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更新时间:2022-05-31 浏览次数:54 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the man going to do tonight?
      A . Watch a match at a stadium. B . Attend a concert. C . See a film.
    2. (2) How much should the man pay finally?
      A . $60. B . $85. C . $120.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What's the woman's job in England?
      A . Importing wines. B . Building houses. C . Traveling.
    2. (2) How does the woman usually go to work?
      A . By bus. B . By car. C . On foot.
    3. (3) What is the man's attitude toward his work?
      A . Careless. B . Favorable. C . Bored.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . Roommates. B . Co-workers. C . Salesman and customer.
    2. (2) When will the speakers visit the factories?
      A . On Monday. B . On Tuesday. C . On Wednesday.
    3. (3) Why does the man decide to ring the factories?
      A . To inform them. B . To make surprises. C . To talk about the market.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why did Eric go to Sydney?
      A . To do business. B . To study. C . To travel.
    2. (2) How did Eric keep in touch with his family?
      A . By letter. B . By phone. C . Through the Internet.
    3. (3) Whom did Eric live with in Sydney?
      A . His sister. B . His parents. C . A host family.
    4. (4) What does the man do?
      A . A lawyer. B . A teacher. C . A policeman.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where did people watch flying cars before the AirCar flew?
      A . On the Internet. B . In the movies. C . In city museums.
    2. (2) Where did the AirCar take off from?
      A . At a regional airport. B . At an airport in Bratislava. C . In the CEO's garden.
    3. (3) How many seats will the new AirCar have?
      A . 3. B . 4. C . 2.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Here are four traditional festivals in Spain.

    Saint John's Eve

    Saint John's Eve is a midsummer celebration being celebrated at the eve of the Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist. According to a legend, Saint John was born six months before Jesus, so the day of Saint John the Baptist was set to be celebrated six months before Christmas. Nowadays, for most people Saint John's Eve just marks the start of summer.

    Festival of Saint Fermin

    The festival is held annually in Pamplona, Spain, beginning at noon on July 6 and ending at midnight on July 14, honoring the city's first bishop and patron saint, Saint Fermin. The festival involves traditions such as running, bullfighting and fireworks.

    Fallas in Valencia

    This festival involves statues that have been constructed all year round being placed all around Valencia. That is not all. All of the statues at the end of the festival are just burned right in front of everyone's eyes. It is an annual celebration held in March. During the week of Fallas you will hear a lot of fire crackers exploding and beautiful ladies and girls called falleras being dressed in traditional Spanish dresses.

    La Tomatina in Bunol

    Have you ever wanted to throw something at someone's face? Well, La Tomatina festival will let you take out all your frustrations! This crazy tradition started more than 70 years ago and is celebrated every last Wednesday of August in Bunol. In this festival 20,000 people throw tomatoes at each other. For what? You might ask. Just for fun!

    1. (1) Why do most people celebrate Saint John's Eve now?
      A . To memorize Jesus. B . To spread a legend. C . To mark a season's start. D . To honor ancient Romans.
    2. (2) How long does Festival of Saint Fermin last?
      A . About five days. B . Nearly nine days. C . Fourteen days. D . Two months.
    3. (3) Which festival can you experience in August?
      A . Saint John's Eve. B . Festival of Saint Fermin. C . Fallas in Valencia. D . La Tomatina in Bunol.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Elvis Cortés Hernández grabs his lunch and sits down with his friends. We're at the General Lázaro Cárdenas school in Ajalpan, deep in the heart of Mexico's Puebla province. And the ten-year-old is chatting about the school's vegetable garden, one element of its progressive food policy. "I like to eat in the school dining room," he says.

    The pupils' involvement in the initiative goes much further than just sitting down to eat lunch together each day: all 96 students, with occasional help from their parents, also have a hand in growing the food themselves in the school's very own garden. Raised plant beds were put in place after a study by local NGO, SURCOS, discovered high levels of malnutrition in the Náhuatl community in the town of Ajalpan. Eighty-seven percent of youth were found to be suffering from health issues caused by poor diet, itself a product of the economic hardships suffered by the families of the school kids.

    The garden, which is currently producing 13 different types of vegetables and is also home to a henhouse, has been responsible for more than just an improvement in the students' health. Since the school decided to take an active role in what its children ate, their grades have also gone up. "We are discovering that students' poor marks are definitely caused by unhealthy eating," says the School's Director, José Cirilo Cruz Peralta. "It was a good moment to try and link these two things and make something positive out of it."

    Two members of the school staff, Juan Arturo Córdoba and Matilde Cruz, explain that they also use the garden to aid lessons in multiplication and division as the pupils use rulers to measure out perimeters (周长) and areas for the seed beds. Basic biology lessons are supplied by the hens, who also provide between 15 and 18 eggs each day for the dining room.

    The school gives breakfast and lunch to its students every weekday, and the children's enthusiasm (热情) within their educational place has spread to their home life. Some parents are following the school's example and creating their own garden plots at home.

