of Chinese idioms widely used in our daily life, having a good knowledge of them contribute to better understanding both spoken and written Chinese. Second, they usually possess vivid and profound meanings, making which people try to convey more convincing. As far as I am concerning, I have a preference for the stories behind some Chinese idioms. Not only are they particular interesting, but they also tend to teach some wisdom. I sincerely hope you can learn them well.


    Li Hua

  • 9. 今年10月16日是第41个世界粮食日,请你以"光盘行动(Clear Your Plate Campaign)"为题写一封倡议书,号召同学们树立节约意识,内容包括:



    Clear Your Plate Campaign

