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更新时间:2022-07-28 浏览次数:37 类型:期末考试
一、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20 分)
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Emma Hart Willard (1787-1870) was an American pioneer educator. In her time colleges and universities were for men, and women were not permitted to attend. Emma received advanced education at home from her father and became a school teacher at twenty. She continued to teacher school for several years after her marriage, then began offering college lessons in her home to women students. Later she founded a school in New York State, which was the first school for higher education in the U. S. for women. Emma Willard also tried to persuade New York state to pass a law to allow women to attend public colleges and universities, though that did not come about until after her death. Some years later people remembered her for her life-long efforts and elected her to the U. S. Hall of Fame(荣誉) in 1905.

    1. (1) During Emma Willard's lifetime, women in the U. S. ________.
      A . were allowed to receive higher education B . went to separate colleges and universities C . started to enjoy equal rights to education D . began to fight for the rights to education
    2. (2) In what way did Emma's father help her to do what she did?
      A . He allowed her to run a school at home. B . He urged her to become a school teacher. C . He taught her college lessons himself. D . He sent her to college.
    3. (3) What do you suppose the U.S. Hall of Fame is?
      A . It is a building set up in memory of the great people of the U. S. B . It is a grand hall where honored people receive prizes from the U. S. government. C . It is a place where honored people in the U. S. are buried. D . It is a club of VIPs to which respected people are elected.
    4. (4) Which of the following BEST explains why Emma Willard was an important person?
      A . She was the first American woman to get a college education. B . She was the first American woman to become a college teacher. C . She fought for equal rights for women in the U. S. D . She was a pioneer (先锋) in winning higher education for women in the U. S.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    For any person who must speak in public, to business or pleasure groups, humor is a helpful and necessary tool for getting your message across. Why does humor work a lot? There are several reasons.

    People will enjoy what you have to say if it is presented with humor. But, more importantly, if you are in a situation where important,and perhaps controversial (有争议的),ideas must be presented to less than open minds,humor allows those ideas to be presented in a nonthreatening (无威胁的) manner. Abraham Lincoln was famous for his ability to relate humorous stories to make a point. Humor used carefully throughout a presentation will also keep the listeners' interest high. In a word,individuals learning how to use humor in their speeches can strengthen arguments, support interesting presentations and, most of all, entertain their audience in a positive and comfortable way.

    While popular culture may well hold many kinds of humor,some of it has no place in presentations that are designed to educate and encourage the audience. If you want to become a professional excellent comedian(喜剧演员) whose goal is 100% entertainment, then you may be able to use some of the reference materials like The Art of Using Humor in Public Speaking. They can help you develop your skills and sources of humor. To that end, your participation in this study of humor will become necessary. Hopefully, you will come to appreciate the special difficulty of entertaining the audience with good and clean humor.

    1. (1) How many reasons does the author give for using humor?
      A . One. B . Three. C . Five. D . Seven.
    2. (2) What's the purpose of excellent comedians?
      A . To educate the audience. B . To encourage the audience. C . To entertain the audience. D . To exchange with the audience.
    3. (3) Which of the following has a similar meaning to the underlined word "end" in the last paragraph?
      A . finishing B . conversation C . stop D . result
  • 3. 阅读理解

    When we do not understand each other's language,we can talk with the help of body language.

    A Frenchman was once traveling in England. He couldn't speak English at all. One day he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When the waiter came,he opened his mouth, put his fingers in it and took them out again. He wanted to say, "Bring me something to eat." The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The man moved his head from side to side. The waiter understood him and took the tea away. In a moment he came again with a cup of coffee and put it on the table. The man again refused his offer. He shook his head whenever the waiter brought him something to drink, because drinks are not food. When the man was going away, another man came in. This man saw the waiter, and he put his hands on his stomach. That was enough. In a few minutes there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table in front of him.

    So you see, we can understand the language of signs as well as we can understand the language of words.

    1. (1) According to the passage, when people do not understand each other's language, they can talk with the help of ________.
      A . hands, head and other parts B . a translator     C . a waiter D . an English speaker
    2. (2) A Frenchman signed to the waiter ________.
      A . to translate the words B . to tell him what he said C . to bring him a cup of tea D . to ask him for food
    3. (3) From the story, we know ________.
      A . people can only understand the language of words B . people can understand each other with the help of the language of signs as well as the language of words C . people can make clear the language of the waiter and the translator D . people can understand the native language
  • 4. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    British English and American English are almost the same.  

    The first difference between British and American English is in vocabulary. Almost all of the words used in British English and American English are exactly the same.  For example, Americans would say "apartment", but the British would say "flat" to talk about the place where they live. In addition to some common words, many idiomatic (惯用的) expressions are different. In England people might say "I'll ring you up tonight", but in the US, people might say "I'll call you up tonight".