    1. (1) Why were raised plant beds put in school?
      A . To improve students' health. B . To support basic biology lessons. C . To develop students' planting skills. D . To beautify the campus environment.
    2. (2) What is the third paragraph mainly about?
      A . The weak points of growing gardens. B . The process of growing gardens. C . The skills needed to grow gardens. D . The significance of growing gardens.
    3. (3) What's students' attitude to growing gardens in school?
      A . Dissatisfied. B . Uncared. C . Favorable D . Doubtful.
    4. (4) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
      A . Parents should set a good example to their children. B . The school will give dinner to its students in the future. C . Creating home vegetable gardens may become popular. D . The children's enthusiasm is hugely inspired by their parents.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    For many, Labor Day weekend signals the end of summer and an opportunity to host a socially-distanced barbecue (an outdoor meal). But this national holiday—celebrated every year in the United States and Canada on the first Monday in September—has revolutionary (革命性的) origins.

    By the late 19th century, the Industrial Revolution had made working life miserable for people around the world. In many places, workers toiled for at least 12 hours a day six days a week in mines, factories, railroads, and mills. This holiday actually originated in the US on May 1, 1866, in what came to be known as the Haymarket Riot, workers flooded Chicago streets to demand an eight-hour workday.

    It would take another conflict in the American Midwest to make Labor Day a national holiday. On May 11, 1894, workers at the Pullman Palace Car Company, a railroad car manufacturer near Chicago, went on strike to protest their low wages and 16-hour workdays. In August 1893, James Kyle introduced federal legislation (立法) to make Labor Day a public holiday, but for ten months the legislation was put on hold. To quiet the strikers and their supporters, the Senate quickly passed the bill on June 22. The bill passed the House four days later and President Grover Cleveland signed it into law on June 28, 1894.

    The holiday is more information May Day labor celebrations. Many observers relax at home or head to outdoor recreational activities, such as boating, barbecues, and camping. It may also be marked with fireworks shows and other events. Labor Day has also become associated with retail sales, as many shop owners try to take advantage of the customers' day off. It is one of the largest sales events of the year. meaning retail employees actually have to work more on this day. Parades are the most common model of celebration, which often feature processions of labor groups.

    1. (1) What do we know about the workers in the late 19th century?
      A . They were paid well. B . They had long workdays. C . They often had a barbecue. D . Their contributions were recognized.
    2. (2) Which can replace the underlined words "put on hold" in paragraph 3?
      A . Put off. B . Introduced. C . Got through. D . Protected.
    3. (3) When did Labor Day become an official holiday throughout America?
      A . On May 1, 1886. B . On August 22, 1893. C . On May 11, 1894. D . On June 28, 1894.
    4. (4) What's the last paragraph mainly about?
      A . The origins of Labor Day. B . The labor groups achievements. C . The ways to celebrate Labor Day. D . The official activities on Labor Day.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Traffic jam is a problem for cities around the world, with some looking to electric scooters (踏板车) to ease the problem, and others to Al-enabled traffic lights. But one company believes the solution is to build a network of driverless high-speed pods (吊舱) that ride around cities suspended (悬挂) from a steel track.

    In June, Belarus-based uSky Transport opened a 400-meter test line in Sharjah (沙加). From the outside, the electrically powered pods are white while the inside is designed to feel like a first-class airline suite, including mood lighting, music and floor-to-ceiling windows. With two padded armchairs and two foldable seats, the vehicle being tested can carry up to four passengers. A complete city-wide network could support 10,000 passengers per hour, uSky says, with vehicles at present able to travel up to 150 kilometers per hour.

    The company says its aim is to free up roads and ground spaces that could be used for greenery, walkways and public leisure spaces, "The ground space is completely over-saturated, and people are tired of traffic jams. People are tired of emissions," says Oleg Zaretskiy, uSky Transport's CEO.

    According to uSky, while one kilometer of subway can cost up to $150 million to construct, this system costs around $10 million. And by using less structural materials, it reduces carbon emissions. The company has also developed a similar technology to transport goods containers, carrying up to 48 tons at a top speed of 90 kilometers per hour.

    Although she cautions that it would require careful planning to avoid traffic jam in a busy city-wide network, Haag believes it could still be a widely adopted solution if the promises of improved mobility and sustainability (持续性) are kept.

    Zaretskiy says uSky is also looking beyond Sharjah. "We can see that the most promising areas for us are in the Middle East and Asia—places where there is natural growth of population, such as India and Pakistan," he says. Haag adds that pods are more suited to countries where public transportation is under-developed and there is increasing demand for mobility solutions. The company hopes to finalize its first commercial contract (商业合同) by the end of the year in Sharjah, Zaretskiy adds, meaning uSky pods could be running properly by 2024.