    The second difference between British and American English is in pronunciation. The main difference in pronunciation lies in the vowels. But most of the time, the British and Americans do understand each other's pronunciation because most of the sounds of the two dialects are the same.

    The third difference is very small.  A few types of words are spelled differently in British and American English. The most common example is in a word like "center". In British English, this word would be spelled C-E-N-T-R-E, while in American English the same word would be spelled C-E-N-T-E-R.

     The British may say "Have you got …?" while Americans prefer "Do you have …?" An American might say "my friend just arrived", but a British would say "my friend has just arrived".

    A. This is the difference in spelling.

    B. There are a few differences in grammar, too.

    C. But there are some differences between them.

    D. Only a very small number of words are used differently.

    E. Both languages have a slightly different structure of telling the time.

    F. The English language was introduced to America in the early 17 century.

    G. Sometimes, Americans and the British don't understand each other's pronunciation.

三、完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分30 分)
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    There was a small boy living on a farm which seemed like so far away from everywhere. He needed to get up before sunrise every morning to start his everyday jobs and go out again late in the evening to do the same 1.

    During sunrise he would 2 a break and climb up the fence so that he could see the house with golden windows 3 the distance. He thought 4 great it would be to live there and his 5 would wander to imagine the modern equipment and electric devices that might6 in the house. "If they could 7 the golden windows, they8 have other nice things." He then 9 himself, "Some day I will go there and see that wonderful place."

    Then one morning his father told him to stay at home and he would not do the everyday jobs. 10 that this was his chance, he packed a sandwich and 11 the field towards the house with golden windows.

    He walked and walked. As the afternoon went on,he began to realize how he misjudged the long 12 and something else was very wrong. As he 13 the house,he saw no golden windows but instead a place in bad 14 of a painting surrounded by a broken-down fence. He went to the tattered (破烂的) door and 15. A small boy very 16 his age opened the door.

    He asked him if he had seen the house with 17 windows. The boy said "Sure, I know." and 18 him to sit on the porch (门廊). As he sat there, he looked back from 19 he just came; the sunset 20 the windows of his house to gold there.

    A . homework B . classes C . cleaning D . ones
    A . take B . give C . do D . start
    A . from B . in C . with D . across
    A . much B . even C . very D . how
    A . feet B . eyes C . mind D . heart
    A . sit B . exist C . stand D . disappear
    A . change B . share C . provide D . afford
    A . can't B . must C . have to D . need to
    A . promised B . supported C . asked D . encouraged
    A . Hearing B . Imaging C . Realizing D . Ignoring
    A . crossed B . found C . planted D . chose
    A . situation B . thought C . distance D . opinion
    A . approached B . considered C . enjoyed D . noticed
    A . case B . memory C . part D . need
    A . listened B . knocked C . waited D . leaned
    A . satisfied with B . familiar with C . fond of D . close to
    A . worn B . golden C . favorite D . beautiful
    A . invited B . persuaded C . helped D . managed
    A . when B . why C . where D . what
    A . made B . drove C . turned D . put
  • 6. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Some theme parks are not only  (amuse) but also educational. Take the Polynesian  (culture) Center (PCC) in Hawaii for example. It not only shows visitors the Polynesian way of life but also    (protect) their skills and culture for the future. Polynesia is the name  (give) to the many groups of small islands that are spread about the Pacific Ocean.

    (village) from many island communities come to the Polynesian island villages to show visitors their styles of dress and different customs. You can  learn how they make clothes from bark (树皮) and how they climb very tall trees with their bare feet or see kind of wedding ceremonies they have. They also show you their cooking methods and their dance.

    Their most important skill is boat­building,allowed the islanders to explore all the islands in the Polynesian Triangle. We know that in their history they were sea travelers moving  island to island. They were able to find their way  (use) the smell of the wind, the movements of fish and seaweed, and the  (high) and directions of the waves.

  • 17. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    When I was a senior in a high school, I had a teacher calling Mrs. Smith.

    She taught English and she has an important effect on me. She was fill of love for us.

    She had our class to make posters and hang it around the school. She taught us that one kindly act can go long way. Well, Mrs. Smith passed away just a couple of year ago after a long battle with the breast cancer. I'll never forget how a wonderful and sweet lady she was. I am going to be a teacher like her and I'll always remember his kindness.

  • 18. 假如你是高一学生李华,请你根据下列写作要点写作要求以学生会的名义为即将举办的篮球友谊赛写一份英文海报。


    1)参加者:宝鸡中学校队和我校校队;(a friendly basketball match)

    2)地点:学校篮球馆;(the basketball gym)


    4)组织者:学生会;(The Students' Union)






    One possible version:


    A friendly basketball match is to be held


    The Students' Union

    July 7, 2022