    1. (1) What's the company's goal according to Oleg Zaretskiy?
      A . To solve the problem of traffic jam completely. B . To free up more ground space for other uses. C . To compete with airplane companies. D . To develop public transportation.
    2. (2) What's the feature of uSky pods?
      A . They are less safe to travel. B . They are expensive to construct. C . They are popular with most people. D . They are environmentally friendly.
    3. (3) What's the underlined word "over-saturated" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
      A . Crowded. B . Vast. C . Clean. D . Empty.
    4. (4) What's the best title of the text?
      A . USky Pods Help Cities Solve Traffic Problems B . The Company USky Is Developing a New Product C . USky Transport Competes with Airplane Companies D . Some Countries Have Demand for Mobility Solutions
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Travel of any kind can be expensive. Experienced RV (房车) travellers already know that there are savings to be found in travelling in an RV.  There are ways to make these travels more budget-friendly (省钱的).

    Research on the internet. Start by spending some time researching RV sites and campgrounds. You can search for sites by state and region (地区). In addition, you can learn about the choices and facilities.  You can save some by determining how much you will spend ahead of time.

    Cook your own food. Another great choice you have while RV travelling is having your kitchen.  Of course you can still enjoy eating out at local restaurants, but you can be much more budget-friendly. Not only do you save money by cooking by yourself, you can also take the opportunity to enjoy the local food on a farmers' market.

     Many activities that allow you to explore your destination are also free. Research some great places to hike. Many other activities sometimes do have a minimal fee. Museums will often have days with no entrance fees.

    A. Find low-cost or free activities.

    B. Kitchen is always useful for your skills.

    C. You can even read helpful guest reviews.

    D. Make finding activities a family challenge.

    E. However, traveling in an RV is still an expensive choice.

    F. There you can enjoy all of the destinations you are eager to visit.

    G. One of the biggest expenses while travelling is that of every meal.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I was driving to a business appointment when I came to a very busy crossroad. The traffic light had just turned red. Suddenly, an unforgettable 1 caught my eyes. A young couple, both blind, were 2 across-in-arm across this busy crossroad with cars racing by in every direction. Each of them had a walking stick extended, searching for clues to 3 them.

    At first I was moved. They were trying to 4 what I felt was one of the most scary disabilities—blindness. It must be terrible to be 5. My thought was quickly interrupted by 6 when I saw that the couple were directly walking toward the middle of the crossroad. Without 7 the danger they were in, they were walking right into the path of oncoming cars. I was 8 because I didn't know if the other drivers understood what was happening.

    To my astonishment, I saw a(n) 9 scene unfold before my eyes. Every car in every direction came to a(n) 10. No sharp sound of brakes or noisy horn were heard, nor did anyone 11, "Get out of the way!" Everything 12. At that moment, time seemed to stand still for this couple.

    Amazed, I 13 the cars around me. I noticed that everyone's attention was fixed on the couple. 14, the driver to my right yelled, "To your right! To your right!" Other people 15 in union, shouting, "To your right!"

    The couple adjusted their own 16 and they made it to the other side of the road. As they arrived at the roadside, one thing 17 me—they were 18 arm-in-arm. I was surprised by the 19 expressions on their faces and judged that they had no idea what was really 20 around them.

    As I drove away, I did so with more awareness of life and care for others than ever before.

    A . scene B . car C . accident D . driver
    A . wandering B . walking C . rushing D . marching
    A . inspect B . guide C . preserve D . approach
    A . overcome B . achieve C . suffer D . recover
    A . deaf B . blind C . injured D . noisy
    A . sorrow B . regret C . terror D . frustration
    A . realizing B . recognizing C . removing D . preventing
    A . concerned B . certain C . lucky D . interested
    A . familiar B . peaceful C . wonderful D . terrible
    A . agreement B . conclusion C . end D . stop
    A . yell B . order C . announce D . promise
    A . developed B . calmed C . froze D . changed
    A . looked for B . looked around C . looked up D . looked at
    A . Strangely B . Obviously C . Suddenly D . Hopefully
    A . arrived B . followed C . replied D . reacted
    A . schedule B . voice C . speed D . course
    A . frightened B . puzzled C . excited D . touched
    A . still B . even C . yet D . already
    A . astonished B . relieved C . emotionless D . hopeless
    A . going by B . going on C . breaking down D . breaking out
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about being late for school. There were many people waiting at  bus stop, and some of them looked very anxious and  (concern). When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next  the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. Suddenly a boy on a bike  (catch) my attention. He was riding beside the bus. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused  (stop). Still, the boy kept riding. He was carrying something over his shoulder and kept  (shout). Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up to the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked, " anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?" A woman on the bus shouted, "Oh, dear! That's  (I)." She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully.  the boy had done set everyone on the bus talking, and the crowd of strangers  (sudden) became friendly to one another.

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Once I was praised because I did something meaningful on my pocket money. One day, I happened to knowing some students in a far away school were hungry for knowledges because they didn't have enough books. I decide to offer my help. With all the pocket money I saved it, I bought some books online, and gave them away to the school. My parents was very happy and praised me great when they heard about it. They said I did good thing. I believe that every little bit makes a different. I will continue to help those which are in trouble.

  • 19. 假定你是李华。你的英国笔友Jack最近给你写了一封邮件,信中说他沉迷于电脑游戏,成绩下滑,很是苦恼。请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:






